Fellow Finder
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+ Add more filtersName | Year | Description | Country |
ABAKUNOVA, Anna | 2012/2013 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Holocaust Studies Research Project: Holocaust and Porrajmos in the Transnistria Region during the Second World War. History and Memory |
Ukraine |
ACESKA, Ana | 2013/2014 EntE Europe next to Europe Fellow |
Affiliation: Sociology Research Project: Beyond Dichotomies: Ethnicity, Space and Senses of Togetherness across the Border in Ethnically Divided Cities in Post-War Bosnia-Herzegovina |
Macedonia |
ACHERMANN, Erika | 2007/2008 Landis & Gyr Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: |
Switzerland |
ADAMOPOULOU, Maria | 2024/2025 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Affiliation: History Research Project: Tangled Antennas: A Cold War History of Radio for Greek Migrants |
Greece |
ADASHINSKAYA, Anna | 2022/2023 2016/2017 2014/2015 Extension of the “Periodization in the History of Art” research program Fellow PoM Returning Fellow BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Field of Study: Medieval Studies Research Project: The Stigmergy of Graffiti: How Did the 16th- and 17th-century Visitors of Moldavian Churches Decide Where to Leave Their Mark? (2022/2023)“O Lord, accept the prayers of your servants have mercy upon them…”: Representation and Commemoration Strategies in Moldavian Noble Foundations (Late 15th – First Half of the 16th Century) (2016/2017) Power on display: Offering, Keeping, and Exhibiting Documents in Byzantine and Balkan Monasteries from the 12th to the 15th Century (2014/2015) |
Russia |
ALEXANDRESCU, Filip Mihai | 2013/2014 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology History Research Project: Reconstructing Places, Relationships and Memories after Displacement: The Human Story Behind the Bicaz Dam, Romania |
Romania |
ALEXANDRESCU, Raluca | 2011/2012 2005/2006 NEC – POSDRU Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: La modernité contrariée: la pensée politique roumaine de la Belle Epoque jusqu'à la Grande Guerre (1895-1914) entre la gauche impossible et le piège du traditionalism [ Modernity upset: Romanian political thought from the Belle Epoque to the Great War (1895-1914), between the impossible left and the trap of traditionalism] (2011/2012)Les incertitudes de la démocratie. Sur la modernisation politique et la production intellectuelle de la démocratie au XIXe siècle roumain [The uncertainties of democracy. On political modernization and the intellectual production of democracy in nineteenth-century Romania] (2005/2006) |
Romania |
ALEXANDRESCU, Vlad | 1998/1999 1995/1996 RELINK Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: Eléments pour une problèmatique du commencement (1998/1999)Paradoxe sceptique et construction dogmatique dans l'oeuvre de Blaise Pascal (1995/1996) ORCID: 0000-0002-1901-976X |
Romania |
ALEXANDROVA, Nadezhda | 2017/2019 How to Teach Europe Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Teaching History of Emotions in Bulgarian Culture of the 19th Century |
Bulgaria |
AMBERG, Annette | 2024/ 2025 Landis & Gyr Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Art History Research Project: Curatorial research |
Switzerland |
ANĂSTĂSOAIE, Marian Viorel | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Research Project: The making of a world anthropologist: biographical and anthropological explorations of the Romanian-Jewish upbringing of John V. Murra (Isak Lipschitz) |
France |
ANDERSSON, Daniel | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: The Last Humanist? David Ruhnken and the Beginnings of 'Classical Scholarship' |
UK |
ANGHEL, Remus Gabriel | 2008/2009 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Migration Studies Ethnicity Research Project: Transnational Practices at the EU Borders: Case Study on the Border Regions between Romania and Ukraine |
Romania |
ANGHELINU, Mircea | 2009 NEC – LINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Research Traditions And Styles of Thinking in Archaeology |
Romania |
ARDELEANU, Constantin | 2022/2023 2021/2022 2020/2021 2017/2018 2012/2013 NEC Fellow NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Trade and Politics in the Black Sea Area in the Long 19th Century (2020/2021/2022)Trade and Politics in the Black Sea Area in the Long 19th Century (2017/2018) The Western World's "Discovery" of the Black Sea and the Economic Premises of the Crimean War (1774-1856) (2012/2013) ORCID: 0000-0002-9285-6126 |
Romania |
ARISTOV, Vadym | 2024/ 2025 Gerda Henkel Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: The Making of the Rurikids: Historical Writing and Dynastic Traditions in Early Medieval Eastern Europe |
Ukraine |
ARJEVANIDZE, Nargiza | 2020/2021 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Sociology Research Project: Experiences of Forced Displacement in Narratives of Women from Abkhazia |
Georgia |
ARSLAN, Ozan | 2014/2015 EntE Europe next to Europe Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: The Black Sea in WWI, its Assessment as a Space of War by the Belligerents, Strategic Goals and Naval Operations (1914-18) |
Turkey |
ARTIUKH, Volodymyr | 2020/2021 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Sociology Anthropology Research Project: Dramaturgy of Populism: Social protest in post-crisis Belarus |
Ukraine |
ASINOVSKII, Dmitrii | 2023/ 2024 GCE St. Gallen Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: The Cold War’s Exported Revolutions. Perception and Reality of Superpowers’ Interventions in the Third World |
Russia/ Israel |
AVRAM, Andrei | 2003/2004 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Linguistics Research Project: Ecology Meets Ideology: The Case of Creole Languages |
Romania |
AVRAM, Horea | 2017/2018 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Media Studies History and Theory of Art Research Project: Beyond the Screen: A History of Media Arts in Romania |
Romania |
AVRAMESCU, Cătălin | 2007 2004/2005 NEC – LINK Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: Symbolic Histories and Geographies (M.A. curricular course) and Geography and Political Imagination (M.A. curricular course) (2007)Peace and the Theory of Natural Law (2004/2005) |
Romania |
AVRAMOV, Iordan | 2014/2015 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Early Royal Society of London and Their Queries for Natural History: A Study and a Scholarly Edition of Texts |
Bulgaria |
AXINCIUC, Madeea | 2002/2003 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Imagination and Prophecy in Maimonides' Guide of the Perplexed |
Romania |
AXINIA, Anca Diana | 2023/ 2024 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: History Research Project: ‘The Gentle Soul of a Woman’: Gender and the Representation of Violence in the Bucharest Pogrom (January 21-23, 1941) |
Romania |
BABAK, Galyna | 2021/2022 2020/2021 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Literature Research Project: Politics of Cultural Transfer in Soviet Ukrainian Literature and Literary Theory in 1920s – the Beginning of 1930s: National Identity and Cultural Modernization |
Ukraine |
BAĆA, Bojan | 2019/2020 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Sociology Research Project: Towards Critical Postsocialist Studies: From Research on Post-Socialist Civil Society to Postsocialist Civil Society Research |
Montenegro |
BACONSKY, Teodor A. | 1995/1996 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Religious Studies Research Project: Devastatio Constantinopolitana. Figures de l'altérité et choc des cultures dans l'imaginaire religieux de la Quatrième Croisade [Devastatio Constantinopolitana. Figures of Otherness and Culture Clash in the Religious Imagination of the Fourth Crusade] |
Romania |
BADEA, Gabriela | 2024/2025 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Medieval Studies Research Project: Crafting the Poetic Self: The Art of Mimetic Self-Portraiture in Late Medieval Literature |
Romania |
BĂDESCU, Irina M. | 1994/1995 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: Le «froumain» dans (tous) ses états |
Romania |
BAGRO, Alena | 2024/2025 Gerda Henkel Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: The Podolian Fortifications in the Ukrainian Historical Narrative |
Russia/Residency in Ukraine |
BAINDURASHVILI, Kakha | 2018/2019 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Economics Research Project: The Research on Role of SME’s in Transitional Countries: SME’s Development in Georgia and Romania |
Georgia |
BALUȚĂ, Ionela | 2000/2001 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: « L’Hygiène science d'état ». Les hygiénistes comme « experts » dans le processus de construction étatique roumain (seconde moitié du XIXe siècle)Les enjeux sociaux de la construction d'une nouvelle identité féminine - la seconde moitié du XIX-e siècle roumain |
Romania |
BĂNEU, Alexandra | 2017/2018 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Evolution and Reception of Commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard in Central and Eastern Europe (15th–17th Centuries). The Case Study of Pelbartus of Themeswar’s Rosarium |
Romania |
BĂNICĂ , Mirel | 2007/2008 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Research Project: Présences du passé communiste dans l’espace public contemporain (Le cas de la Roumanie) |
Romania |
BARDAN, Alexandra | 2021/2022 NEC Haret Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Bureaucratic Gaps in Romania during the 1980s: Diasporas, Transnational Solidarity Networks, and the Second Economy ORCID: 0000-0003-1357-9456 |
Romania |
BARIC, Daniel | 2009/2010 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Antiquité et société dans les provinces orientales de l'Empire des Habsbourg (1815-1918) : Dalmatie, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Transylvanie |
France |
BARTELS, Myrthe | 2017/2018 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Classics Philosophy Research Project: Justice and the Application of the Law in Plato’s Crito |
The Netherlands |
BARTOSIEWICZ, Olga | 2014/2015 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Cultural Studies Literature Research Project: Romanian Jewish Modernism and Existentialism: The silhouette of Beniamin Fundoianu |
Poland |
BASCIANI, Alberto | 2020/2021 Lapedatu Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: A New World after the Great War? Romania and South-Eastern Europe between Modernization, Nationalism and Violence |
Italy |
BAUMGARTEN, Alexander | 2000/2001 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Le problème de l'unité de l'intellect dans la controverse parisienne des années 1270-1277 et la naissance de l'intellectuel universitaire dans l'averroïsme latin [The problem of the unity of the intellect in the Parisian controversy of 1270-1277 and the birth of the academic intellectual in Latin averroism] |
Romania |
BAYA, Mohamed | 2022/2023 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Literature Research Project: Burning Witnesses in Limbo: The Diaspora in Lalami’s Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits |
France |
BECIU, Camelia | 2002/2003 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Discours identitaire et comportement électoral dans la Roumanie post-communiste |
Romania |
BEDREAG, Elena | 2011/2012 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Medieval History Research Project: Family Relationships, Attitudes and Collective Sensibilities in Testamentary Discourse in 17th and 18th Century Moldavia |
Romania |
BEDROS, Vlad | 2006/2007 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Les images narratives dans l'iconographie moldave de l'abside de l'autel |
Romania |
BEGHETTO, Selina Nadine | 2019/2020 Landis & Gyr Fellow |
Affiliation: Research Project: Everything Is Possible from Here |
Switzerland |
BEJINARIU, Alexandru | 2019/2020 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: What is Phenomenological about Descriptive Psychology? A Study of Brentano’s Inductive Method of Descriptive Psychology and Its Significance for Husserl’s Logical Investigations |
Romania |
BELDIMAN, Ruxandra | 2007/2008 Europa Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Das Königsschloss Pelesch – ein Beispiel für den Historismus in Rumänien und ein Mitglied der deutschen Familie von Fürstenresidenzen in der zweiten Hälfte des 19 Jahrhunderts |
Romania |
BENARROSH-ORSONI, Norah | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Ethnology Research Project: Eriger sa maison, bâtir sa réputation? Ethnologie des investissements immobiliers des migrants roumains dans leurs villages d'orgine [Erecting his house, building his reputation? Ethnology of the real estate investments of Romanian migrants in their villages of origin] |
France |
BENEDEK, Jószef | 2005/2006 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Human Geography Research Project: Regionalisierungen und Regionalismus in Rumänien nach 1989: Grundlagen, Formen und Institutionen ORCID: |
Romania |
BENGA, Daniel | 2003/2004 Guest of the Rector Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Einführung in die Mentalitäten und das Ethos des antiken Christentums [Introduction to the mentalities and ethos of ancient Christianity] |
Romania |
BERCEA, Radu | 1998/1999 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Essai sur l'herméneutique « en acte » d'André Scrima |
Romania |
BERECZ, Ágoston | 2015/2016 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Language, Society and Politics in Dualist Transylvania |
Hungary |
BERESCU, Cătălin | 2009/2010 Europa Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: On some Queer Cultural Artifacts: The Slum, the Ghetto, the Shack |
Romania |
BIAGIOLI, Francesca | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy of Science Research Project: Mathematical and Transcendental Method in Cassirer's Philosophy of Science |
Italy |
BICAN, Bianca Elena | 1999/2000 NEC – MÖLLGAARD Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Die Rezeption von Paul Celans Lyrik in Rumänien. Untersuchung von Übersetzungsvarianten |
Romania |
BIDOCHKO, Lesia | 2023/ 2024 GCE St. Gallen Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: Ukraine’s Far-Right Movements: Controversies of Emic and Etic Perspectives |
Ukraine |
BILIARSKY, Ivan | 2003/2004 2002/2003 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: A Glossary of Juridical Terms in Mediaeval Bulgaria |
Bulgaria |
BILIĆ, Bojan | 2016/2017 EntE Europe next to Europe Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Sociology Gender Studies Research Project: Queeroslavia: The History and Politics of (Post-)Yugoslav LGBT Activism |
Serbia |
BILIUȚĂ, Ionuț Florin | 2010/2011 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Intellectual history Research Project: Secular versus Religious Nationalism in19th‑20th Century Romania. Stirring the Debating about the Essence of Romanian Nationalism |
Romania |
BÎRLĂDEANU, Vergiliu | 2001/2002 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Research Project: Archetypes of Political Culture in the Post-Soviet Societies |
Moldova |
BÎRSAN, Maria | 2006/2007 NEC – LINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Transnational Corporations and National Economies (optional course) |
Romania |
BLEBEA-NICOLAE, Gabriela | 2000/2001 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: De la casuistique à l'étique appliquée [From casuistry to applied ethics] |
Romania |
BOBOC, Cristina | 2018/2019 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Research Project: State modernization and formation of the middle class in the post-Soviet Azerbaijan. |
Moldova |
BODNARUK, Mariana | 2020/2021 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Making the Imperial Elite: Senatorial Aristocracy in the Later Roman Empire |
Ukraine |
BORBÉLY, Ștefan | 1998/2001 1996/1997 RELINK Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Image of the USA in the Romanian Mass-Media of the Cold-War PeriodClio and Psyché. A Theoretical Approach of the European Extensions of Psychohistory (1996/1997) |
Romania |
BORDAȘ, Liviu Ioan | 2010/2011 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Indology Research Project: Mircea Eliade as Indologist. A Historical Reconstruction of His Scholarly Reception |
Romania |
BORER, Kathrin | 2012/2013 Landis & Gyr Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: |
Switzerland |
BOSOMITU, Ștefan | 2011/2012 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: In the Age of "Misery": The Romanian Sociology during the Communist Regime (1948-1977) |
Romania |
BOTH, Ioana | 2007/2008 2006/2007 2003/2004 1997/1998 NEC – LINK Fellow GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: Figures de la violance dans le discours du journalisme roumaine moderneLa page écrite comme espace representationnel. Du visuel des formes littéraires (2006/2007) Methods and Directions in Contemporary Literary History (curricular course) (2003/2004) Mihai Eminescu – poète national roumain. Histoire et anatomie d'un mythe culturel [Mihai Eminescu - Romanian national poet. History and anatomy of a cultural myth] (1997/1998) |
Romania |
BOȚIC, Sebastian | 2018/2019 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Judging Originality: The Limits of Intellectual Property in Architectural Works |
Romania |
BOZGAN, Ovidiu Edvin Traian | 1999/2000 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Fellow Position: Research Project: État et Églises dans la Roumanie communiste 1945-1968 |
Romania |
BRAGA, Corin | 2007 NEC – LINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Fellow Position: Research Project: Symbolic Histories and Geographies (M.A. curricular course) Geography and Political Imagination (M.A. curricular course) |
Romania |
BRĂGEA, Elena-Cristina | 2020/2021 Lapedatu Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: A New World after the Great War? Romania and South-Eastern Europe between Modernization, Nationalism and Violence |
Romania |
BRAȘOVEANU, Mădălina | 2012/2013 2011/2012 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Rereading of a Small History: Atelier 35 Oradea |
Romania |
BREAZ, Dan Octavian | 2009/2010 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: From the Tutelary Avant-Garde to the Warded Avant-Garde. Politicization and Aesthetic Avatars of the Romanian Avant-Garde, 1945-1964 |
Romania |
BRETT, Daniel | 2011/2012 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science History Sociology Research Project: Normal Politics in a Normal Country? Comparing Agrarian Party Organization in Romania, Sweden and Poland Before 1947 |
UK |
BRÎNZEU, Pia | 2007 NEC – LINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Postcolonial Voices: Races, Cultures, Identities (curricular course) |
Romania |
BRKOVIĆ, Čarna | 2014/2015 EntE Europe next to Europe Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Research Project: Amidst Society and Nature: Ethnological Archives in the Balkans in the Early Twentieth Century |
Montenegro |
BRODEALĂ, Elena | 2020/2021 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Law Research Project: Gender Discrimination in Post-Communist Romania and the European Court of Human Rights |
Romania |
BROILO, Federica Alessandra | 2007/2008 Europa Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Diferent Approaches to the Study of Some Ottoman Settlements Along the Via Egnatia. Elbasan, Florina and Appolonia (15th-17th centuries) |
Italy |
BUCUR, Maria | 2022/2023 DigiHum Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Disability in Romanian History: Structures, Discourses, Silences ORCID: 0000-0001-5143-953X |
Romania/USA |
BUDARAGINA, Olga | 2015/2016 2014/2015 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Classics Research Project: A Step into the Past: Archaism in the Latin Literature of the Second CenturyM. Cornelius Fronto: A Man of Letters and His Letters (2014/2015) |
Russia |
BUDZ, Kateryna | 2012/2013 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Preserving Identity: The Catacomb Ukrainian Greek Catholics in the Soviet State (1946-1989) |
Ukraine |
BUJOR, Raluca | 2024/2025 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: Celebration and Leisure: Nonlinear Time in Plato’s Symposium |
Romania |
BULATOVA, Asiya | 2017/2018 2014/2015 PoM Returning Fellow BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: American Studies Russian Studies English Studies Research Project: Science of the Self: Human Agency in Formalist Theories of Literature and Biomedical Research, 1917–1925Science of the Self: Human Agency and the Legacy of Russian Formalism (2014/2015) |
Russia |
BUNESCU, Ioana | 2018/2019 NEC Haret Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Romanian Roma in Sweden between Local Integration and European Mobility |
Romania |
BUREIKO, Nadiia | 2019/2020 2015/2016 PoM Returning Fellow PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: Europeanisation via Education: How to Better Foster the European Perceptions and Ideas in UkraineEuropeanisation through Consolidation? Ukrainian Case (2015/2016) |
Ukraine |
BURKUSH, Kateryna | 2020/2021 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: History Research Project: Seasonal Migration and the Making of the Soviet Borderlands (1956–1985) |
Ukraine |
BYL, Vitali | 2018/2019 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Witchcraft in the Cultural Borderland: Witch Trials in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th–18th Centuries |
Belarus |
CADAGIN, Joseph | 2022/2023 DigiHum Fellow |
Affiliation: Music Research Project: Music, Magic, and Migration: György Ligeti’s "Síppal, dobbal" as Sonic Healing |
ÇAKIR, Dünya Deniz | 2010/2011 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: The Art of not Being Governed: from Islamist Journals to Islamic Critical Theory? |
Turkey |
CĂLIAN, George Florin | 2013/2014 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Ontological Kinds and the Generation of Numbers in Plato’s Late Dialogues |
Romania |
CAMPBELL, Treasa | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: Naturalising Normative Judgements through Epistemic Standards of Taste: A Model for Epistemic Expressivism |
Ireland |
CĂRĂBAȘ, Irina | 2012/2013 2010/2011 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Romanian Avant-Garde in its Afterlife. M. H. Maxy as Communist Painter |
Romania |
CARAIANI, Ovidiu | 1999/2000 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Confronting Collectivism: The Reconfiguration of Political Culture in Romania |
Romania |
CĂRĂUȘ, Tamara | 2009/2010 2001/2002 NEC Țuțea Fellow NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Cosmopolitanism and the Critical Cosmopolitan AttitudeNational Identity: Invention or Necessity? Case Study: Republic of Moldova (2001/2002) |
Moldova |
CÂRNECI, Magda | 2010/2011 1996/1999 Guest of the Rector Fellow RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: |
Romania |
CARPINSCHI, Anton | 2006/2007 NEC – LINK Fellow |
Fellow Position: Research Project: European Political Typologies: The Political Duality of the Unified Europe (M.A. curricular course) |
Romania |
CĂRTĂRESCU, Mircea | 1996/1997 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Modernism and Postmodernism in Contemporary Romanian Poetry |
Romania |
CASSIOLI, Marco | 2014/2015 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Medieval History Modern History Research Project: Commerce et médiation linguistique aux bouches du Danube. Les interprètes et leur rôle social dans la colonie génoise de Kilia (XIVe siècle) |
Italy |
CAȘU, Igor | 2019/2020 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Food, Ideology, and Modernization: The Postwar Mass Famine in Soviet Moldavia, 1946–1947 |
Moldova |
ČENGIĆ, Nejra Nuna | 2017/2018 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Position: Anthropology Research Project: ‘Salariat’ vs. ‘Projectariat’: Reconfigurations of Work and International Intervention |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
CEPIĆ, Dražen | 2013/2014 EntE Europe next to Europe Fellow |
Affiliation: Social Science Political Science Research Project: Friendship and Patronage in the Post-Socialist Context |
Croatia |
CERCEL, Cristian Alexandru | 2012/2013 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: Romania and the Deportation of its German Minority to USSR. Memory Discourses and Politics of Memory |
Romania |
CERNĂTESCU, Cătălin-Alin | 2023/2024 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Musicology Research Project: Censorship and Control in Romanian Music: Byzantine Musicology during the Communist Regime |
Romania |
CHAKHIAN, Tatev (Author) In association with DARBINYAN, Asya (Translator) | 2024/ 2025 Tandem – Author with Translator – Translator with Author Fellow |
Position: Literature/ Translation Research Project: Translating Tatev Chakhian’s poetry collection "Migrant Point" from Armenian into Georgian |
Armenia |
CHARALAMPAKIS, Pantelis | 2020/2021 N+N Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: “Ordinary people” and their professions. The contribution of sigillography to the study of Byzantine social history |
Greece |
CHATZELIS, Georgios | 2021/2022 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: History Research Project: Stratagems and the Byzantine Culture of War: Theory, Practice, Report and Reception in Byzantine Historiography and Beyond (c. 800-1204) ORCID: 0000-0002-7420-2321 |
Greece |
CHEBOTAROV, Oleksii | 2021/2022 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation Position History Research Project: The Border River Zbruch: a Socio-Cultural and Environmental History, 1900-1939 |
Ukraine |
CHELARU , Rafael - Dorian | 2009/2010 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Cutting Religious Boundaries: “Confessional” Discourse and Adaptation Strategies of the Catholic Missionaries in Moldavia (18th Century) |
Romania |
CHELCEA, Liviu | 2005/2006 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Housing Nationalization as a Distinct Urban Process: The Geographical Expression of State Remaking and Class Changes in Bucharest, 1945-1955 ORCID: |
Romania |
CHIGHOLASHVILI, David | 2015/2016 2013/2014 Black Sea Link Alumnus Fellow BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Research Project: Creative Urban Interventions in and about TbilisiCreative Interventions, Local Communities and Transformation in Bucharest (2013/2014) |
Georgia |
CHIOREAN, Andru | 2021/2022 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Seeing Like a Censor: Socialist Cultural Policy and Censorial Relations in Communist Romania, 1945-1989 |
Romania |
CHIRA, Rodica-Gabriela | 2005/2006 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: Du comique et de la science-fiction – à la rencontre du réel/d'un réalité |
Romania |
CHIRIȚĂ, Ioana-Andreea | 2016/2017 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Cultural Studies Chinese Studies Research Project: After the Rhinoceros: Experimenting with Realism in Contemporary Chinese Theatre (from 2000 to the present) |
Romania |
CHUKOV, Vladimir | 2004/2005 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Islamic Fundamentalism between Theoretical Comparative Background and Regional Dimensions |
Bulgaria |
CHUNIKHIN, Kirill | 2021/2022 2016/2017 PoM Returning Fellow PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Art History Research Project: Risk and Respirators: The Hazardous Trajectories of Soviet Occupational Safety (2022)The Representation and Reception of American Visual Art in the USSR during the Cold War, 1945-1991 (2016/2017) |
Russia |
CINDREA-NAGY, Iuliana | 2021/2022 Lapedatu Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Rural Voices |
Romania |
CIOABĂ, Cătălin-Dănuț | 1999/2000 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Die mannigfache Bedeutung des Begriffs «Eigentlichkeit» in «Sein und Zeit» [The manifold meaning of the term "actuality" in "being and time"] |
Romania |
CIOBA, Mianda-Tincuța | 2002/2003 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Medieval Studies Research Project: L'historiographie médiévale des Croisades. Typologie textuelle et functionalité discursive [The medieval historiography of the Crusades. Textual typology and discursive functionality ] |
Romania |
CIOC, Emilian | 2006/2007 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Nihilisme et politique. L'expérience moderne de la loi |
Romania |
CIOCAN, Cristinel | 2009/2010 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: The Vulnerable Body: The Human Corporeality and its Limit-Situations |
Romania |
CIOCÂRLIE, Alexandra Maria | 2007/2008 2002/2003 NEC Țuțea Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Exile of Romanian Writers in France after WWII (2007/2008)L'image du moi biographique dans le littérature grecque et latine (2002/2003) |
Romania |
CIOCÎLTAN, Virgil-Ionel | 1999/2000 1994/1995 RELINK Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology History Research Project: Vom Ausgang des Mittelalters zur Schwelle der Neuzeit: Europas Einheit in Vorstellung und Wirklichkeit (1396-1453) (1999/2000)Vom Kreuzzug zum Türkenkrieg: Europas Einheit in Vorstellung und Realität (1396-1453) [From Crusade to Turkish War: Europe's Unity in Imagination and Reality (1396-1453)] (1994/1995) |
Romania |
CIOFLEC, Eveline | 2008/2009 NEC – MÖLLGAARD Fellow |
Field of Study: Philosophy Research Project: Zu einer Phänomenologie des Handelns. Ein Ansatz mit Martin Heidegger und Hannah Arendt ausgehend vom Begriff der Situation [To a phenomenology of action. An approach of Martin Heidegger and Hannah Arendt based on the concept of situation] |
Romania |
CIOLFI, Lorenzo Maria | 2015/2016 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Byzantine Literature Greek palaeography Research Project: Byzantine Imperial Sainthood Through the Case of John III Vatatzes |
Italy |
CIOMOȘ, Virgil | 1994/1995 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: Temps et éternité. Aristote, Physique, IV, 10-14. Interprétation phénoménologique [Time and eternity. Aristotle, Physics, IV, 10-14. Phenomenological Interpretation] |
Romania |
CIOROIANU, Adrian-Mihai | 2000/2001 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Art, propagande et politique: le cas de Nicolae Ceaușescu [Art, propaganda and politics: the case of Nicolae Ceaușescu] |
Romania |
CISTELECAN, Alexandru | 2012/2013 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Political Science Research Project: Hegel after Hegel. On the Philosophical Dimensions and Political Consequences of Contemporary Leftist Political Theology |
Romania |
CIUCU, Cristina | 2007/2008 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: The Birth of a Jewish Romanian Hasidic Ideology and its Place within European Hasidism |
Romania |
CIUGUDEAN, Horia Ion | 2005/2006 1997/2000 GE – NEC Fellow RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Archaeology Research Project: Landscape Archeology in South-West Transylvania: Ancient Gold Mining in the Bucium-Zlatna Region |
Romania |
CIURTIN, Eugen | 2006/2007 Guest of the Rector Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: |
Romania |
CLARK, Roland | 2021/2022 Lapedatu Fellow |
Affiliation Position: History Research Project: Rural Voices |
Romania |
CODARCEA, Cristina | 1999/2000 1996/1997 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Catholiques, orthodoxes et musulmans. Pratiques syncrétiques en Europe du sud-est, 17-e – 18-e sièclesLe prince et le pays dans la Valachie du XVII siècle. Une étude sur le pouvoir [The prince and the country in Wallachia in the 17th century. A study on power] (1996/1997) |
Romania |
COJOCARU, Oana-Maria | 2023/2024 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Byzantine Studies Research Project: Performing Hope in Times of Crisis: Strategies of Survival and Continuity in Middle Byzantine Period ORCID: 0000-0001-5327-8258 |
Romania |
COJOCARU, Olga | 2018/2019 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Migration Studies Anthropology Research Project: Permanent Migrant Temporarity or “Why There’s Nothing as Permanent as a Temporary Migrant”? |
Moldova |
COLCERIU, Ștefan | 2008/2009 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: L'espace dans le Testament de Salomon et les manifestations d'une polémique identitaire de l'Antiquité tardive [Space in the Testament of Solomon and the Manifestations of an Identity Polemic of Late Antiquity] |
Romania |
COMAN, Marian | 2007/2008 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Latins, Turks and Schismatics in the 15th Century – The Rhetoric of Difference in Bertrandon de la Broquière's Travel Account ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-517X |
Romania |
CONSTANTIN, Marin | 2006/2007 2003/2004 GE – NEC Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Anthropology Research Project: Authorship, Representation, and Style in the Practice of the Folk Artisanship in Post-Socialist Romania (2006/2007)Capitalisme et transhumance. Etude comparée de trois écotypes pastoraux en Europe (La seconde partie de XXe siècle) (2003/2004) |
Romania |
CONSTANTIN, Măriuca-Oana | 2019/2020 NEC Haret Fellow |
Affiliation: National University of Political Science and Public Administration, Bucharest Position: Associate lecturer Field of Study:Political Science Law European Studies Research Project: Justice and Cultural Identity in Europe: An Analysis of Multicultural Jurisprudence and Cultural Defense Claims |
Romania |
CONSTANTINESCU, Ilinca | 2015/2016 Niculae Vlădescu Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Shrinking Cities by the Watercourse: The Danube, Forbidden or Ignored Resourse |
Romania |
CONSTANTINESCU, Romanița | 1998/2001 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Muster des Fremdverstehens, der Fremdwahrnehmung und Projektion im modernen Roman [Patterns of external understanding, external perception and projection in the modern novel] |
Romania |
COPACIU, Adriana | 2012/2013 2011/2012 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: L'avant-garde roumaine des années 1940-1960 : entre l'innovation artistique et l'esthétique de la banalité (2011/2012; 2012/2013) |
Romania |
CORBER, Erin | 2015/2016 NEC International Fellow |
Field of Study: Jewish Studies History Research Project: Fear and Loathing in the Rhineland: The Social Life of Anti-Semitism in Alsace-Lorraine, 1933-1940 |
Canada |
CORNEA, Andrei | 2001/2002 1994/1995 Guest of the Rector Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Art History Research Project: La «comparaison» khazare [ The "khazare" comparison] (1994/1995) |
Romania |
CORNEANU, Sorana Mihaela | 2006/2007 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Liberty and Obligation in John Locke and His Contemporaries: The Questions of Motivation, Belief and the Moral Conduct of the Understanding |
Romania |
COROBCA, Liliana (Author) In association with ISMAYIL, Jale (Translator) | 2024/2025 2013/2014 Tandem – Author with Translator – Translator with Author Fellow BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Cultural Studies Censorship Research Project: Translating Liliana Corobca’s "Kinderland" from Romanian into Azerbaijani (2024/ 2025)Censorship Institutions in the Countries of the Communist Bloc (2013/ 2014) |
Moldova/Romania |
COSTA, Ettore | 2021/2022 DigiHum Fellow |
Affiliation: Researcher: History Research Project: Science and Democracy (and Social Democracy): Scientific Questions for the Party of European Socialists (PES) in the 21st Century ORCID: 0000-0002-0037-3742 |
Italy |
COSTACHE, Ștefania | 2011/2012 NEC – Dilema Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Westernization as a Tool of Inter-Imperial Rivalry: Local Government in Wallachia Between Ottoman Control and Russian Protection (1829-1848) |
Romania |
COSTAMAGNA, Christian | 2024/2025 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Understanding the NATO Intervention Against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia |
Italy |
COSTREIE, Valentin Sorin | 2006/2007 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Leibniz and Clarke. Physics, Metaphysics and Mathematics ORCID: |
Romania |
COTOI, Călin Nicolae | 2017/2019 2008/2009 2006/2007 How to Teach Europe Fellow NEC – LINK Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The History of the Social: Social Laboratories and Networks of Reform in EuropeLocality Production, New Identities and Globalization (2008/2009) Imagining the National Space. Regionalism and Ethnology in Interwar Romania (2006/2007) |
Romania |
COTOVANU, Lidia | 2015/2016 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Les monastères de Valachie et de Moldavie dédiés aux Lieux Saints de l'Orthodoxie (seconde moitié du XVIe – début du XVIIIe siècle) |
Moldova |
COVACI, Valentina | 2018/2019 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Contested Orthodoxy: Latins and Greeks in Late Medieval Jerusalem |
Romania |
CRĂCIUN, Elena Magdalena | 2020/2021 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Research Project: Subjectification as Middle Class in Contemporary Romania |
Romania |
CRĂCIUN, Maria Silvia | 2004/2005 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Religious Studies Research Project: Religious Art in the Early Modern Transylvania. The Confessional Identity of the Lutheran Community |
Romania |
CRĂCIUN, Mărioara Camelia | 2012/2013 2010/2011 2007/2008 NEC – RHE Fellow NEC Odobleja Fellow Europa Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Jewish Studies History Research Project: Adam Review (1929-1940): Constructing a Jewish Romanian Discourse (2012/2013)Politics and Ideology in Jewish Romanian Intellectual Life during the Interwar Period: A. L. Zissu – W. Filderman Debate (2010/2011) From Shtetl to the Jewish Quaarter. Representations of the Urban Jewish Life and Space in Romanian Culture in the Interwar Period (2007/2008) |
Romania |
CRAMARENCO, Romana | 2006/2007 NEC – LINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Transnational Corporations and National Economies (curricular course) |
Romania |
CRASOVSCHI, Axinia | 2001/2002 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Russian Oldbelievers (Lipovans) in Romania |
Romania |
CREȚU, Cătălin | 2004/2005 NEC – BRITANNIA Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Musicology Research Project: Kognitive Modelle in der neuen Musik |
Romania |
CRISTEA, Ovidiu Constantin | 1999/2000 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: La défense dans la pensée médiévale occidentale: le cas de Nicopolis (1396) [Defence in western medieval thought: the case of Nicopolis (1396)] |
Romania |
CRISTEA-ENACHE, Mihail-Daniel | 2013/2014 Guest of the Rector Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: The Romanian Writer: From Socio-cultural Need to 'Democratic' Disinterest |
Romania |
CRITICOS, Mihaela Maria | 2001/2002 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Ornamental Dimension. Towards a Theory of the Ornament |
Romania |
CRIVĂȚ-VASILE, Anca Elena | 2001/2002 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Le merveilleux dans les encyclopédies latines du Moyen Age |
Romania |
CUCU, Alina Sandra | 2018/2019 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Flexible Capitalism from an Eastern European Corner: Transformations in the Romanian Automotive Industry, 1965–2017 |
Romania |
CULIC, Irina Lucia | 2002/2003 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Patterns and Dynamics of State-building and Nation-building in Central and Eastern Europe (including FSU) after 1989 |
Romania |
CUŞCO, Andrei | 2017/2019 2016/2017 2006/2007 How to Teach Europe Fellow PoM Returning Fellow NEC Țuțea Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Violence, Population Politics, and Total War in the East European Borderlands (1914–1920) (2017/2019)Mutual Perceptions and Imperial Policies in the Russian-Romanian Borderlands Before and During World War I (2016/2017) Particularités socioculturelles de l’analphabétisme populaire en situation de diglossie. Le cas de la Bessarabie et de la Transnistrie dans la première moitié du XXe siècle (2006/2007) ORCID: 0000-0002-2678-1760 |
Moldova |
CZOBOR-LUPP, Mihaela | 1999/2000 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Three Contemporary Philosophical Arguments for Plurality and their Relevance for the Meaning of Liberalism Nowadays: M. Foucault, I. Berlin, L. Strauss |
Romania |
DAN, Calin | 2009/2010 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: |
Romania |
DANIEL, Cristian Nicolae | 2009/2010 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Medieval Studies Research Project: Bridging the Gap: The Ecclesiological Landscape of Late Medieval Transylvania Seen through the Comparative "Lens" |
Romania |
DARBINYAN, Asya (Translator) In association with CHAKHIAN, Tatev (Author) | 2024/ 2025 Tandem – Author with Translator – Translator with Author Fellow |
Position: Literature/ Translation Research Project: Translating Tatev Chakhian’s poetry collection "Migrant Point" from Armenian into Georgian |
Armenia |
DAVIS, Chris | 2010/2011 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: The Brothers Mărtinaș: A Representative Biography along the Csangos' Quest for National Belonging in Ceaușescu's Romania |
de JONG, Ferdinand | 2023/2024 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Critical Heritage Studies Anthropology Religious Studies Research Project: The Vitality of Ruins: Care and Repair in Religious Heritage ORCID: 0000-0001-9499-2546 |
The Netherlands |
de OBALDIA, Vanessa | 2024/ 2025 DigiHum Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Simonopetra Monastery's Ottoman Archive: The Cataloguing and Prosopographical Contextualisation of the 17th Century Archival Documents of an Athonite Monastery |
Great Britain/Panama |
DECA, Ligia | 2018/2019 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: Drivers of Internationalization in Higher Education at the Periphery: The Cases of Romania and Portugal ORCID: |
Romania |
DECIU, Andreea | 1998/1999 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Nostalgia and the Construction of the Self: An Intercultural Approach to the Identity of the Sojourner |
Romania |
DECUBLE, Horațiu Gabriel | 2007/2008 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Literature Philosophy Research Project: Laodizee. Religion und Gesellschaft im Zeitalter der Globalisierung |
Romania |
DEDIU, Dan | 1997/1998 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Aesthetics of Musical Imagery |
Romania |
DELCEA, Sergiu | 2022/2023 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Economics Political Science International Relations Research Project: Social Policy as Foreign Policy? Differential Internationalization and Social Policy Transfers in Interwar Romania: The Sinuous Trajectories of two ILO Conventions ORCID: 0000-0002-2453-7721 |
Romania |
DEMETRESCU, Silvelia Ruxandra | 2003/2004 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Die Kunstreflexion in Rumänien in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts – Modernität und Nationalbewusstsein [Art reflection in Romania in the first half of the 20th century - modernity and national consciousness] |
Romania |
DEMIANENKO, Oleksandra | 2024/ 2025 GCE St. Gallen Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: Social Protection in Ukraine under Martial Law and Decentralization of Power |
Ukraine |
DENEVA-FAJE, Neda | 2018/2019 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Sociology Anthropology Research Project: Return Migration of Health Professionals and the Transformation of Medical Practice in the Field of Maternal and Child Health: The Case of Romania |
Bulgaria |
DENTITH, Matthew | 2017/2018 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Philosophy Research Project: Towards an Epistemology of Secrecy |
New Zealand |
DERER, Anca | 1999/2000 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History and Theory of Architecture Research Project: Die städtischen Wohnbauten in den deutschsprachigen Architekturbüchern der Barockepoche |
Romania |
DETCHEV, Stefan | 2006/2007 Europa Fellow |
Position: Research Project: Dress Food and Boundaries. Politics and Identity (1830-1912). The Bulgarian Case |
Bulgaria |
DEVYATKOV, Andrey | 2011/2012 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: International Relations Research Project: Configuration of the “Bessarabian Question” in Today's Romanian- Russian Relations |
Russia |
DEYANOV, Stilyan | 2003/2004 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Philosophy Research Project: Le discours philosophique sur l’Europe à l’Est (Constantin Noica et Janko Janev) ORCID: 0000-0002-8343-3703 |
Bulgaria |
DIACONU, Adriana | 2008/2009 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History and Theory of Architecture Research Project: Architecture du quotidien et idéologies dominantes. La réception des immeubles collectifs d'avant et d'après la guerre [Architecture of everyday life and dominant ideologies. The reception of pre- and post-war apartment buildings] |
Romania |
DIACONU, David | 2022/2023 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Sociology Political Science Research Project: Long Live the Forest! The Forest Exploitation Procedures and the Power of the Institutions. The Case of the Romanian Communal Villages ORCID: 0000-0003-2007-5571 |
Romania |
DIACONU, Mădălina | 1999/2000 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Tastend im Denken die Kunst. Entwurf einer taktilen Ästhetik [Touching in thought the art. Draft of a tactile aesthetic] |
Romania |
DIKTAŞ, Mustafa Yakup | 2020/2021 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Research Project: The Line of Miracle: The Politics of Pilgrimages in Romania and an Anthropological Approach to the Case of Sfânta Parascheva- a Female Saint in Iaşi |
Turkey |
DIMITROVA, Svetlana | 2004/2005 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Sociology Research Project: Diversification du rôle des intellectuels en Bulgarie « postcommuniste »/Les Think Tanks : une manière d'exister pour les intelectuells dans la societé « postcommuniste » en Bulgarie [Diversification of the role of intellectuals in "post-communist" Bulgaria / Think Tanks: a way of existence for intellectuals in the "post-communist" society in Bulgaria] ORCID: 0000-0002-7269-7850 |
Bulgaria |
DIMOU, Augusta | 2021/2022 DigiHum Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Contentious Property. Regulating Author's Rights, Knowledge and Culture in 20th Century Eastern Europe |
Greece/ Germany |
DINCOVICI, Alexandru | 2022/2023 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Research Project: Wearables, Health, and the Body: Entrepreneurial Subjectivation through Algorithms ORCID: 0000-0002-3447-4525 |
Romania |
DIPRATU, Radu-Andrei | 2018/2019 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: ‘Imperial Signs’ (nișan-ı hümayun): Framing Muslim-Christian Relations in the Seventeenth-Century Mediterranean |
Romania |
DJUVARA, Neagu | 1996/1997 Guest of the Rector Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: |
Romania |
DO PAÇO, David | 2021/2022 N+N Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Governing a Plural City: Trieste in the 18th Century |
France |
DOBOȘ, Corina-Maria | 2021/2022 NEC Haret Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: From Spatial to Social Mobility: Internal Migration Research in Socialist Romania in Transnational Perspective |
Romania |
DOBRESCU, Caius | 1995/1996 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: Literature, Politics, Ideology: Interfaces and Interplay ORCID: 0000-0002-1904-1334 |
Romania |
DOBRINCU, Dorin | 2011/2012 NEC – Dilema Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Science as a Political Tool. Atheism, Popularization and Propaganda in "People's" Romania (1948-1965) |
Romania |
DOHOTARIU, Anca | 2008/2009 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Sociology Research Project: Politiques familiales et metamorphoses du lien de conjugalité dans le postcommunisme roumain. Un révélateur de la distance entre normes et pratiques sociales [Family policies and metamorphoses of the conjugal bond in Romanian post-communism. An indication of the distance between social norms and practices] |
Romania |
DOMSODI, Dana | 2017/2018 NEC Haret Fellow |
Position: Research Project: The Repressive Structure of Caporalato. A Critical Assessment of Romanian Agricultural Immigrants' Condition in the Context of the Gang-Master Labor System in Southern Italy |
Romania |
DONCHEVA, Svetlana | 2006/2007 Europa Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Small Revolutions on the Table: Modernization of Food Stereotypes in the Balkan Towns during the 19th Century |
Bulgaria |
DORONDEL, Ștefan | 2008/2009 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Position: Environmental Studies Anthropology Research Project: Rural Transformation, Social Differentiation and Land Use Change in Post-socialist Romania |
Romania |
DRACE-FRANCIS, Alex | 2018/2019 Lapedatu Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Cities at the Crossroads. Urban Communities and Intercultural Links in the Romanian Principalities, 1800–1900 |
UK |
DRAGA-ALEXANDRU, Maria Sabina | 2020/2021 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology American Studies Research Project: Traveling Memory and Re-Performances of the Private in Post-Communist Women’s Writing: Domnica Radulescu, Kapka Kassabova and Yiyun Li |
Romania |
DRAGOMIR, Alexandru | 1998/1999 Guest of the Rector Fellow |
Affiliation: Field of Study: Research Project: |
Romania |
DRAGOMIR, Lucia | 2020/2021 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Sociology Research Project: Les aléas des échanges littéraires à l’Est |
Romania |
DROZDOVA, Daria | 2023/2024 GCE St. Gallen Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy History Research Project: The Canon of History of Philosophy in the Context of Discussions of the Canon in Humanities and Social Sciences. A Comparative Study ORCID: 0000-0001-5069-3368 |
Russia |
DRUNEN, Hiëronymus Franciscus van | 2008/2009 Europa Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Regional Identity in a Newly Designed Habsburg Crown Land: The Case of Bukovina |
The Netherlands |
DUCULESCU, Mirela | 2012/2013 2011/2012 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Design in Romania: Emergence, Development and Practice during the Communist Period (1970-1990) (2011/2012; 2012/2013) |
Romania |
DUDĂU, Radu | 2005/2006 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: The Ontology of Social Entities |
Romania |
DUIJZINGS , Ger | 2009/2010 Visiting Associate Scholar Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: New Cultures of Affluence: The Nouveaux Riches of Bucharest |
Netherlands |
DULUȘ, Mircea Grațian | 2009/2010 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Medieval History Research Project: The Homilies of Philagathos of Cerami: Orthodox Monastic Renewal at the Court of King Roger II (1130-1154) |
Romania |
DUMAS, Felicia | 2007/2008 1996/1997 NEC Țuțea Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: La conservation et la transmission de la langue roumaine dans les familles de Roumains ainsi que dans les familles mixtes franco-roumaines vivant en France. Analyse de cas et propositions pour la conservation de la langue roumaine au niveau d'un bilinguisme (franco-roumain) et d'une biculturalité [The preservation and transmission of the Romanian language in Romanian families as well as in mixed French-Romanian families living in France. Case analysis and proposals for the preservation of the Romanian language at the level of bilingualism (French-Romanian) and biculturality. ] (2007-2008)Le gestuel liturgique orthodoxe - dimensions sémantiques et pragmatiques [Orthodox liturgical gestures - semantic and pragmatic dimensions] (1996/1997) ORCID: 0000-0001-5053-2337 |
Romania |
DUMITRIU, Simona-Mihaela | 2012/2013 2009/2010 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Official and Alternative Exhibitions in Romanian Art, 1960 – 1990. A Time Travel Exercise (2012/2013; 2009/20100 |
Romania |
DUMITRU, Adelin-Costin | 2024/2025 NEC-AMEROPA Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: "Leave it to the People". Inheritance Taxation and Open Democracy |
Romania |
DUMITRU, Diana | 2016/2017 2011/2012 PoM Returning Fellow BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Traumatic Encounters: Jews, Gentiles, and the Soviet State in the aftermath of the Holocaust (2016/2017)The Holocaust in Bessarabia and Transnistria: Bringing the Local Population into the Story (2011/2012) |
Moldova |
DUMITRU, Mircea | 1998/2001 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Fellow Position: Research Project: On Incompleteness in Modal Logic. An Account through Second-Order Logic |
Romania |
DUNGY, Madeleine | 2018/2019 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Foreigners and Foreign Trade, Freedom of Movement and Economic Internationalism, 1918–1945 |
EGGART, Claudia | 2024/2025 Visiting Associate Scholar Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Lived Geopolitics. Re-scaling Market Infrastructures and Cross-Border Trade at Retail Hubs in Odesa and Bishkek |
Germany |
EGRY, Gabor | 2009/2010 Europa Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Drawing Borders. Regional, National and Minority Elites, Public Discourses and the Construction and Delimitations of National Entities in Interwar Romania |
Hungary |
EMILCIUC, Andrei | 2020/2021 Gerda Henkel Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: A Comparative Study on the Development of Commercial Institutions and Practices in Romanian Principalities / Romania and Bessarabia (1812-1918) |
Moldova |
EPURESCU-PASCOVICI, Ionuț | 2013/2014 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Medieval History Research Project: Origins of the Modern State: Institutional and Societal Transformations in Savoy in the Light of Fiscal Accounts, c. 1270-1350 |
Romania |
ERDBEER, Matthias | 2016/2017 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: German Studies Digital Humanities Literature Research Project: Aesthetic Modeling - Cross - Over Concepts in Technology and Ludic Art |
Germany |
ERMOLAEVA, Oksana | 2020/2021 Gerda Henkel Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Border Demarcation and Russian Imperial Colonization in the North: The Case of the Borderland Karelia, 17th – 20th Centuries |
Russia |
EȘANU, Andreea | 2023/ 2024 2022/2023 2015/2016 Botnar Digital Wellbeing Fellow NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: Technology – Culture – Humanities (since 2023) An Overview of Ludwig Wittgenstein's Early Philosophy: From Letters and Notebooks to the Tractatus logico-philosophicus and a Little Beyond (2015/2016) |
Romania |
EVANS, Mihail | 2012/2013 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Research Project: Derrida, Husserl and Relativism |
UK |
FEDOTOV, Egor | 2013/2014 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Research Project: Ideas, Structures, and the Unconventional Politics of Minority Rights in Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine and Austria |
Russia |
FELEA, Aurelia | 2017/2018 2006/2007 Gerda Henkel Fellow NEC Țuțea Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Everyday Life and (re)Defining Identity in the Gulag: A Study Based on Autobiographical Texts Belonging to People from Bessarabia and Bukovina Deported to KazakhstanDie Narration als Akt der Gerechtigkeit. Das erste kommunistische Jahrzehnt in der bessarabischen Memorialistik (2006/2007) |
Moldova |
FERENCZ-FLATZ, Christian | 2008/2009 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Philosophy Research Project: Husserl und die Erfahrung des Kinos |
Romania |
FERENCZI, László | 2019/2020 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Affiliation: Association of Cultural Heritage Managers Position: Researcher Field of Study:History Archaeology Research Project: Landscape Impact of the Cistercian Monasteries in Marginal Europe in the Middle Ages |
Hungary |
FILIP-AFLOAREI, Daniel | 2024/2025 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: The ‘Self-Limiting’ Revolution in Poland in the 80s: A Turning Point for the Romanian Communist Regime |
Romania |
FILIPOVICI, Anca | 2018/2019 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: The Youth of the Unified Nation: Social Control and Discipline in Romanian Interwar High Schools |
Romania |
FIREA, Ciprian | 2005/2006 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Art and its Reception. Late Medieval Altarpiece Paintings from Transylvania and Their Public |
Romania |
FIREA, Elena | 2011/2012 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Shaping a Patron Saint of Medieval Moldavia. The Cult of St. John the New from Suceava (15th to 17th Centuries) |
Romania |
FIȘNE, Mustafa | 2004/2005 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Examination of the Difficulties Faced by Romania, Bulgaria, and Turkey on Their Way to the EU Membership |
Türkiye |
FLORESCU, Cătălin Dorian | 2016/2017 Landis & Gyr Fellow |
Affiliation: Research Project: |
Switzerland |
FOMINA, Victoria | 2021/2022 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Sociology Research Project: The Rebel Frontier: Informality, Regionalism, and Anti-Kremlin Protest in the Russian Far East |
Russia |
FUHRMANN, Malte | 2023/ 2024 N+N Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Roads to Happiness, Roads to Despair: Traffic Infrastructure, Emotions, and Politics in Southeast Europe, 1839-1956 ORCID: 0009-0002-4940-9766 |
Germany |
GAGYI, Ágnes | 2015/2016 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Waves of Economic Crisis and Political Mobilization for Democracy in Dependent Economies: A comparative Historical Analysis of Contemporary Hungarian and Romanian Movements in Global Context |
Hungary/Romania |
GAIU, Tiberiu Claudiu | 2009/2010 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History of Ideas Research Project: Contrainte sceptique et ouverture civile |
Romania |
GAȘPAR, Cristian-Nicolae | 2002/2003 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: How to Love Thy Neighbor: Late Antique Monastic Problematization of Homoerotic Behavior |
Romania |
GASSNER, Florian | 2011/2012 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Cultural Studies Research Project: Giacomo Casanova: Love in the Time of Individuality |
Germany |
GENOVA, Irina | 2003/2004 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Art History Research Project: Historizing the Balkan Modernism. Modernity and Modernism. Representing Modernity ORCID: 0000-0003-1425-9876 |
Bulgaria |
GEORGESCU, Dakmara-Ana | 1997/1998 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Pedagogical and Cultural Foundations of Civic and Human Rights Education |
Romania |
GEORGESCU, Diana | 2022/2023 2009/2010 N+N Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Nationalism Studies History of Socialism Research Project: Romania’s Child Ambassadors: International Youth Camps, Cultural Diplomacy and Transnational Connections in the Global Cold War (1960s-1980s)"Ceaușescu's Children": A Biography of Romania's Last Socialist Generation (1965-1989) [2009-2010] |
Romania/USA |
GEORGESCU, Simona | 2023/2024 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Linguistics Research Project: Etymology and Synaesthesia: What Meaning Change Reveals about the Mind ORCID: 0000-0003-3948-0323 |
Romania |
GEORGIEVA, Gergana | 2003/2004 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: The Modernization of the Ottoman Empire: The Case of the Balkan Provinces ORCID: 0000-0002-2526-9722 |
Bulgaria |
GEVORGYAN, Nora | 2019/2020 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: International Relations Research Project: Surviving as Small States between Global Powers: Armenia on the Crossroads of the EU and the EEU |
Armenia |
GHEAUȘ, Anca | 2004/2005 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: Negotiating Values: The Place of Justice and Care in the Public Sphere ORCID: 0000-0002-5364-1026 |
Romania |
GHENCIULESCU, Ștefan | 2004/2005 1999/2000 GE – NEC Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Architecture Research Project: La ville transparente. Une discussion sur les limites et l'habitationFormes et cultures urbaines dans le sud-est de l'Europe. Bucarest comme étude de cas [Urban forms and cultures in South-East Europe. Bucharest as a case study] (1999/2000) |
Romania |
GHEORGHIȚĂ, Nicolae | 2008/2009 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Musicology Research Project: The Byzantine Chant in the Romanian Principalities during the Phanariot Period (1711 – 1821) |
Romania |
GHIMAN, George-Lorin | 2017/2018 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Philosophy Research Project: Facing All Debacles: The Messianic-Political Complex and the First Generation of the Frankfurt School |
Romania |
GHIȚĂ, Andreea Cristina | 1997/1998 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: The Use and Possible Misuse of Irony in Post-1989 Romania |
Romania |
GHYKA, Celia | 2012/2013 2011/2012 2002/2003 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Romanian Artists after 1989. Memory, Public Space and Urban Experience (2012/2013; 2011/2012)Potential Revitalization of Public Space. Bucharest as an European City (2002/2003) |
Romania |
GICA, Alexandru | 2009/2010 2008/2009 NEC Țuțea Fellow NEC by special invitation Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Mathematics Research Project: The Recent History of the Aromanians from Romania |
Romania |
GOG, Sorin | 2011/2012 NEC – Dilema Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Sociology Research Project: Atheism, Rational Choice Theory of Religion and the Issue of Emergent Secularization in Post-Communist Romania |
Romania |
GOGEANU, Ioana | 2007/2008 Guest of the Rector Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: On the Rhetoric of Boredom in Hamlet |
Romania |
GOGÎLTAN, Anca Monica | 2004/2005 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Passion, Iconography and Narrative Strategies in the Medieval Frescoes Decorating the Church in Mălâncrav (Almakerék, Malmkrog) In Transylvania |
Romania |
GOGISHVILI, David | 2017/2018 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Conflicting Uses of Public Space – Cases from Post-Soviet Tbilisi |
Georgia |
GOILAV, Ana-Maria | 2010/2011 NEC – UAR (Union of Romanian Architects) Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Architecture Research Project: The Golden Octagon of Antioch. A Cathedral for the Orient |
Romania |
GOINA, Călin Gheorghe | 2007/2008 2006/2007 NEC – LINK Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Culture and the City: Creative Industries and Urban Change. A Comparative Presentation of Bucharest, Cluj, Budapest, and New York CityReconsidering Generation as an Analytical Tool (2006/2007) ORCID: |
Romania |
GOINA, Mariana | 2010/2011 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Medieval Studies Research Project: Literates in a Quasi‑Oral Society. Moldavian and Wallachian Chancellery Scribes (Fourteenth to Sixteenth Centuries) |
Romania |
GOKARIKSEL, Saygun | 2012/2013 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Research Project: History after State Socialism: Polish Secret Service Archives and accusations of Betrayal |
Turkey |
GOREA, Adrian | 2016/2017 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: A Phenomenology of Digital Creativity: Chorographic Inscriptions in Interactive Art |
Romania |
GORZO, Andrei | 2013/2014 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Film Studies Research Project: Miklós Jancsó and the 'Lost Language' of Modernist Political Cinema |
Romania |
GRAMA, Adrian | 2019/2020 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Seeing Like a Bank: Debt, Financial Diplomacy and the Creditworthiness of Eastern Europe from Socialism to Post-Socialism |
Romania |
GRAMA, Emanuela | 2009/2010 2007/2008 GE – NEC Fellow Europa Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Building with Words: Architects and Politicians behind Closed Doors in Early Socialist Romania (1953-1964) (2009/2010)Cultural Heritage Politics in Contemporary Romania (2007/2008) |
Romania |
GRGIĆ, Ana | 2021/2022 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Gender Studies Research Project: Rediscovering a Lost Female Film Pioneer: Mărioara Voiculescu and Early Cinema in Romania and the Balkans |
Croatia |
GRIGOROV, Dimitar | 2004/2005 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Josip Broz Tito and Nicolae Ceaușescu: From Idols to Scapegoats/And on the Road Back? |
Bulgaria |
GRITTI, Andrea Umberto | 2024/2025 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Economic Knowledge, Administrative Action and Social Change in the Ottoman Balkans, 1839-1878 |
Italy |
GROSESCU, Raluca | 2010/2011 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: La justice de transition dans la Roumanie post- 1989 : Le role du Conseil National pour l'Etude des Archives de la Securitate dans la gestion du passe communiste |
Romania |
GROSSMAN, Alyssa | 2008/2009 Europa Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Constructing Europe: Bucharest Memories (Past, Present, Future) |
GROZA, Octavian | 2000/2001 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Les echelles spatiales de la territorialité roumaine |
Romania |
GRUIA, Ana-Maria | 2006/2007 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Magic in the House. Functions of Images on Medieval Stove Tiles from Transylvania, Moldavia and Walachia (14th-16th Centuries) |
Romania |
GRUJIĆ, Jelena | 2008/2009 Robert Bosch Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Political Framing of Refugees in Former Yugoslavia: 1990's and the Post-Conflict Democracies |
Serbia |
GÜÇLÜ, Eda | 2013/2014 EntE Europe next to Europe Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: The Social Practices of Property in Ottoman Istanbul, 1865-1900 |
Turkey |
GUESNIER, Lucie | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Sociology Research Project: Réflexions sur l'écriture d'une histoire de la contestation en Roumanie |
France |
GUILLAUME, Damien | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Émanciper les juifs de Roumanie, 1866-1881. Une campagne internationale, ses moyens, ses enjeux, son échec |
France |
GULIZIA, Stefano | 2018/2019 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Aristotelian Science of Natural Problems and Galileo's New Science |
Italy |
GURAN, Petre Radu | 2007/2008 1998/2001 NEC Fellow RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Byzantine History, Eastern and Southeastern Europe in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages (2007/2008)Le prince et le saint. La légitimation du pouvoir princier par l'usage de la sainteté dans les pays byzantino-slaves (XI-e-XVI-e siècles) [The prince and the saint. The legitimization of princely power through the use of holiness in Byzantine Slavic countries (XI-e-XVI centuries) ] (1998/2001) |
Romania |
HABIT, Daniel | 2007/2008 Europa Fellow |
Affiliation: Research Project: "Die Inszenierung Europas". Europäische Kulturhauptstädte zwischen Konstruktion und Rezeption ["The Staging of Europe". European Capitals of Culture between construction and reception] |
Germany |
HALLER, Christian | 2000/2001 Landis & Gyr Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: |
Switzerland |
HALLER, Lea | 2011/2012 Landis & Gyr Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: |
Switzerland |
HAMAN, Brian Christian | 2016/2017 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: German Studies Research Project: Between Exile and Homeland: Herold Belger’s German-Language Writings |
Ireland/USA |
HAMMER, Daniel | 2008/2009 Europa Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Democracy: Is There Any Way but the European Way? |
HARALAMBAKIS, Maria | 2012/2013 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Jewish Studies Biblical Studies Research Project: Representations of Moses Gaster (1856–1939) in Anglophone and Romanian Scholarship |
UK |
HARITON, Silviu | 2010/2011 NEC – Adevărul Holding Fellow |
Affiliation: Research Project: Nationalism, Heroism and War Monuments in Romania, 1900s‑1930s |
Romania |
HARUTYUNYAN, Susanna (Author) In association with SARUKHANYAN, Ani (Translator) | 2023/ 2024 Tandem – Author with Translator – Translator with Author Fellow |
Position: Literature Research Project: Translating Susanna Harutyunyan, "Agravnerə Noyits araj"/ "Ագռավները Նոյից առաջ"/ "Ravens Before Noah" from Armenian into Turkish (2022/2023) |
Armenia |
HATOS, Adrian | 2004/2005 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Biographies of Active Citizens: Identities and Strategies in Social Participation |
Romania |
HÎNCU, Adela-Gabriela | 2020/2021 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Epistemic Encounters: Foreign Social Scientists in Romania, 1960s-80s |
Romania |
HOFMAN, Ana | 2007/2008 Robert Bosch Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Nostalgia or Subversion? Rural Culture Practices in Post-socialist Serbia |
Serbia |
HORVÁTH, Györgyi | 2024/2025 DigiHum Fellow |
Affiliation: Media Studies Research Project: From Women's NGOs to Digitally Connected Women: The Transition from Sporadic to Broad-Based Networked Feminism Amidst Democratic Backsliding in Illiberal Hungary |
Hungary |
HORVATH, István | 2000/2001 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Shifting Identity of Hungarians from Romania. From Dual Identity to Diaspora Identity |
Romania |
HORVÁTH, Réka | 2007 NEC – LINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Political Pluralism and Political Representation after the Downfall of Communism in the Central and East European Countries (optional course) |
Romania |
HORYACHA, Mariya | 2023/2024 Gerda Henkel Fellow |
Affiliation: Religious Studies Research Project: The Making of Monastic Hamartiology: The Contribution of Eastern Ascetic Fathers of the 4th-7th Century to the Christian Doctrine of Sin ORCID: 0000-0002-6585-5128 |
Ukraine |
HRANOVA, Albena | 2003/2004 2002/2003 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Problems of "National Language" and the Politics of Modernity: The Bulgarian Case in Comparative Perspective (2002/2003; 2003/2004) |
Bulgaria |
HROMADZIĆ, Azra | 2005/2006 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Research Project: Emerging Citizens: Youth, Education, and Democracy in Post-conflict Bosnia-Herzegovina ORCID: 0000-0003-1776-304X |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
HROMADŽIĆ, Hajrudin | 2004/2005 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Hypertexs: Electronic Text in the Space of Digital-Computers Media Technology |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
HUIAN, Georgiana | 2015/2016 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Philosophy Religious Studies Research Project: Of the Human Being in Augustine: in Quest of the Foundations of an Apophatic Anthropology |
Romania |
HUNYADI, Binyamin | 2024/2025 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Yiddish Studies Research Project: From a Major to a Minor Cultural Revolution: Yiddish Literature during the Ceaușescu Era (1965‒1989) |
Hungary/Israel |
HUSEYNOVA, Sevil | 2015/2016 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Ethnology Research Project: Construction of the Post-Soviet Transnational Urban Communities in European Union: Institutions, Networks and Discourses |
Azerbaijan |
HUSZKA, Beata | 2014/2015 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: International Relations Research Project: The Role of Human Rights in the EU's External Action in the Western Balkans |
Hungary |
HUȚU, Carmen-Aida | 2003 1999/2000 NEC – LINK Fellow RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Organizational Culture: Its Impact on Gaining Competitive Advantages for the Romanian CompaniesOrganizational Culture and EU Integration (extra-curricular postgraduate development course) |
Romania |
IACOB, Bogdan Cristian | 2014/2015 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Comparative History of Modern Europe Research Project: A Transnational Fantasy? The Project of Southeast European Studies During the Cold War |
Romania |
IACOB, Bogdan-Teodor | 2012/2013 2011/2012 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Art Criticism in Communist Romania (1965 – 1989): Practices, Discourses, Status (2011/2012; 2012/2013) |
Romania |
IAGHER, Matei | 2017/2018 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History of Medicine Research Project: Between the Unconscious and the Transconscious: A Critical Genealogy of Mircea Eliade's History of Religions |
Romania |
IANCOVESCU, Ioana | 2002/2003 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: L'iconographie de l'entréeOther contributions |
Romania |
IANCU, Andreea Roxana | 2004/2005 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Social Science History Research Project: Se préparer à la mort: un devoir de chaque chrétien. Le testament entre la pratique et la théologie du salut (Bucarest, fin du XVIII-e - début du XIX-e siècles) |
Romania |
IANCU, Bogdan | 2005/2006 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Law Research Project: Constitutionalism in Romania and the State of the European Union ORCID: |
Romania |
IBRAHIMOV, Ibrahim | 2011/2012 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: International Relations Political Science Research Project: Organization of Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC): Economic Cooperation as a Promoter of Peace and Stability in the Black Sea Region |
Azerbaijan |
ICĂ, Ioan | 1996/1997 NEC Fellow |
Position: Research Project: Christian Patterns in the Modern Philosophy of the European Culture |
Romania |
IDRIZI, Idrit | 2019/2020 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Die Beziehungen Albaniens zu kommunistischen Parteien und revolutionären Bewegungen in der Dritten Welt und zu westlichen marxistisch-leninistischen Splittergruppen im Kalten Krieg ORCID: 0000-0001-8500-2037 |
Albania |
ILEA, Corina | 2017/2018 NEC Haret Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Accelerated Visibility: Online Family Albums of Immigration |
Romania |
ILIEȘ, Dan-Alexandru | 2016/2017 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Arabic and Judeo-Arabic Medieval Philisophies |
Romania |
ILIESCU, Adrian-Paul | 1996/1999 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Solitude and the Birth of Modernity |
Romania |
ILINA, Alexandra-Elena | 2019/2020 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: La figure de Narcisse dans la littérature et l’iconographie du Moyen Age (XIIe-XVe s.) |
Romania |
IOAN, Augustin | 1997/2000 1995/1996 RELINK Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Architecture Research Project: Man-Made Environment in the Post-Stalinist Europe (1953-1968) (1995/1996) ORCID: 0000-0001-7271-3358 |
Romania |
IOAN, Razvan | 2019/2020 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: Immigration in Early Modern Philosophy: Machiavelli and Spinoza |
Romania |
IOAN-CORLAN, Simona | 2000/2001 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: L'Imaginaire dans la construction de l'identité collective. Questions de méthode et essai d'application [Imagination in the construction of collective identity. Questions of method and test of application] |
Romania |
IONAŞCU, Alexandra | 2007 NEC – LINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Political Pluralism and Political Representation after the Downfall of Communism in the Central and East European Countries (optional course) |
Romania |
IONESCU, Alexandra Gabriela | 2007 2006/2007 2004/2005 NEC – LINK Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Fellow Position: Research Project: Political Pluralism and Political Representation after the Downfall of Communism in the Central and East European Countries (optional course) (2007)European Political Typologies: The Political Duality of the Unified Europe (M.A. curricular course) (2006-2007) Pensée et pratique d’une autorité révolutionnaire. L’effondrement du communisme en Roumanie (2004-2005) |
Romania |
IONIȚĂ, Liviu-Alexandru | 2013/2014 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Die paulinische Israelogie und ihre liturgische Rezeption in der Ostkirche |
Romania |
IONIȚĂ, Sorin | 1999/2000 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Fellow Position: Research Project: Trust, Distrust and Rational Social Actors: The Informal Sector and its Political and Economic Outcomes |
Romania |
IONIȚĂ, Sorin Gabriel | 2007/2008 NEC Țuțea Fellow |
Affiliation: Fellow Position: Research Project: The Publications of Exile – Part of the Romanian Cultural Patrimony |
Romania |
IOSIF SÎRBU, Corina | 2011/2012 2003/2004 NEC – POSDRU Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Ethnology Ethnomusicology Research Project: Producing and Consuming "Folklore": A Study of the Origins and Usage of Folklore as a Field of Media Culture in Post-communist RomaniaLa communauté aroumaine de Constanța ou l'entreprise de la parenté ORCID: 0000-0001-5239-2999 |
Romania |
IRIMIA, Mihaela | 2007 1997/2000 NEC – LINK Fellow RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Postcolonial Voices: Races, Cultures, Identities (curricular course) |
Romania |
IROD, Maria | 2016/2017 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Literature Cultural Studies Research Project: Katholische Kirchenkritik im Spannungsfeld von normiertem Leben und religiösen Normen. Zur diskursiven Umdeutung christlicher Werte bei Hans Küng, Uta Ranke-Heinemann und Eugen Drewermann |
Romania |
ISMAYIL, Jale (Translator) In association with COROBCA, Liliana (Author) | 2024/ 2025 Tandem – Author with Translator – Translator with Author Fellow |
Position: Literature/ Translation Research Project: Translating Liliana Corobca’s "Kinderland" from Romanian into Azerbaijani |
Azerbaijan |
ISMAYILOV, Elnur | 2013/2014 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Field of Study:International Relations Research Project: Neo-imperialist Foreign Policies of Russia and the U.S in the South Caucasus |
Azerbaijan |
ISTRATE, Andrada-Mihaela | 2020/2021 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Sociology Research Project: Trust and Money in Post-socialist Romania |
Romania |
IUGA, Anamaria | 2019/2020 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Research Project: Narratives of Space. “Traditions” between Oral and Written Memory |
Romania |
IVANOU, Aleh | 2019/2020 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Sociology Research Project: “A Tale of Three Food Chains”: Belarus’ Export-Oriented Rural Extractivism, Self-Enclosing “Potato” Civil Society, and Self-Provisioning Resistance |
Belarus |
IVANOVA, Miglena | 2004/2005 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Grafitti Tagging as an Indicator of Growing Cultural Influences in Post-Socialist Bulgaria between 1998 and 2003 |
Bulgaria |
IVAȘCU, Bogdan | 2011/2012 NEC – POSDRU Fellow |
Field of Study: Research Project: From Meaning of History to Meaning in History. Eric Voegelin's non-ideological Philosophy of History |
Romania |
JALOBEANU, Daniela-Rodica | 1998/1999 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Place of the Laws of Nature in the Conceptual Structure of the Scientific Revolution |
Romania |
JAVAKHISHVILI, Kato (Author) In association with LAZO, Serhiy (Translator) | 2024/2025 Tandem – Author with Translator – Translator with Author Fellow |
Position: Literature Research Project: Translating Kato Javakhishvili’s "With love, Elli" from Georgian into Ukrainian* |
Georgia |
JELER, Ciprian | 2020/2021 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: The Philosophy of Promise and its Twilight: A Cultural History Study |
Romania |
JENEI, Dana Iuliana | 2000/2001 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Art and Mentality in the 15th Century Transylvania |
Romania |
JINGA , Luciana-Marioara | 2020/2021 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: The Impact of Transnational Humanitarian Aid on Post-Communist Societal Transformations in Eastern and Central Europe |
Romania |
JIPA, Dragoș | 2017/2018 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: «Langue et littérature françaises». Construction d’une discipline académique en Roumanie. Etude de cas: l’Université de Bucarest (1864–1948) |
Romania |
JORDANOVA, Christina | 2005/2006 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Comparative Analysis of the Agricultural Reform in Bulgaria and Romania, and its Reflection on the Countries' Membership in the European Union |
Bulgaria |
JOVANOVIĆ, Srdjan | 2014/2015 EntE Europe next to Europe Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Afraid to Shoot Strangers? Immigration, Xenophobia and Xenophobic Discourse as the Modus Operandi of the New Right Wing in Europe |
Serbia |
JUGĂNARU, Andra | 2022/2023 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Late Antiquity Research Project: A Network Analysis of Jerome’s Letter Collection ORCID: 0009-0004-0592-5763 |
Romania |
KAPALO, James | 2022/2023 Lapedatu Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Religious Studies Research Project: Transgressing Boundaries: The History and Memory of the Religious Underground in Romania, Moldova and Beyond (2022/ 2023) ORCID: 0000-0001-6920-8828 |
Ireland |
KAPARULIN, Yurii | 2021/2022 Gerda Henkel Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Law Research Project: Between Soviet Modernization and the Holocaust: Jewish Agrarian Settlements in the South of Ukraine (1924-1947) |
Ukraine |
KARABOEVA, Emilya | 2007/2008 Europa Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Street "Necrolog" – the Subtle Element of Urban Everyday Life |
Bulgaria |
KASHYNTSEVA, Oksana | 2024/2025 GCE St. Gallen Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Intellectual Property Law and Human Rights Research Project: Harmonisation of Ukrainian Intellectual Property Legislation with the Legislation of the European Union in the field of Compulsory Licensing and Government Use of Medical Products |
Ukraine |
KATZ, Dana | 2024/2025 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Art History Research Project: Courtly Ecologies in an Earthly Paradise: The Royal Parklands and Palaces of the Norman Kingdom of Sicily |
KAYA, Alp Yücel | 2005/2006 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: The Cadastre of Izmir ORCID: 0000-0003-2055-5073 |
Türkiye |
KEATINGE, Benjamin | 2014/2015 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Literature Research Project: Sheltering Amid the Ruins: Samuel Beckett and Emil Cioran |
Ireland |
KERTESZ, Andrei | 1994/1995 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Art History Research Project: The Religious Art of the German Minority between the 15th and 18th Centuries |
Romania |
KESSLER, Erwin | 1997/2000 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: |
Romania |
KHARCHENKO, Artem | 2022/2023 2018/2019 PoM Returning Fellow Gerda Henkel Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Jewish Studies Research Project: The Jews in the Center and on the Periphery: What did the Authorities know about their Subjects? (2022/ 2023)A Jewish Community in the Space of Imperial City: Tradition-Adaptation-Modernization (Kharkiv, 1859–1914) (2018/ 2019) |
Ukraine |
KHARIN, Ilya | 2011/2012 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Orthodox Christianity, Southeastern Europe and the Japanese Church: the First Century of a Relationship |
KILINÇ, Nilay | 2019/2020 2017/2018 PoM Returning Fellow PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Migration Studies Mobility Studies Research Project: Migrants’ De Facto Status and Citizenship Regimes: The Case of Turkish Criminals from Germany (2019-2020)Lost And Found: The Turkish-Germans’ Narratives of Deportation and Self-Actualization in the ‘Homeland’ (2017-2018) |
Turkey |
KILONZO, Susan | 2010/2011 NEC International Fellow |
Position: Sociology Religious Studies Research Project: The Potential of the Church as a Community Institution in Peacebuilding in Africa. Lessons from Kenya’ Ethnic Conflicts |
Kenya |
KIM, Attila Sándor | 2009/2010 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History and Theory of Architecture Research Project: The Development of Detention Facilities in the Central – Eastern European Region during the 20th Century |
Romania |
KIRALY, Iosif | 2009/2010 2004/2005 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Visual Arts Research Project: Digital Photography in Contemporary Art (2004-2005) |
Romania |
KISS, Tamás | 2021/2022 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Sociology Research Project: Dimensions and Effects of Kinstate Policy: A Comparative Analysis of the Hungarian Communities in Romania and Ukraine |
Romania |
KISS, Tamás | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Medieval Studies Research Project: Cyprus in Ottoman and Venetian Political Imagination Before and After 1571 |
Hungary |
KOÇAK, Mert | 2019/2020 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Sociology Anthropology Research Project: Who Deserves Refugee Status and Resettlement?: UNHCR’s Shifting Role in Creating Legal Gender Categories for LGBTIQ Refugees in Turkey |
Turkey |
KOCHIRAS, Hylarie | 2011/2012 EURIAS Fellow |
Affiliation: Philosophy Research Project: Newton’s Quandary about Action at a Distance* |
KONEVA, Rumjana | 2001/2002 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Südosteuropa: Krieg und Kultur im 20. Jahrhundert |
Bulgaria |
KONIK, Anna | 2013/2014 Landis & Gyr Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: |
Switzerland |
KORANYI, James | 2024/2025 Lapedatu Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Guides, Clubs, and Tourists: Rural Modernity in the Southern Carpathians, 1880s-1920s |
UK |
KOSOVA, Erden | 2003/2004 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Critical Strategies in Using National, European and Balkan Identities in Today's Romanian Art Production |
Turkey |
KOSZOR-CODREA, Cosmin | 2022/2023 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History of Science Research Project: The Development of Race Science and Environmentalism in Romania, 1870-1940 ORCID: 0000-0002-2655-1420 |
Romania |
KOTKINA, Irina | 2021/2022 Gerda Henkel Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Soviet Colonialism in Music and Formation of the Cultural Eurasian Space: National Opera under Stalin |
Russia |
KOVÁCS, Kázmer Tamás | 1998/1999 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Thresholds. A Look at a Few Stages of Architecture |
Romania |
KOZLOWSKI, Wojciech | 2012/2013 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Medieval History Research Project: Power‑Winning Contexts and Strategies of Charles I and Wenceslas III. A Comparison of Their Quest for the Hungarian Throne |
Poland |
KRASTANOVA, Krassimira | 2001/2002 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Les objects comme lieu de mémoire |
Bulgaria |
KUCHLER, Daniel | 2012/2013 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Philosophy Research Project: A Criticism of Arendt’s Concept of Ideology |
Germany |
KUEHN, Sara Susanne | 2013/2014 EURIAS Fellow |
Affiliation: Research Project: Iconographic Expressions of Muslim Mysticism: The Case of Central and Southeastern Europe |
Germany |
KULIKOV, Volodymyr | 2017/2019 2015/2016 2012/2013 How to Teach Europe Fellow Black Sea Link Alumnus Fellow BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Eastern European Business in a Global Perspective: The Leading Companies in the Early 20th CenturyCorporations, Community, and Control: Company Towns in Ukraine (2015/2016) Foreign Entrepreneurs and Industrialization in South Russia in the late 19th and early 20th Century (2012/2013) |
Ukraine |
KUZYK, Petro | 2023/ 2024 Sustaining Ukrainian Scholarship (SUS) Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: International Relations Political Science Research Project: Identifying the Discursive Roots of the Idea of Ukraine’s Alleged ‘East-West’ Divide ORCID: 0000-0002-6524-2604 |
Ukraine |
KYRIAKIDIS, Savvas | 2016/2017 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Byzantine Studies Research Project: Mercenaries in the Byzantine World, 11th-15th Centuries |
KYSELOV, Roman | 2024/2025 IWM for Ukrainian Scholars Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: Views on Plagiarism in Europe on the Eve of the Age of Copyright (Late 17th – Early 18th Centuries) |
Ukraine |
LĂCĂTUȘU, Dumitru | 2017/2018 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: The Perpetrators' Testimonies: The case of Alexandru Draghici and His Associates |
Romania |
LARCHER, Jonathan | 2019/2020 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Film Studies Ethnology Research Project: A Social History of Vernacular Videos during Romania’s Post-Socialist Transition (1990–2010) |
France |
LÁSZLÓ, Szabolcs | 2023/2024 Mattei Dogan Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Transcending the Cold War: Transnational Mediators, Professional Communities, and Hungarian-American Exchanges (1960s-1970s) ORCID: 0000-0001-9413-1690 |
Hungary |
LĂȚEA, Daniel Narcis Puiu | 2009/2010 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Research Project: Facets of Indebtedness: Economy, Politics and Ritual in Southern Romania |
Romania |
LAVIOLETTE, Patrick | 2019/2020 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Research Project: Hermeneutics of Hitchhiking |
Canada |
LAZĂR, Andrei Ioan | 2011/2012 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: French Literature Media Studies Research Project: Autobiographie, photographie et cinéma : approche interdisciplinaire |
Romania |
LAZĂR, Marius | 1999/2000 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: La genèse de la « littérature nationale » et le champ de la traduction. Le cas roumain. [The genesis of "national literature" and the field of translation. The Romanian case.] |
Romania |
LAZAR, Natalya | 2011/2012 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Holocaust Studies Research Project: The Fate of Czernowitz Jews: Genocide and Memory in Bukovina |
Ukraine |
LAZĂR, Veronica-Ioana | 2013/2014 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: Why every Economy is Political: The Political Economy of J.-J. Rousseau |
Romania |
LAZEA, Dorin Dan | 2009/2010 NEC – Adevărul Holding Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: International Relations European Studies Research Project: European Union's External Relations: From the Principle of Non-Intervention to Political Conditionality |
Romania |
LAZO, Serhiy (Translator) In association with JAVAKHISHVILI, Kato (Author) | 2024/2025 Tandem – Author with Translator – Translator with Author Fellow |
Position: Literature/Translation Research Project: Translating Kato Javakhishvili’s "With love, Elli" from Georgian into Ukrainian |
Ukraine |
LAZURCA, Marius-Gabriel | 1998/2001 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: A Le statut et les interprétations de la corporalité dans l'Antiquité tardive |
Romania |
LEMBER, Uku | 2015/2016 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Anthropology History Research Project: Conflict and Conviviality in Ukrainian Marriages between "East" and "West" |
Estonia |
LEOCA, Șerban | 2007/2008 Guest of the Rector Fellow |
Affiliation: Field of Study:Research Project: Kantian and Stylistic Categories: Lucian Blaga |
Romania |
LEONTE, Florin | 2011/2012 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Byzantine Studies Research Project: Rhetoric in Purple: the Renewal of Imperial Ideology in the Texts of Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos (1391-1425) |
Romania |
LESANU, Alexandru | 2013/2014 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: A Sweet History in Bitter Times: Refining Sugar in the Transnistrian Borderlands (1898-2001) |
Moldova |
LIM, Cyrill | 2021/2022 2020/2021 Landis & Gyr Fellow |
Sound artist and composer Field of Study:Music Research Project: Romanian Musicians / Composers during the Communist Times |
Switzerland |
LISNIC, Dumitru | 2022/2023 2020/2021 Lapedatu Fellow PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Religious Studies Research Project: Transgressing Boundaries: The History and Memory of the Religious Underground in Romania, Moldova and Beyond (2022/ 2023)Policing the Margins: Repression, Propaganda and Minority Religions in Soviet Moldavia in the 1920–1930s (2020/ 2021) |
Moldova/Romania |
LIVADĂ-CADESCHI, Ligia Mihaela | 1997/2000 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: |
Romania |
LLESHI, Sokol | 2013/2014 EntE Europe next to Europe Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: Legitimating the Democratic State in Post-Communist Romania: Memory as a Cultural Good |
Albania |
LOETSCHER, Hugo | 2005/2006 Landis & Gyr Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: |
Switzerland |
LOLADZE, Nika | 2020/2021 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Migration Studies Research Project: Affective Aspects of “the Creeping Occupation”: Perspectives on Borderization of Boundaries in Tskhinvali Region/South Ossetia |
Georgia |
LORENCI, Markenc | 2023/2024 Mattei Dogan Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: From Illegal to Rulers: The Albanian Communist Party from its Foundation to the Seizure of Power (1941-1944) |
Albania |
LUKÁCS, Mihai | 2023/ 2024 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Cultural Studies Holocaust Studies Theatre Research Project: Jewish Art after the Holocaust in Romania |
Romania |
LUPAȘCU, Silviu Dan | 1996/1999 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: |
Romania |
LYUBKA, Andriy | 2018/2019 2015/2016 PoM Returning Fellow PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Position: Literature Research Project: Smuggling As a Means of Cross-border Cooperation (2018/2019)Ovid`s Shadow over Central and Eastern Europe (2015/2016) |
Ukraine |
MACARIE, Iulius-Cezar | 2021/2022 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Research Project: Inequality in Siliconised Romanian Cities ORCID: 0000-0002-0525-9439 |
Romania |
MACREA-TOMA, Ioana | 2009/2010 NEC Țuțea Fellow |
Field of Study: History Research Project: Radio Free Europe in Paris: The Paradoxes of an Ethereal Opposition |
Romania |
MADAIO, James | 2015/2016 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: South Asian studies Indian Philosophy Research Project: Philosophical Roots of Global Hinduism: The Fourteenth Century Unification of Yoga and Advaita Vedānta |
MAFTEI, Alexandru | 2022/2023 NEC Haret Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Sociology History Film Studies Research Project: Narratives on Migration and the Insidious Anxiety of Abandonment |
Romania |
MAGNO, Francesco | 2023/ 2024 DigiHum Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Absorbing Empire(s). The Construction of the Romanian Legislative and Judicial Systems between Nationalism and Imperial Legacies |
Italy |
MĂGUREANU, Ioana | 2013/2014 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History and Theory of Art Research Project: The Eloquence of Art in Visualising Knowledge: Artistic Strategies in Scientific Images in Early Modern Italy |
Romania |
MALYUTINA, Darya | 2017/2018 2016/2017 PoM Returning Fellow PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Human Geography Research Project: Distance and Knowledge Production: the Challenges of Researching Ukraine-Related Topics during Armed Conflict (2017-2018)Researching Euromaidan and Ukraine-Russia Conflict: Ethical Concerns |
Russia |
MAMONOVA, Natalia | 2017/2018 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Social Science Research Project: Russian Politics of GMOs: Food Sovereignty 'Via Kremlina' or a Tool of Geopolitical Leverage? |
Russia |
MAN, Andrei-Tudor | 2024/2025 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Religious Studies Research Project: The Dynamics of Sympathy in Late Antiquity: Philosophical and Christian Perspectives on the World, Society and the Individual |
Romania |
MANEA, Ioana | 2020/2021 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: The Emergence of “Oriental History”? Writing about the Revolutions and Decline of the Great Oriental Empires (1671–1734) |
Romania |
MANOLESCU, Anca | 2000/2001 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: L'Europe et la recontre des religions: un défi bénéfique pour l'orthodoxie |
Romania |
MANOLESCU, Ion | 1996/1997 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Visual Techniques in Post-Modern Literature |
Romania |
MANOLOVA, Divna | 2016/2017 2014/2015 PoM Returning Fellow BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Byzantine Studies Research Project: Polymathy and Intellectual Curiosity in Byzantine Discourses of Science and Philosophy (Thirteenth – Fifteenth Centuries) (2016-2017)Nikephoros Gregoras' Historia Rhōmaikē. Discussions of Free Will, Spontaneity, and Divine Providence (2014-2015) |
Bulgaria |
MANTA, Claudia | 2002/2003 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Social Roles of the Preschooler and the Social Participation |
Romania |
MĂRGINEAN, Mara | 2021/2022 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: The Value of a Calorie: Food Policies and the Making of Standards of Living by the Mid-20th Century Romania ORCID: 0000-0003-2354-7386 |
Romania |
MARIN, Veronica Ileana | 2009/2010 Europa Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Urban Planning Research Project: Parallel Discourses on Urban Policy. The Romanian Urban Planners: Between EU Principles and Local Contradictions |
Romania |
MARINCEA, Adina | 2021/2022 NEC-AMEROPA Fellow |
Affiliation: Researcher: Political Science Research Project: Social Media - A Tool for the Rise of Right-Wing Populism: The role of Facebook in the Resurgence of Radical Right in the Context of the 2020 Elections in Romania ORCID: 0000-0002-3415-7562 |
Romania |
MARINOV, Tchavdar | 2007/2008 Europa Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Constructing the "Stronghold of the Bulgarianness". Politics of National Identity and Changes in the Urban Space of the Pirin Region during the Communist Regime |
Bulgaria |
MARTON, Silvia | 2003/2004 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: « FACTION » ? « COTERIE » ? « PARTI » ? L’ÉMERGENCE DES PARTIS POLITIQUES ROUMAINS AU XIXE SIÈCLELes libéraux, l'Etat et la nation: les débattes parlementaires de 1866-1871 ORCID: 0000-0001-9539-4409 |
Romania |
MARZEC , Wiktor | 2024/2025 Mattei Dogan Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: Patchwork Parliaments. Post-imperial Field of Power in the Second Republic of Poland and Greater Romania After the First World War |
Poland |
MATEESCU, Florin-Bogdan | 2018/2019 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Sociology Research Project: Household Dynamics in Rural Moldavia: Iași District in 1859 |
Romania |
MATEESCU, Oana Maria | 2010/2011 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology History Research Project: Evidence and Anachronism: Interdisciplinary Debates on Communal Ownership in Romania |
Romania |
MATEI, Alexandru | 2013/2014 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Fellow Position: Philology Research Project: Regagner l'Europe à travers la télévision : Télé-représentations du social en Roumanie et ses influences françaises, 1964-1975 |
Romania |
MATEI, Oana Lidia | 2018/2019 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Philosophy of Science Research Project: Manipulating Flora: Vegetable Philosophy and the Emergence of a New Science of Life in the Seventeenth Century |
Romania |
MATEIESCU, Sebastian | 2011/2012 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: The Ontology of Miracles |
Romania |
MATEONIU, Maria | 2007/2008 NEC Țuțea Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Ethnology Research Project: Les Roumains au-delà des frontières. Deux localités, un seul patrimoine [Romanians beyond the borders. Two localities, one heritage] |
Romania |
MATUS, Adrian George | 2023/ 2024 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Mapping Global Revisionisms. The work of Kevin Devlin inside Radio Free Europe |
Romania |
MAXWELL, Alexander | 2006/2007 Europa Fellow |
Position: Research Project: The Rise and Fall of Sartorial Nationalism: Nationalism and Clothing, 1789-1918 |
MAZANIK, Anna | 2015/2016 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Discipline and Serve: The Politics of Urban Public Health in Late Imperial Russia |
Russia |
MELASHVILI , Tamta | 2018/2019 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Gender Studies Research Project: The Soviet (Women’s) Gulags |
Georgia |
MÉRAI, Dóra | 2012/2013 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Medieval Studies Art History Archaeology Research Project: Funeral Monuments from the Transylvanian Principality in the Face of the Reformation |
Hungary |
MICLEA, Mircea | 1998/1999 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Psychology of Counterintentional Effect |
Romania |
MICU, Cornel-Aurelian | 2011/2012 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Politics of „sistematizare rurală" in Communist Romania: 1970-1989 |
Romania |
MIHAI, Nicolae | 2004/2005 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Société, mémoire et mort chez les Roumains (XVIIIe - XIXe siècles): l'usage du testament en Olténie |
Romania |
MIHĂIEȘ, Mircea | 1998/2001 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Uses of Old Age |
Romania |
MIHAIL, Mihnea Alexandru | 2021/2022 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Art History Research Project: Bound to the Column: Antichrist Iconography in the Last Judgment Scenes in the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary ORCID: 0000-0002-3485-5432 |
Romania |
MIHALACHE, Andreea Margareta | 2001/2002 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Dogma, Canon, Tradition - Resources of Contemporary Sacred Architecture |
Romania |
MIHALI, Ciprian | 1998/1999 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Éspace et communauté. La philosophie et le défi du quotidien [Space and community. Philosophy and the challenge of everyday life ] |
Romania |
MIHAYLOVA, Aneta | 2001/2002 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Right-Wing Ideology and the Intellectuals in Bulgaria and Romania during the World War II Years |
Bulgaria |
MILADINOV, Marina | 2002/2003 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Uses of Sainthood in Ecclesiastical Reforms and Controversies: Reformation and Catholic Reaction in Central Europe |
Croatia |
MILADINOVA, Nadejda | 2005/2006 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Manuscripts of Panoplia Dogmatike in Romania |
Bulgaria |
MILEVSCHI, Octavian | 2010/2011 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: International Relations Political Science Research Project: Russia's Vision of the Wider Black Sea Area. Imperium, Condominium or Security Community? |
Moldova |
MINCĂ, Bogdan | 2004/2005 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Philosophy Research Project: Eine phänomenologische Lektüre der aristotelischen Rhetorik, mit Blick auf die fundamentale Struktur des In-der-Welt-seins in Martin Heideggers 'Sein und Zeit' |
Romania |
MINEA, Cosmin Tudor | 2022/2023 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Art History Heritage Studies Research Project: Folk Culture and Natural Heritage in Interwar Romania ORCID: 0000-0003-3720-1984 |
Romania |
MIREANU, Manuel | 2023/ 2024 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: When civic becomes extreme. Accounting for far-right groups’ readiness for action in Romania ORCID: 0000-0002-0586-388X |
Romania |
MIROIU, Mihaela | 1998/1999 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Sources of Romanian Conservatism (An Applied Philosophical Analysis) |
Romania |
MITCHIEVICI, Angelo | 2014/2015 NEC by special invitation Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Emil Cioran: The Philosophy and Stylistics of Decadence |
Romania |
MITIC, Andrej | 2014/2015 EntE Europe next to Europe Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Law Political Science Research Project: 'Conservative Palingenesis' in Context: The 'New Nationalism' paradigm in Interwar Serbia |
Serbia |
MOČNIK, Nena | 2016/2017 EntE Europe next to Europe Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Gender Studies Balkan Studies Research Project: I WILL NOT RAISE MY CHILD TO KILL YOUR CHILD: Motherhood, Collective Memory and Continuation of Culture of Violence Aftermath of War |
Slovenia |
MODREANU, Simona Mihaela | 1997/2000 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: |
Romania |
MOISIL, Costin | 2012/2013 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Ethnomusicology Musicology Research Project: Problems of Identity in the Orthodox Church Music in Transylvania |
Romania |
MORTU, Ancuța Maria | 2020/2021 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: The Cognitive Structure of Art Appreciation |
Romania |
MUDROV, Sergei | 2021/2022 2015/2016 PoM Returning Fellow PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Religious Studies Research Project: Religious Issues in Ukrainian Studies (2021/ 2022)Integration vs Independence in wider Europe: the role of Churches between national sovereignty and supranational integration (2015 / 2016) |
Belarus |
MUNTEANU, Ioana | 2003/2004 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Machina mundi. Architecture du cosmos dans la poésie sacrée du Moyen Age latin |
Romania |
MUNTEANU, Luminița-Simona | 2001/2002 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Marginaux et marginalité dans l'Empire ottoman [Marginals and marginality in the Ottoman Empire ] |
Romania |
MUNTEANU, Mihaela | 2004/2005 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Economics Research Project: Towards A Postmodern Accounting Theory: A Semiotic Perspective on Financial Accounting Reporting |
Romania |
MURARU, Adrian | 2008/2009 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: Origenian Interpretation upon Numbers: Context and Spiritual Exegesis (A study accompanying thebilingual commented edition of Origen’s extant exegetical work on Numbers: Homilies andScholia) |
Romania |
MURARU, Andreea-Maria | 2020/2021 NEC-AMEROPA Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Economics Research Project: The Rotation of the Smaller Wheel: “Tolerance Remittances” in Transylvania vs. Northeastern Romania |
Romania |
MURARU, Dan - Andrei | 2009/2010 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Position: Research Project: The Penal Judicial System in Postwar Romania: The War Criminal Trials (1945-1946) |
Romania |
MURPHY, Jonathan | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Political Science Research Project: Anglo–Romanian Relations 1944–45: The War Cabinet, the Foreign Office and Transylvania |
Ireland |
MUȘAT, Raluca | 2012/2013 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: History Research Project: Cultural politics in the heart of the village: rural transformation through the cămin cultural in twentieth century Romania |
MUSTAȚĂ, Georgian-Tiberiu | 1998/1999 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The World as Semiosis |
Romania |
MUSTEAŢĂ, Sergiu | 2017/2018 2011/2012 PoM Returning Fellow BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Soviet Moldavia in the Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty Broadcast Programs during the Cold War (2017-2018)We and our Neighbours: What we Know about each Others. History Teaching and Textbooks in the Republic of Moldova, Romania and Ukraine (2011-2012) |
Moldova |
MYRONYUK, Viktoriya | 2021/2022 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Theatre Research Project: In Search of Agata |
Ukraine |
NAE, Emil-Cristian | 2012/2013 2011/2012 2010/2011 GE – NEC Fellow NEC – Adevărul Holding Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History and Theory of Art Research Project: From, Transition' to‚ Normalisation'. Tendencies of Institutional Critique in Romanian Art of the Late Nineties (2011-2012, 2012-2013)Is Conceptual Art Inherently Non‑Aesthetic? Art, Immaterial Labor and the Politics of Aesthetics (2010-2011) |
Romania |
NANINI, Riccardo | 2011/2012 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Religious Studies Research Project: From the Idealtypus to the Archétype: Similarities between Gerardus van der Leeuw's Religious Phenomenological Methodology and Mircea Eliade's Morphology? |
Italy |
NANNINI, Alessandro | 2018/2019 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Intellectual history Research Project: Sciences of the Individual. On the Coeval Birth of Aesthetics and History in the Mid-Eighteenth Century |
Italy |
NĂSTĂSOIU, Dragoş-Gheorghe | 2022/2023 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Art History Medieval History Research Project: Performing Gender in a ‘Contact Zone’: Transformation of Social Roles of Orthodox Noble Women in Late-medieval Transylvania (14th-16th Centuries) ORCID: 0000-0001-5359-3020 |
Romania |
NEAMȚU, Mihail | 2006/2007 2005/2006 Europa Fellow Guest of the Rector Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Religious Studies Research Project: Secularisation and Orthodoxy in Modern Romania, with a Special Reference to the Practice of FastingBetween the Gospel and the Nation: an Introduction to Dumitru Stăniloae’s Ethno-Theology (2005-2006) |
Romania |
NEGOIȚĂ, Octavian-Adrian | 2024/2025 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Religious Studies Research Project: “Muhammad and His Book Called Qur’an”: Greek Anti-Islamic Works in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire |
Romania |
NEGRICI, Eugen-Dominic | 2013/2014 Guest of the Rector Fellow |
Affiliation: Research Project: Grinding Mankind's Hopes and Fears for Free: An Attempt to Rehabilitate Science-Fiction through the Lens of Reception Theory |
Romania |
NEGURĂ, Petru | 2017/2018 2015/2016 2006/2007 PoM Returning Fellow PoM Pontica Magna Fellow NEC Țuțea Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Sociology History Research Project: L’enseignement primaire entre les autorités d’Etat et la population rurale en Transnistrie soviétique et en Bessarabie roumaine (1918–1940) [Primary education between the state authorities and the rural population in Soviet Transnistria and Romanian Bessarabia (1918-1940)] (2017/2018)Mass Education and Survival Strategies in the Rural Areas of Romanian Bessarabia and Soviet Moldavia in the Interwar Period (1918-1940) and Late Stalinism (1940-1956) (2015-2016) Particularités socioculturelles de l'analphabétisme populaire en situation de diglossie. Le cas de la Bessarabie et de la Transnistrie dans la première moitié du XXe siècle (2006/2007) ORCID: 0000-0001-5337-0767 |
Moldova |
NEMECZ, Alin Adrian | 1997/2000 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: |
Romania |
NENKOVSKA, Lora (Translator) In association with STĂNESCU, Bogdan-Alexandru (Author) | 2024/2025 Tandem – Author with Translator – Translator with Author Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Literature/ Translation Research Project: Translating Bogdan-Alexandru Stănescu’s "Abraxas" from Romanian into Bulgarian |
Bulgaria |
NEȚ, Mariana | 1995/1996 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Gastronomical Discourse. Mentalities and Signs |
Romania |
NIAGOLOV, Georgi | 2017/2019 How to Teach Europe Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Educational Board Game for Teaching Literature |
Bulgaria |
NICOARĂ, Toader | 1999/2000 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Le mythe du «Bon Empereur» dans la sensibilité des Roumains de Transylvanie (1691-1918) [The myth of the "Good Emperor" in the sensibility of the Romanians in Transylvania (1691-1918)] |
Romania |
NICOLAESCU, Mădălina | 2000/2001 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Global-Local Interaction |
Romania |
NICOLAU, Irina | 2001/2002 1994 Guest of the Rector Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Moi et les musées du monde. L'histoire d'une expérience muséale dans un pays de l'est (1994) |
Romania |
NICOLESCU, Răzvan | 2023/2024 NEC-AMEROPA Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Digital Humanities Anthropology Research Project: Fake News and Social Trust ORCID: 0000-0002-5404-3618 |
Romania |
NICOLESCU CRISTEA, Gabriela | 2009/2010 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Research Project: Iconoclasm or Iconoclash at the Museum? How Politics Transforms the Life of Objects |
NICORICI, Irina | 2022/2023 Gerda Henkel Fellow |
Affiliation: Sociology Research Project: Redefining Citizens, Kith and Kin: Cross-border Migrations between Romania and the Soviet Union, 1960-1990 |
Moldova/Romania |
NICULESCU, Gheorghe Alexandru | 2001/2002 1997/1998 GE – NEC Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Archaeology Research Project: Material Culture, Tradition, and the Formation of Collective Identities (2001-2002)The Material Dimension of Ethnicity (1997-1998) |
Romania |
NICULESCU, Mihai-Vlad | 1998/1999 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Preliminary Clarifications for a Full Phenomenological Harmonization of the Egological Intentionality with the Spontaneity of the Other |
Romania |
NIKOLAISHVILI, Sandro | 2016/2017 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Medieval Studies Research Project: Image of female Ruler between the Byzantine and Islamic Worlds: Example of Queen Tamar (r.1184-1213) |
Georgia |
NIKOLOV, Angel | 2004/2005 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Mediaeval Slavonic Anti- Catholic Texts from the Manuscript Collection of the Library of the Romanian Academy |
Bulgaria |
NIKOLOVSKA, Kristina | 2015/2016 EntE Europe next to Europe Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Church Slavonic Manuscripts Nationalism Studies Research Project: "Let it be known": Interrogating Historical Writing in Church Slavonic paratexts of Southeastern Europe (1371-1711) |
Macedonia |
NIȚESCU, Iulia | 2021/2022 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: How to Become the Orthodox Grand Princess of a Latin Kingdom: Defining Dynastic Religious Identity in Late 15th Century Muscovy |
Romania |
NIȚIȘ, Olivia | 2012/2013 2011/2012 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Body Politics and the Mechanisms of Power in Romanian Art in the 1980s and 1990s |
Romania |
NIȚU, Daniel | 2009/2010 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Criminal Law Research Project: The Influence of the International Criminal Tribunal's for the Former Yugoslavia Case-Law over Customary International Criminal Law |
Romania |
NJAGULOV, Blagovest | 2002/2003 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: La protection internationale des minorités et les Etats de l'Europe du Sud-Est au vingtième siècle: Les cas de la Bulgarie et de la Roumanie [International Protection of Minorities and the States of South-East Europe in the Twentieth Century: The Cases of Bulgaria and Romania] |
Bulgaria |
OANCEA, Constantin Claudiu | 2024/2025 2016/2017 Lapedatu Fellow NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Music History Research Project: Get Your Rocks Off and Your Backpack On: Socialist Modernization, Rock Music, and Everyday Life at the Foot of the Carpathians – The Case Study of Zărnești (2024/2025)Mass Culture Forged on the Party’s Assembly Line: Political Festivals in Socialist Romania, 1948 – 1989 (2016/2017) |
Romania |
OGHINA-PAVIE, Cristiana | 2015/2016 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Le vegetal rouge. Biologie, agronomie et jardinage en Roumanie 1945-1989 |
France |
OHANJANYAN, Anna | 2018/2019 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Religious Studies Research Project: Narratives of Armenian Polemics with Muslims from the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries |
Armenia |
OIȘTEANU, Andrei | 2005/2006 Guest of the Rector Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The History of the History of Religions in Romania |
Romania |
OLAR, Ovidiu-Victor | 2007/2008 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Fellow Position: History Research Project: Embattled Faiths. Religious Identity in the Orthodox East (Mid-Seventeenth Century) |
Romania |
OLARU, Vasile Mihai | 2015/2016 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Power of Writing: Regulations and Identity Certificates in Wallachia, 1740-1831 |
Romania |
OMER, Metin (Translator) In association with PAVEL, Cătălin (Author) | 2024/2025 2023/2024 NEC Odobleja Fellow Tandem – Author with Translator – Translator with Author Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Literature/Translation Research Project: Islamic institutions in Romania: From Religious to Secular-Political Actors (1878-1947) (2024/ 2025)Translating Cătălin Pavel, "Animalele care ne fac oameni. Blană, cozi și pene în arheologie" (Humanitas, 2021)/ "The Animals that Made us Human. Fur, Tails, and Feathers in archaeology"/ "Bizi insan yapan hayvanlar. Arkeolojide kürk, kuyruk ve tüyler" from Romanian into Turkish ORCID: 0000-0003-3898-6920 |
Romania |
OMETIȚĂ, Mihai | 2017/2018 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: Understanding Intentional Action: Linguistic Expression and Aesthetic Expressivity |
Romania |
OMLIN, Sibylle | 2023/ 2024 Landis & Gyr Fellow |
Position: Art History Research Project: Artist in residence undertaking cultural research in Bucharest |
Switzerland |
OPREA, Adriana | 2012/2013 2011/2012 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Fellow Position: Research Project: Crisis and Art Criticism in the '90s. The Discourse and the Status of the Art Critic after the Fall of the Communist Regime in Romania |
Romania |
OPREA, Marius | 2003/2004 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: The Heritage of the Securitate (1989-2002): People, Archives, and Business |
Romania |
OPRIȘ, Ioan Carol | 1999/2000 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Christliche und heidnische Ikonographie und Symbolik wie sie sich in der Keramik widerspiegeln, die in der Provinz Scythia entdeckt wurde (4.–7. Jh. n. Chr.) [Christian and pagan iconography and symbolism as reflected in the ceramics discovered in the province of Scythia (4th-7th century AD)] |
Romania |
OSIPIAN, Alexandr | 2012/2013 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Trans-Cultural Trade in the Black Sea Region, 1250-1700: Integration of Armenian Trading Diaspora in Moldavian Principality |
Ukraine |
OSIPIAN, Ararat | 2023/2024 2016/2017 SUS-VUIAS Fellow PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Education Research Project: World Bank comes to Ukraine: University Mergers, Protests, Corruption, and War (2023/2024)The Sorrow of a Failed State: How Corruption Distroyed Ukraine (2016/2017) ORCID: 0000-0003-4997-8213 |
Ukraine |
OSTOJIC, Mladen | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: International Relations Political Science Research Project: Donor Strategies in the Development of Civil Society in the Balkans |
France |
OTEANU, Elena | 2005/2006 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: La politiques publique des langues et la construction de l'État en République de Moldavie : Le probleme de l'identité ethnolinguistique |
Moldova |
OŢOIU , Damiana Gabriela | 2018/2019 2006/2007 NEC Haret Fellow NEC – BRITANNIA Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: Diasporas, « communautés d’origine » et spécimens scientifiques. Collaborations et controverses autour des collections d’anthropologie physique des musées parisiens [ Diasporas, "communities of origin" and scientific specimens. Collaborations and controversies around the physical anthropology collections of Parisian museums] (2018-2019)La (re)constitution de la propriété privée en Roumanie post-communiste. Le cas de la Communauté Juive (2006/2007) ORCID: |
Romania |
OYENIYI, Bukola Adeyemi | 2011/2012 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: The Politics of Power and Resistance in Yoruba Dress |
Nigeria |
OYLUPINAR, Huseyin | 2012/2013 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Cossack Collective Memory in Contemporary Southern Ukraine: An Analysis of Cossacks as a Domestic Factor in Ukrainian-Russian Relations (1991-2011) |
Turkey |
OZTAN, Ramazan Hakki | 2014/2015 EntE Europe next to Europe Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Itinerant Revolutionaries: Young Turks, Nationalism, and the New Middle East, 1908-1922 |
Turkey |
PAKUCS, Mária | 2003/2004 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Daily Life in Urban Context: Patterns of Social Control and Sociability in Sibiu (Hermannstadt) in the 16th Century ORCID: 0000-0003-3850-1276 |
Romania |
PÁL, Viktor | 2014/2015 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Environmental Studies Economics Research Project: Extensive Economic Growth and its Environmental Consequences in Western and Eastern Europe between 1850 and 1990 |
Hungary |
PALADE, Brîndușa | 2003/2004 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: Human Excellence in Retrieval: A Liberal Reappraising of Aristotle's Equality According to Desert |
Romania |
PALINCAȘ, Nona-Daniela | 2000/2001 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Zur Klassifikation in der Archäologie [On classification in archaeology] |
Romania |
PAMFIL, Laura | 2001/2002 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Greek Sources of Constantin Noica's Ontology |
Romania |
PANAYOTOV, Alexander | 2021/2022 N+N Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Minority Status and Identity: A Case Study of Jewish-Christian Relations in Early Byzantium ORCID: 0000-0002-3335-9955 |
Bulgaria |
PANTELIMON, Răzvan | 2006/2007 NEC – LINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: European Political Typologies: The Political Duality of the Unified Europe (M.A. curricular course) |
Romania |
PAPADIMA, Liviu | 1995/1996 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: Literary Reception. An Empirical Study ORCID: 0000-0002-3066-4874 |
Romania |
PAPAHAGI, Adrian | 2006/2007 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Medieval Studies Philology Research Project: A Study of the Medieval Manuscripts of the Batthyáneum Library, Alba-Iulia ORCID: |
Romania |
PAPAHAGI, Cristiana Monica | 2015/2016 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Linguistics Language Sciences Research Project: Terreur, totalitarisme et idéologie de la langue nationale. Une comparaison entre le français et le roumain |
Romania |
PÂRLEA, Vanezia | 2015/2016 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Cultural Studies Research Project: Echanges interculturels dans les récits de voyage des Français en Orient de la deuxième moitié du XVIIe siècle |
Romania |
PARTENIE, Cătălin | 1996/1997 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Plato's Distinction between Time (chronos) and Eternity (aion) in the Church Fathers |
Romania |
PARUSHEVA, Dobrinka | 2001/2002 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Orient Express - About European Influences on Everyday Life in the Balkans during the 19th and Early 20th Century |
Bulgaria |
PÂRVU, Camil Alexandru | 2011/2012 2007/2008 NEC – POSDRU Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Transformations of Contemporary Radical Political Theory (2011-2012)Rhetorical Deliberation: Aristotelian Insight into Contemporary Conundrums? (2007-2008) ORCID: 0000-0003-3937-6569 |
Romania |
PÂRVULESCU, Ioana | 1997/1998 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: ANGELUS SILESIUS HEUTE: Kritische Alternativen für eine Rezeption des "Cherubinischen Wandermannes" [Silesius today: Critical alternatives for the reception of the "Cherubian Wanderer"] |
Romania |
PAȘCALĂU, Gheorghe | 2023/ 2024 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: Die Ordnung des Seins bei Platon und Aristoteles im Kontext der Alten Akademie |
Romania |
PATAPIEVICI, Horia Roman | 1994 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: A Theory of the Internal Medium (Essay on the Reality of the Notion of Philosophical Imaginary in Exact Sciences) |
Romania |
PATRAȘ, Roxana | 2020/2021 Porticus IT Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Digital Humanities within Romanian Academia: an Exploration of Curriculum, Infrastructures, Project and Networking Opportunities |
Romania |
PĂTRUȚI, Alexandru | 2021/2022 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Economics Research Project: Keynes and Hayek: Common Theoretical Elements from Opposing Economists |
Romania |
PĂUN, Radu-Gabriel | 2004/2005 1998/1999 GE – NEC Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Fêtes et cérémonies publiques dans les pays roumains (XVIe-XIX-e siècles). L'horizon des images vécues (2004-2005)Pouvoirs et patronage dans les pays roumains et l'Europe centrale et orientale. Recherche comparative sur la modernité politique au XVII-e siècle [Powers and patronage in Romanian principalities and Central and Eastern Europe. Comparative research on political modernity in the seventeenth century] (1998-1999) |
Romania |
PĂUNA, Cătălin | 1999/2000 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Economic and Social Consequences of Labor Force Misallocation and Unemployment in Transitional Economies. The Case of Romania |
Romania |
PAVEL, Cătălin (Author) In association with OMER, Metin (Translator) | 2023/ 2024 2014/2015 2007/2008 Tandem – Author with Translator – Translator with Author Fellow NEC International Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Archaeology Research Project: Translating Cătălin Pavel, "Animalele care ne fac oameni. Blană, cozi și pene în arheologie" (Humanitas, 2021)/ "The Animals that Made us Human. Fur, Tails, and Feathers in archaeology"/ "Bizi insan yapan hayvanlar. Arkeolojide kürk, kuyruk ve tüyler" from Romanian into Turkish (2022-2023)Troy and the Trojan War: Between the Tyranny of the Text and the Archaeological Bias (2014-2015) A Recording System for Excavations in Romania (2007-2008) ORCID: 0000-0001-8524-4343 |
Romania |
PAVLEEVA, Elena | 2013/2014 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Russian Nationalism vs. Empire: An Irreconcilable Contradiction? |
Russia |
PAVLOVIĆ, Aleksandar | 2015/2016 EntE Europe next to Europe Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: South East European Studies Research Project: Towards the Politics of Friendship in the Western Balkans: Serbian-Albanian Relations, Kosovo Myth and National Identity |
Serbia |
PÉCOUD, Benjamin | 2021/2022 Landis & Gyr Fellow |
Position: Literature Research Project: Toutes directions |
Switzerland |
PEISAKHIN, Leonid | 2008/2009 Europa Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Culture, Economics, or Good Fortune? Explaining Variation in Compliance with Laws Across the Post-Communist Space |
Russia |
PETRESCU, Corina Liliana | 2005/2006 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology German Studies Research Project: The Jewish State Theater in Bucharest from 1948 to the Present |
PETRESCU, Dragoș | 2003/2004 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: The Making of a Nation: Nation-Building in Romania, 1918-1989 ORCID: 0000-0001-7870-0611 |
Romania |
PETROVICI, Norbert | 2010/2011 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Sociology Research Project: Local Business Circles in Global State Spaces. Political and Economic Spatial Growth Regimes |
Romania |
PETROVSZKY, Konrad | 2009/2010 Europa Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Orthodox Historiography in Ottoman South-Eastern Europe (16th and 17th Centuries) – Formative Conditions and Conceptual Change |
Germany |
PETSINIS , Vassilis | 2005/2006 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Political Science Research Project: Patterns of Intercultural and Multicultural Practice: East and West (A Comparative Approach) ORCID: 0000-0003-3383-8160 |
Greece |
PFÄFFLI, Mathis | 2023/ 2024 Landis & Gyr Fellow |
Position: Visual Arts Research Project: Artist in residence |
Switzerland |
PIETRĂREANU, Ovidiu | 2007/2008 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: La metaphorisation des noms de parties du corps, la conceptualisation de l’espace et la spatialisation des concepts dans les langes sémitiques (arabe, hébreu, syriaque) [Metaphorisation of body part names, conceptualisation of space and spatialisation of concepts in Semitic languages (Arabic, Hebrew, Syriac).] |
Romania |
PINIEL, Jolanda | 2008/2009 Landis & Gyr Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: |
Switzerland |
PINTILIE-TELEAGA, Ileana-Maria | 2005/2006 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Art History Research Project: The Body – A Utopia of Interiority. The Dispute between the Public and the Private Body in Romanian Contemporary Art |
Romania |
PIOTROWSKA, Anna | 2014/2015 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Cultural Studies Musicology Research Project: Paths of Inclusions and Exclusion: Russian Music and its "Others": On the Example of Romany People and their Music |
Poland |
PLAINER, Zsuzsa-Kinga | 2010/2011 2008/2009 NEC – SOC Fellow NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology History Research Project: On “Ideological Vigilance”: Controlling Daily Newspapers in Oradea during the First Years of Ceaușescu's System (1966-1970)Cultural Politics and Hungarian Ethnic Identity-Buliding in a Local Society from Ceaușescu's Romania. The Hungarian Theater in Oradea during the 1980s (2008-2009) |
Romania |
PLASTUN, Oleksii | 2024/2025 SUS-VUIAS Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Economics Research Project: Sanctions Against Russia: Results vs Expectations and Myths vs Reality |
Ukraine |
PLOSCEANU, Violeta Emilia | 2007/2008 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Le cordon sanitaire d'Europe. Une sociologie des reformes pour la modernisation de la Roumanie (1920-1940) |
Romania |
POLIANICHEV, Oleksandr | 2016/2017 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Nationalism Studies Research Project: Empire’s Entanglements: Power, Imagination, and Loyalty in Kuban, 1792-1917 |
Ukraine |
POPA, Bogdan | 2021/2022 2018/2019 NEC Odobleja Fellow Lapedatu Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Pathways of Knowledge Exchange: The Dissemination of Romanian Publications in Europe (second half of the 19th Century - until the First World War) (2021/2022)Cities at the Crossroads. Urban Communities and Intercultural Links in the Romanian Principalities, 1800–1900 (2018/2019) |
Romania |
POPA, Cristian | 1996/1999 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: |
Romania |
POPA, Florinela | 2011/2012 NEC – POSDRU Fellow |
Affiliation: Research Project: Music and Politics. Case Study: Sergei Prokofiev |
Romania |
POPA, Ion | 2018/2019 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: The British Connection: Jews and Judaism in the Anglican-Romanian Orthodox Interfaith Relation |
Romania |
POPA, Maria Raluca | 2003/2004 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: A Landscape of Memory. The Story of the Civic Center in Bucharest "Retold": The Communist Project and the Urban Memory. A More Inclusive Story - An Oral History Project |
Romania |
POPESCU, Ioana | 2004/2005 1998/1999 Guest of the Rector Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Reflexion anthropologique sur la photographie ethnographique (avec une étude de cas sur le photographe Iosif Berman) (1998/1999) |
Romania |
POPESCU, Irina | 2023/2024 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Urban Planning History Research Project: Urban Patterns in Transition. Structural and Morphological Layers of Modernization in 19th Century Wallachian Towns |
Romania |
POPESCU, Liliana | 1997/2000 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: |
Romania |
POPESCU, Theodor-Cristian | 2010/2011 NEC – Adevărul Holding Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Theatre Research Project: Models of Continuity, Discontinuity, Adaptation and Transformation of Post '89 Independent Theatre in Romania, Poland and Czech Republic. Context and Case Studies |
Romania |
POPESCU, Toader | 2009/2010 NEC – UAR (Union of Romanian Architects) Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Urban Planning History Research Project: Un aller simple pour la modernité : L'urbanité roumaine sous le signe de la voie ferrée (1859-1918) |
Romania |
POPESCU-CRIVEANU, Irina | 2007/2008 2002/2003 Europa Fellow GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Lecture de la spécificité urbaine. Le cas moldo-valaque [ Reading the urban specificity. The Moldovan-Wallakian case] (2007-2008)L'urbanisme selon ses principes historiques (2002/2003) |
Romania |
POPOVICI, Veda-Alexandra | 2012/2013 2011/2012 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Authenticity and Imitation. Building Ethno-nationalism in Romanian Art in the 1965-1989 Period (2011-2012, 2012-2013) |
Romania |
POSUNKO, Andriy | 2021/2022 2017/2018 PoM Returning Fellow PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: The Transformation of New Russia: From Frontier to Province to Myth (2021 / 2022)The Transformation of New Russia (Novorossia): From Frontier to Province to Myth (2017 / 2018) |
Ukraine |
POTAPENKO, Svitlana | 2019/2020 Gerda Henkel Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Sociology Research Project: “Instead of Myself, I Entrust to Be in the Court and to Attend…”: Attorneys in Sloboda Ukraine (1730s–1830s) |
Ukraine |
PRAJDA, Katalin | 2011/2012 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Art History Research Project: The Biographies of Pippo Scolari, called Lo Spano (19th - 21st centuries) |
Hungary |
PREDA, Caterina | 2014/2015 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: Art and Politics in Modern Dictatorships |
Romania |
PREDA, Cristian | 1998/2001 1996/1997 RELINK Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Une histoire intellectuelle de la modernité politique roumaine [An Intellectual History of Romanian Political Modernity ] (1998-2001)Le meilleur régime politique. Histoire des solutions classiques et modernes (1996-1997) |
Romania |
PREDESCU, Ionela-Magdalena | 2012/2013 2009/2010 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: L'art contemporain roumain entre néo-modernisme et postmodernisme. Les spectres des années 70-80 (2009-2010, 2012-2013) |
Romania |
PRELIPCEAN, Gabriela | 2008/2009 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Contributions Regarding Optimal Migration Policies after the European Enlargement |
Romania |
PRELIPCEANU, Raluca-Gabriela | 2006/2007 NEC Țuțea Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Migration Studies Research Project: La circulation des élites professionnelles roumaines dans l'Union Européenne et ses implications pour l'état roumain |
Romania |
PRICOP, Cosmin Daniel | 2018/2019 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Religious Studies Research Project: Rezeptionsgeschichte des Textes Joh 1,14b in der frühchristlichen Literatur bis 325 [Reception history of the text Joh 1,14b in early Christian literature until 325] |
Romania |
PRUNEA-BRETONNET, Tinca Alexandra | 2014/2015 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Philosophy Research Project: De Crusius à Kant. Les enjeux d'une filiation |
Romania/France |
PULAY, Gergő | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Street Life, Value and Exchange in a Poor Neighborhood of Bucharest |
Hungary |
PURIC , Octavian | 2024/2025 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Philosophy Research Project: Broken and Fulfilled Promises: A Study of Platonic Metaphysics Through the Lens of the Notion of Promise |
Romania |
RADCHENKO, Iurii | 2022/2023 GCE St. Gallen Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Jewish-Karaite-Muslim Relation in Ukraine during Nazi Occupation (1941-1944) |
Ukraine |
RADU, Cosmin-Gabriel | 2020/2021 2010/2011 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow NEC – SOC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Migration Studies Sociology Research Project: Migration Industry in Romania: Temporary Work Agencies, Employers and the State in the Making of a non-EU Migrant Labour RegimeDwelling and Crossing the Frontier: Political Subjectivities and Moving Landscapes at the Romania-Serbia Border |
Romania |
RADU, Maria Magdalena | 2012/2013 2010/2011 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Mapping the Neo-Avant-Garde in Romanian Art |
Romania |
RADU, Sorin | 2019/2020 Lapedatu Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Interwar Romania: Political and Institutional Modernization and National Discourse |
Romania |
RADU-BUCURENCI, Simina | 2006/2007 Europa Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Beyond Hunger: A European Perspective on Reacting to Shortages in 1980s Romania |
Romania |
RĂDULESCU, Mihai Sorin | 1996/1997 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Die Bukarester Aristokratie in der Zwischenkriegszeit (1918-1947) [The Bucharest aristocracy in the interwar period (1918-1947)] |
Romania |
RĂDULESCU, Raluca Luria | 2000/2001 NEC Fellow |
Field of Study: Research Project: The Political Mentality of the English Gentry at the End of the Fifteenth Century |
Romania |
RĂDULESCU, Speranța | 1997/1998 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Ethnomusicology Research Project: Le Danț de l'Oaș – Structure musicale et insertion sociale [The Danț of Oaș - Musical structure and social integration] |
Romania |
RĂDUŢĂ, Doina Magdalena | 2006/2007 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: Genèse et créativité d’une génération littéraire dans la Roumanie communiste : les « Jeunes Loups » |
Romania |
RAKOVA-MARINKYOVA, Snezhanka | 2002/2003 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The European Idea in the 15th Century: The Pope Pius II's Decriptio Europae and the Balkans |
Bulgaria |
RAKOVIĆ, Slaviša | 2013/2014 EntE Europe next to Europe Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Research Project: Secularism vs. Identitarian Orthodoxy in Serbia: Trajectories of a Great Divide |
Serbia |
RAȚIU, Dan-Eugen | 2004/2005 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: La Muse subventionnée: les politiques culturelles et le statut de l'artiste en Roumanie |
Romania |
RAȚIU, Iuliu Emil | 2015/2016 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Cultural Studies Literature American Studies Research Project: Lost and Found in Translation: Tracing the French Origins and Cultural Reception of the Romanian Translation of Walden |
Romania |
RAȚIU, Mara Victoria | 2012/2013 2009/2010 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Romanian Art Institutions of the 90's: between Acceptance and Rejection (2009-2010, 2012-2013) |
Romania |
RĂUȚĂ, Radu-Alexandru | 2008/2009 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Architecture Research Project: The Making of a Civic Center |
Romania |
REISZ, Robert Doron | 1999/2000 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Opinions of Romanian Academics on Emigration |
Romania |
RISTACHE, Laurențiu-Florin | 2014/2015 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Theatre Research Project: Aristophanes and Aristocracy. Political Gender and the Hermeneutics of Desire |
Romania |
RIZESCU, Nicoleta Oana | 2005/2006 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: "Ratio decidendi" ou "lex animata" ? Essai d'interprétation politique de l'autorité de la chose jugée dans le procès accusatoire en Valachie au XVIIe siècle |
Romania |
RIZESCU, Victor | 2011/2012 2002/2003 NEC – POSDRU Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Ideological Varieties and Interferences in the Romanian Context: Liberalism, Socialism, Agrarianism, Corporatism and Social Organicism (2011-2012)The 'Royal Dictatorship' between Economic Changes and Bureaucratic Design: An Inquiry into the Social History of Romania, 1930-1940 (2002-2003) |
Romania |
ROMAN, Nicoleta | 2023/2024 NEC Haret Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Crossing Borders, Changing the Routes of Knowledge: Women Teachers from abroad and Educational Mobility in Mid-Nineteenth Century Romanian Principality of Wallachia ORCID: 0000-0001-9626-6329 |
Romania |
ROTARU, Vasile | 2018/2019 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History International Relations Research Project: “A Deja-Vu Scenario? The Balkanization of the Former Soviet Space: Similarities and Differences Between the ‘Old’ and ‘New’ Separatist Conflicts” |
Moldova |
RUGHINIȘ, Ana Cosima | 2001/2002 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Our Metaphors and Symptoms of Change. Social Representations of Romania's Post-Communist Transition |
Romania |
RUMYANSEV, Sergey | 2013/2014 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Sociology History Research Project: Conflict and Politics of Commemorations in Diaspora. Memory Politics in Post-soviet Azerbaijan in the Context of its Influence on Azeri Ethno-national Diaspora in Romania and Moldova |
Azerbaijan |
RUSU, Octavian | 2014/2015 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science International Relations Research Project: Explaining Russian Policy Shifts towards the Transnistrian Conflict (1989-2013) |
Moldova |
RYBAKOVA, Maria (Author) In association with VRACIU, Marina (Translator) | 2022/2023 2018/2019 2017/2018 Tandem – Author with Translator – Translator with Author Fellow PoM Returning Fellow PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Creative Writing Classics Research Project: Translating Maria Rybakova, "Quaternity: Four Novellas from the Carpathians"/ "Cetverovecinost"/ "Cuaternitate. Patru nuvele din Carpați" from English/Russian into RomanianTime, Space and Body in the First Novels by Mircea Eliade and Max Blecher (2018/2019) Space and Mystery: Mircea Eliade’s Magical Bucharest (2017/2018) |
Russia/USA |
RYZHKOVSKYI, Volodymyr | 2022/2023 GCE St. Gallen Fellow |
Affiliation: History Research Project: Soviet Occidentalism: Medieval Studies and the Restructuring of Imperial Knowledge in Twentieth-Century Russia |
Ukraine |
SABEV, Orlin | 2010/2011 2004/2005 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: The Robert College of Istanbul's Bulgarian Students and Alumni (200-2011)Formation of the Ottoman Print Culture (1727-1747) (2004/2005) |
Bulgaria |
SAFTA-ZECHERIA, Leyla | 2019/2020 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Research Project: The Judicialization of Biopolitics in Romania |
Romania |
SĂLIȘTEANU-CRISTEA, Oana | 1994/1995 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: Power's Official Speech in the Post-Totalitarian Period. A Linguistic Approach |
Romania |
SAMOKHVALOV, Vsevolod | 2010/2011 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: International Relations Research Project: The Holy Grail and the Promised Land: Construction of the Russian Greatness Through the Balkans and the Black Sea region |
Ukraine |
SAMUELSON, Amy | 2011/2012 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Research Project: Youth and Environmentalism in Post-Socialist Romania and Moldova |
SAN MARTÍN ARBIDE, Lola | 2020/2021 N+N Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Music Art History Research Project: Listening to the City: Paris in Music, Film and Literature, 1870–1939 |
Spain |
ȘANDOR, Dorel | 1994 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Political Risk in Post-Communist Societies |
Romania |
SANDU-DEDIU, Valentina | 2007/2008 1996/1997 NEC – LINK Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Literature and Music: Through Mannerism, Baroque, and PostmodernismCommon Subjects in Musical Rhetoric and Stylistics ORCID: 0000-0003-2467-474X |
Romania |
SĂNDULESCU, Valentin Adrian | 2009/2010 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Other Green Intellectuals: A History of Young Interwar Romanian Intellectuals and Their Encounters with Fascism and Communism |
Romania |
SARGSYAN, Lusine | 2016/2017 2013/2014 PoM Returning Fellow BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Medieval Armenian Studies Research Project: Armenian Manuscripts in Romania (2016/2017)Armenian Art in Romania, particularly Armenian Manuscripts (2013/2014) |
Armenia |
SARUKHANYAN, Ani (Translator) In association with HARUTYUNYAN, Susanna (Author) | 2023/ 2024 Tandem – Author with Translator – Translator with Author Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Literature/ Translation Research Project: Translating Susanna Harutyunyan, "Agravnerə Noyits araj"/ "Ագռավները Նոյից առաջ"/ "Ravens Before Noah" from Armenian into Turkish (2023/2024) |
Armenia |
SAVA, Lucia | 2007/2008 NEC Țuțea Fellow |
Affiliation: History Research Project: Daily Life and Mentalities in Chișinău and within the Re-united Romania (1918-1940) |
Moldova |
SĂVOAIA, Dan-Alexandru | 2023/ 2024 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Social Reform Struggles in Interwar Eastern Europe: The Intricacies of Romania`s Multilateral Diplomacy |
Romania |
SCHIFFBECK, Adrian | 2022/2023 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Religious Studies Research Project: The Strangers to the World: Attitudes on Solitude and Compassion in Buddhist and Orthodox Monasteries from Japan and Romania ORCID: 0000-0002-2071-0160 |
Romania |
SCHMIDLIN, Noel | 2024/2025 Landis & Gyr Fellow |
Position: Music Research Project: Composition Residency in Bucharest – A Search for Sounds |
Switzerland |
SCHMITT, Oliver Jens | 2019/2020 Lapedatu Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Interwar Romania: Political and Institutional Modernization and National Discourse |
Austria |
SCHOVANEC, Josef | 2012/2013 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Religious Studies Research Project: Posthumanism: Is There a Theophany in the Computer? Kurzveil and the Eternal Return of the Sacred |
France |
SCROB, Mircea-Lucian | 2016/2017 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Reevaluating consumers’ experiences during socialism from an anthropological perspective: a context-sensitive interpretation of developments in the availability of foodstuffs and durable goods in 1960s and 1970s Romanian countryside |
Romania |
SCUTARU, Beatrice Andreea | 2022/2023 NEC Haret Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Children of the Cold War: Experiences of Forced Migration and Humanitarian Aid in Socialist Romania (WARCHILD) ORCID: 0000-0002-3760-0937 |
Romania |
SDROBIȘ, Constantin-Dragoș | 2017/2018 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: History Research Project: The Rise of the Professional Society? The Status of Intellectual Work and “Learned Professions” in Interwar Romania. |
Romania |
SECAȘIU, Claudiu-Octavian | 2005/2006 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Origins of the "Securitate". The Special Intelligence Service (SSI) between West and East, 1944-1951: The Anatomy of a Secret Service in a Repressive Regime |
Romania |
SEÇKINER, Vildan | 2015/2016 EntE Europe next to Europe Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Ethnology Research Project: Enthusiasm for space: Affects and hierarchies in the production of Tarlabașı |
Turkey |
SECRIERU, Stanislav | 2011/2012 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: European and Russian Policies in the "Common Neighborhood": The Case of Moldova |
Moldova |
ŠEME, Blaž | 2005/2006 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Art History Research Project: The Problem of Decay of Exterior Wall Paintings on Monuments: Comparative Study of Medieval Painted Churches of Bukovina (Romania) and Slovenia ORCID: 0000-0002-5760-7714 |
Slovenia |
ȘERBAN, Alex Leo | 2002/2003 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Just an Image. Godard's Hermeneutics in "Histoire(s) du cinema" |
Romania |
ȘERBAN, Andreea | 2007 NEC – LINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Postcolonial Voices: Races, Cultures, Identities (curricular course) |
Romania |
ȘERBAN, Ionel - Stelu | 2009/2010 NEC Țuțea Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Ethnicity in South East Europe: A Reassessment through the Lens of the Hidden Minority Concept |
Romania |
SERHIIENKO, Viktoriia | 2018/2019 Gerda Henkel Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History of Ukraine Research Project: Russophile and Ukrainophile Orientations in Eastern Slovakia in 1919–1938: Confrontation and Interaction |
Ukraine |
SFERLEA, Gheorghe Ovidiu | 2014/2015 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Patristics Religious Studies Research Project: The Idea of Spiritual Perpetual Progress in Greek Patristic Tradition: From Gregory of Nyssa to Kallistos Angelikoudes |
Romania |
SHAEV, Brian | 2014/2015 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Supranationalizing Coal and Steel Policy: Socialists in the Consultative Assembly of the European Coal & Steel Community, 1952-1958 |
SHEKHOVTSOV, Anton | 2014/2015 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: The Euromaidan and the Ukrainian Extreme Right: Fighting for the European integration? |
Ukraine |
SHLIAKHTIN, Roman | 2023/ 2024 Gerda Henkel Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Byzantine Studies Research Project: Anatolia Lost and Found: Trauma and Compensation in Komnenian Space (1081-1204) |
Russia |
SIEKIERSKI, Konrad | 2010/2011 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Ethnology Anthropology Research Project: Religion, Politics and Diaspora: The Case Study of Armenian Community in Modern Romania |
Poland |
SILIAN, Alina - Petronela | 2009/2010 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Research Project: Active Citizenship? A Romani Grassroots Redefinition of Inclusion within the EU |
Romania |
SIMON, Alexandru | 2008/2009 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Medieval History Research Project: Ideology, Politics and Propaganda in Central- and South-Eastern Europe from Nicopolis to Belgrade (1396-1456) |
Romania |
ȘINCAN, Anca Maria | 2008/2009 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Re-Writing Their History – A New Orthodox Interpretative Cannon for the History of the Greek Catholic Church During the Communist Period |
Romania |
SIUPIUR, Elena | 1994/1995 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Die Deutschen Universitätszentren und Intellektuellenbildung im Südeuropa des 19. Jahrhunderts |
Romania |
SKOPIN, Denis | 2020/2021 2012/2013 PoM Returning Fellow NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: University of Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint Denis (2012) Position: Philosophy Research Project: Remembering Missing People: Ethics and Aesthetics of Photographic Memorials (2020 / 2021)La Photographie et la Question de la Communauté Politique. L’archéologie de L’Effacement des Traces (Photography and the Question of Political Community. The Archaeology of The Erasure of Traces) |
Russia |
SLJUKIC, Srdjan | 2001/2002 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Sociological Aspects of Peasants' Cooperation in Post-Socialist Romania |
Yugoslavia |
SLUȘANSCHI, Dan Mihaiu | 1994/1995 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: Key Themes in the 15th Century: Eastern European Documents and Chronicles |
Romania |
SMBATYAN, Nelli | 2014/2015 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Art History Research Project: The Armenian Rugs and Textile Collections in Romania |
Armenia |
SMIRNA , Tudor Gherasim | 2016/2017 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Economics History Research Project: The Formation and Early Evolution of the Modern Monetary and Banking System in Romania |
Romania |
SMITH, Blake | 2015/2016 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: A World of Emulation: The Theory, Policy and Practice of Franco-Indian Trade, 1750-1792 |
SOLOMONOVICH, Nadav | 2021/2022 N+N Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Celebrating the Nation: The Politics of National Celebrations in Post Atatürk Turkey (1938-2020) ORCID: 0000-0001-8938-1011 |
Israel |
SORA, Andrei Florin | 2009/2010 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Research Project: Être fonctionnaire « minoritaire » dans la Grande Roumanie (1918-1940). Idéologie de la Nation et pratiques d'Etat |
Romania |
ȘORA, Mihai | 2002/2003 Guest of the Rector Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: |
Romania |
SORESCU, Andrei Dan | 2019/2020 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: History Research Project: The Portrait of the Tsar: Nation-Building and Transnational Entanglements at the Ends of Empire |
Romania |
SORESCU, Roxana | 1994/1995 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: The Idea of «Europe» in Romanian Culture |
Romania |
SPASOV, Malamir | 2004/2005 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Single White Male, Education: Higher, Non-certifiable, Nationality: European |
Bulgaria |
SPIRIDON, Monica | 1998/1999 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Hermeneutics of Occidentalism and Orientalism in the Romanian Culture of the XXth Century |
Romania |
SPRÎNCEANĂ, Vitalie | 2014/2015 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Sociology Religious Studies Research Project: Unsecularizing the World: Moldovan Baptists and Globalization of Religion |
Moldova |
STAMATE-ȘTEFAN, Andreas | 2015/2016 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Economics Research Project: A Critical Appraisal of Virgil Madgearu in the History of the Romanian Economic Thought |
Romania |
STAMENOVA, Svetlana | 2001/2002 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Research Project: Peculiarities of Political Support in Post-Communist South-East European Countries (The Examples of Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, and Bulgaria) |
Bulgaria |
STAN, Marius Adrian | 2012/2013 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: Gaining the Trust through Facing the Past? Prosecuting War Crimes Committed in the Former Yugoslavia in National and International Legal Context |
Romania |
STAN, Răzvan Sebastian | 2006/2007 Europa Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Exploring a Spontaneous Process of European Integration – Food, Taste and Culinary Practices in the Case of Migrant Workers from Eastern Romania |
Romania |
STANCIU, Diana | 2001/2002 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Coercitive Authority and Popular Sovereignty in Marsiglio of Padua's "Defensor Pacis" |
Romania |
STANCIU-PĂSCĂRIȚA, Daniela | 2024/2025 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Making the State. Sociability of Old and New Networks in Post-Imperial Realities |
Romania |
STĂNCULESCU, Irina | 2006/2007 Europa Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: La visite. Un processus d'acculturation dans la société bucarestoise du XIX-e siècle |
Romania |
STĂNESCU, Bogdan-Alexandru (Author) In association with NENKOVSKA, Lora (Translator) | 2024/2025 Tandem – Author with Translator – Translator with Author Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Literature Research Project: Translating Bogdan-Alexandru Stănescu’s "Abraxas" from Romanian into Bulgarian |
Romania |
STEENBERGEN, Naomi van | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: The Limits of Direct Attention: A Phenomenological Account |
Netherlands |
ȘTEFAN, Andreea | 2010/2011 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: Athènes et les Athéniens dans l'Anabase d'Alexandre: entre l'imaginaire romain et la tradition historique Grecque |
Romania |
ȘTEFAN, Olga | 2019/2020 Landis & Gyr Fellow |
Position: Research Project: The Future of Memory |
Switzerland |
ȘTEFAN-SCALAT, Laurențiu-Mihai | 1999/2000 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Us and Them. The Role of Social Dialogue in the Social and Economic Transformations of Post-communist Societies |
Romania |
ȘTEFĂNESCU, Bogdan | 2003/2004 Guest of the Rector Fellow |
Field of Study: Research Project: How to Make Nations with Words: The Role of Critical Intellectuals in (Re)Constructing Their Nations in a Global Environment |
Romania |
STEFANOVA, Aglika | 2005/2006 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Les telenovelas latino-américaines dans les sociétés post-communistes pendant les années 90 : leur expansion, leurs roles, leur public |
Bulgaria |
STEFANUȚ, Ada | 2007/2008 Europa Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Living at the Waters |
Romania |
STERE, Anca | 2005/2006 NEC – BRITANNIA Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Anthropology Research Project: The Use of Folkloric Texts in Conveying Ideological Messages: Romanian Folkloric Facts during the Collectivization Period |
Romania |
STILLO, Jonathan | 2012/2013 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: "Magic Mountains" in Romania: Citizenship, Poverty and the New Role of Tuberculosis Sanatoria |
STOICA, Augustin | 2006/2007 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Social Contours of the Romanian Communist Party: 1944-1989 |
Romania |
STOICA, Luana Irina | 1997/1998 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: La banlieue (mahalaua) roumaine de l'entre-deux-guerre: topos et réalité sociale. Une typologie [The Romanian suburbs (mahalaua) of the interwar period: topos and social reality. A typology] |
Romania |
STOICHIȚĂ, Victor Alexandru | 2009/2010 NEC Țuțea Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: L'argent, l'amour, les ennemis. Une étude ethnographique des reconfigurations dans la pratique des musiciens professionnels populaires roumains au début du XXIe siècle |
Romania |
STOICIU, Andrei | 1997/1998 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: Le rôle des intellectuels roumains après 1989. Une approche de communication politique [The role of Romanian intellectuals after 1989. An approach to political communication] |
Romania |
STRUNGARU, Carmen | 1995/1996 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Biology Research Project: Biological Roots of Human Vocal Communication |
Romania |
SUCIU, Oana | 2007 NEC – LINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Symbolic Histories and Geographies (M.A. curricular course) Geography and Political Imagination (M.A. curricular course) |
Romania |
SUHAN, Stela | 2007/2008 NEC Țuțea Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The History and Memory of Communist Deportations and Reprisals in the Republic of Moldova |
Moldova |
SUREVA, Nataliya | 2023/ 2024 GCE St. Gallen Fellow |
Affiliation: History Research Project: Southern Ukraine in the Second Half of the 18th Century: Self-Presentation of Local Communities in Front of Russian Imperial Bureaucracy |
Ukraine |
SZABÓ, Levente | 2001/2002 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Making of the Hungarian Canonical National Past |
Romania |
SZABÓ-REZNEK , Eszter | 2024/2025 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Position: Theatre Research Project: Control, Uniformity and Identity. The Hungarian Theatre of Cluj in the 1950s |
Romania |
SZIGETI, Attila | 2008/2009 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: L'expérience incarnée dans la phénoménologie, les sciences cognitives et la philosophie analytique de l'esprit : la perception et l'intersubjectivité incarnée [The Embodied Experience in Phenomenology, Cognitive Sciences and Analytical Philosophy of Mind: Perception and Embodied Intersubjectivity] |
Romania |
TĂBĂRAȘI, Ana Stanca | 2006/2007 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Stadienlehre, Zeit und Gesellschaft. Zum Verhältnis von Philosophie und Theologie bei Franz von Baader und Søren Kierkegaard |
Romania |
TALABÉR, Andrea | 2021/2022 N+N Fellow |
Affiliation: History Research Project: ‘One Must Travel, but One Can holiday at Home’: Tourism and Nation-Building in Hungary, 1918-1944 |
Hungary |
TALLOTTE, William | 2012/2013 EURIAS Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Musicology Ethnomusicology Research Project: Une forme qui vient à l'esprit. Composition et improvisation dans musique du Perya Mēḷam (Inde du Sud) |
France |
TAMÁS, Hajnalka | 2021/2022 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Religious Studies Research Project: "Litterae formatae": Practice and Function of Ecclesiastical Recommendation in Late Antiquity |
Romania |
TĂNASE, Oana | 2011/2012 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Adequacy and Authenticity in Art Criticism. Case Study: Arta Magazine |
TĂNĂSESCU, Ion | 1997/1998 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Zur Beziehung von Traditionellem und Modernem bei F. Brentano [ The relationship between the traditional and the modern in F. Brentano's work] |
Romania |
TANAȘOCA, Șerban N. | 1994 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: La construction européenne et le byzantinisme des pays de l'Est. Le cas de la Roumanie [European construction and Byzantinism in the East. The case of Romania] |
Romania |
TANEVA, Antoaneta | 2001/2002 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Images of the Body in Brâncuși and Cioran |
Bulgaria |
TANIS, Kristina | 2023/ 2024 GCE St. Gallen Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Film Studies Soviet Studies Research Project: Translocations of the Second World War: The Case Study of Trophy Films in the USSR ORCID: 0000-0001-5389-7761 |
Russia |
ȚĂRANU, Cătălin | 2020/2021 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Literature Research Project: The Dark Side of Honour: Shame in the Emotional Life of Germanic Heroic Poetry ORCID: 0000-0003-3758-6933 |
Romania |
TAT, Alin-Sebastian | 2006/2007 2004/2005 NEC Țuțea Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: Identité et altérité confessionnelle dans la revue « Perspective » (Munich, 1978-2005) (2006-2007)La théologie vue d'ailleurs: quelques cas philosophiques (2004-2005) |
Romania |
TĂTARU-CAZABAN, Bogdan | 2001/2002 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: L'angeologie scolastique au XIIIe siècle [Scholastic Angeology in the 13th century] |
Romania |
TĂTARU-CAZABAN, Miruna-Irina | 2003/2004 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: Quod omnes tangit: droit, théologie et consentement politique au XIVe siècle |
Romania |
TATEO, Giuseppe | 2019/2020 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Position: Independent Researcher Field of Study:Anthropology Research Project: Archaeology of an Unfulfilled Project: Rediscovering Romania’s Secular Past Through the Early History of the National Cathedral, 1881–1932 ORCID: 0000-0001-9250-7682 |
Italy |
TATULASHVILI, Niko | 2013/2014 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Law Research Project: Freedom of Association and Trade Union Rights in Europe, Comparative Study of the ECJ and the ECtHR Case Law |
Georgia |
TELEGDI-CSETRI, Áron Zsolt | 2009/2010 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: The Link between Kant's Theoretical and Political Philosophy through his Concept of Time |
Romania |
TEODOR, Alexandra | 2022/2023 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Urban Planning Archaeology Research Project: Antiquity in Use in Urban Contexts: Preliminary Classification and Case Studies on the Adaptive Reuse of Antique Structures in Modern Cities ORCID: 0009-0005-0596-0347 |
Romania |
TEODOREANU, Nicolae | 1999/2000 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Rhythmussysteme in der rumänischen traditionellen Musik. Schwerpunkt: komplexe Rhythmen wie «parlando-rubato» und «aksak» |
Romania |
TEODORESCU, Ioana | 2001/2002 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations on the Culture of Residential Districts |
Romania |
TEODORESCU, Radu | 2007 2005 1997/2000 NEC – LINK Fellow RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Research in Psychiatry (optional course) (2007)Community Psychiatry (post-graduate optional course) (2005) Actualități în tulburările anxioase (Developments in anxiety disorders) [editor] |
Romania |
TERZYAN, Aram | 2020/2021 2012/2013 PoM Returning Fellow BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: The Aftermath of the “Velvet Revolution”: Armenia Between Domestic Change and Foreign Policy Continuity (2020/2021)South Caucasus in the Context of European Union's Energy Security (2012/2013) |
Armenia |
TESĂR, Cătălina | 2019/2020 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Time of the Chalice: Of Marriages, Ancestors, and Sons among Gypsies in Transylvania |
Romania |
THERIAULT, Barbara | 2021/2022 |
Affiliation: Position: Sociology Research Project: L’esthetique moyenne ou la coupe reguliere. La dimension esthetique du social dans une ville d’Allemagne |
Canada |
ȚÎCU, Octavian | 2010/2011 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Russia and the Issue of Territorial Integrity in the post-Soviet States: the Cases of Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova |
Moldova |
ŢIGANEA, Oana Cristina | 2016/2017 NEC – private donor Fellow |
Field of Study: Research Project: Industrial Architecture between territorial Diffusion, Interpretation and Identity Creation during 1945 – 1989 in Romania |
Romania |
TILLESSEN, Peter | 2024/2025 Landis & Gyr Fellow |
Position: Environmental Studies Research Project: Against Nature |
Switzerland |
TIMOTIN, Emanuela Cristina | 2010/2011 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: Apocryphal Writings and Popular Devotion. The Dream of the Virgin Mary in the Romanian Tradition |
Romania |
TIMUȘ, Mihaela | 2006/2007 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: « Pencher d’un côté vers l’autre. » Étude comparative (Grèce classique, Iran pré-islamique) et considérations théoriques sur le symbolisme (structure) de la balance. |
Romania |
TOFAN, Ioan Alexandru | 2012/2013 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: Der Begriff der "Erfahrung" bei Walter Benjamin. Theologie, Erkenntniss und Politik in der städtischen Welt |
Romania |
TOPAN, Mihai-Vladimir | 2014/2015 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Economics Political Science Research Project: Classical Liberalism in Romania: The Case of Emanuel Neuman |
Romania |
TOPLEAN, Adela | 2016/2017 2008/2009 NEC Odobleja Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Thanatology Research Project: Death Studies, Sociology of Death and Dying, Thanatoloy (2016/2017)On Personal Ways of Dying: Outlining a Theoretical Inquiry (2008/2009) |
Romania |
TOTEVA, Maia | 2008/2009 Europa Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Voices Behind the Curtain: Language, Ideology and Totalitarian Systems in the Works of Russian and East European Nonconformist Artists (1960s-1970s) |
Bulgaria |
TOYMENTSEV, Sergey | 2019/2020 2017/2018 PoM Returning Fellow PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Film Studies Philosophy Research Project: Tarkovsky and Bergsonism: Time, Memory, ResonanceFrom Matter to Thought: Towards a Deleuzean Genealogy of Russian Film History (2017-2018) |
Russia |
TRACHSEL, Alexandra | 2016/2017 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Being a Severan Author: picking flowers, dining copiously or retreating to one's study? Reflections on authorial self-representation in the 2nd-3rd century CE |
Switzerland |
TRIFA, Raluca-Maria | 2024/2025 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Architecture Research Project: Bridging Histories: Unveiling the Industrial Evolution Across the Habsburg Empire's Periphery |
Romania |
TRISOKKAS, Ioannis | 2013/2014 EntE Europe next to Europe Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: The Solitude Thesis |
Cyprus |
TROCAN, Irina | 2020/2021 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Film Studies Research Project: From Cinema to Moving Images: Kinema Ikon & the Advent of Romanian New Media |
Romania |
TROITSKIY, Evgeny | 2019/2020 2016/2017 PoM Returning Fellow Gerda Henkel Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Contemporary History Research Project: Epistemic Communities and the Construction of a Region: A Study of Post-Soviet Central Asia (2019/2020)Dead-Letter Regimes in Eurasia: Strategies, Communication and Dramaturgy (2016/2017) |
Russia |
TSONKOVA, Svetlana | 2016/2017 NEC International Fellow |
Field of Study: Magic and Popular Religion Research Project: Early Modern Bulgarian Practitioners of Magic in Central Eastern European Context |
Bulgaria |
TSOPURASHVILI , Salome | 2019/2020 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Gender Studies Research Project: Articulation, Distribution and Transference of Erotic Power in the Soviet Artistic Documentaries |
Georgia |
TSOUTSOUMPIS, Spyridon | 2020/2021 N+N Fellow |
Affiliation: History Research Project: Lords of the Border marches: Paramilitarism and State-Making in 20th Century Northern Greece (1912-1967) |
Greece |
TSULADZE, Lia | 2017/2018 2011/2012 PoM Returning Fellow BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Sociology Research Project: Environmental Activism in Georgia and Romania. A Comparative StudyBetween Westernization and Assertion of the National: Youth Perceptions in the New European Countries and the Margins of EuropePE |
Georgia |
TSYMBALYUK, Darya | 2023/ 2024 IWM for Ukrainian Scholars Fellow |
Affiliation: Environmental Studies Research Project: Russia's War on Ukraine and the Environment |
Ukraine |
TUDORA, Ioana | 2007/2008 2000/2001 Europa Fellow GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: La construction vernaculaire de l'espace urbain. L'impact de l'espace privé et ses dynamiques sur le paysage urbain [The vernacular construction of urban space. The impact of private space and its dynamics on the urban landscape]Contemporary Metropolis: Green Public Urban Space, Communities, and Individual in the Urban Reality (2000-2001) |
Romania |
TUDORANCEA, Radu-Romeo | 2016/2017 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Population Movements, Displacement and Refuge during First World War in Romania (1916-1918) |
Romania |
TUDORIE, Ionuț-Alexandru | 2014/2015 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Religious Studies Research Project: "I Dare not Offer the Holy Sacrifice if You Intend to Be Present": Imperial Excommunication in Byzantium |
Romania |
TULBURE, Irina Teodora | 2012/2013 2011/2012 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Constructing the Socialist Landscape: Myths, Propaganda and Architecture in Stalinist Romania (2011-2012, 2012-2013) |
Romania |
TULBURE, Narcis | 2008/2009 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Economics Research Project: Values in Change: Ambiguous Ownership, Collective Action and Changing Notions of Worth in Romanian Mutual Funds Industry |
Romania |
TULUȘ, Artur Viorel | 2011/2012 NEC – POSDRU Fellow |
Affiliation: Research Project: Zionism and Communism among the Jewish community from the Lower Danube |
Romania |
ȚURCANU, Florin | 2004/2005 1996/1999 NEC Fellow RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Représentations de la France politique dans la vie publique roumaine pendent l'entre-deux-guerres ORCID: 0009-0005-3504-4833 |
Romania |
TUȘA-ILEA, Laura | 2003/2004 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: Die Einzigartigkeit der Philosophie als Radikalisierung der Hermeneutik ORCID: 0000-0001-9330-8052 |
Romania |
ULIERIU-ROSTÁS, Theodor Emil | 2015/2016 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Archaeomusicology Research Project: Marsyas' Legacy: Towards a Comprehensive Socio-cultural History of the Aulos in the Greco-Roman World |
Romania |
UMBREȘ, Radu Gabriel | 2014/2015 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Research Project: Moral Distrust: Conflict and Mutualism in a Romanian Village |
Romania |
UNGUREANU, Cosmin | 2011/2012 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History and Theory of Architecture History and Theory of Art Research Project: The Idea of a French Order. Ribart de Chamoust and the Questioning of Architectural Origins |
Romania |
UNGUREANU, Mihai-Răzvan | 1995/1996 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Fellow Position: Research Project: Ethnic and Cultural Minorities in Moldavia (1700-1848) ORCID: 0000-0002-8234-8312 |
Romania |
UNGUREANU, Mihai-Răzvan | 1997/2000 1995/1996 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Fellow Position: History Research Project: Ethnic and Cultural Minorities in Moldavia (1700-1848) ORCID: 0000-0002-8234-8312 |
Romania |
UVAROVA, Olena | 2024/2025 Sustaining Ukrainian Scholarship (SUS) Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Great Powers in the «Fight» for Ottoman Christians: Ideology and Implementation of Patronage Politics in 1774-1856 |
Ukraine |
VAISFELD, Alina | 2014/2015 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: The Meaning of Madness: A Phenomenological Approach |
Germany |
VALICENTI, Ida Libera | 2017/2018 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: International Relations Research Project: Elena Bacaloglu and the Manifesto Nazionale Fascista Italo-Romeno: Analysis of Unconsidered Relations in the Interwar Period |
Italy |
VALODZINA, Aliaksandra | 2022/2023 Gerda Henkel Fellow |
Affiliation: History Research Project: The Image of the East in Medieval Polemic Anti-Heretical Texts ORCID: 0000-0002-2557-4815 |
Belarus |
VARGA-KUNA, Bálint | 2012/2013 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: In the Middle of the Nation, on the Margins of the Academia: Historiography in Banat in the Long 19th Century |
Hungary |
VASILE, Aurelia | 2009/2010 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Politique, bureaucratie et création dans le cinéma roumain de 1948 à 1989 |
Romania |
VASILE, Lucian Florin | 2023/ 2024 NEC Haret Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: The Trail of Suffering and Hope. Romanian Refugees During the First Years of Communism |
Romania |
VASILESCU, Mircea | 2001/2002 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Le discours antieuropéen dans la presse roumaine communiste et postcommuniste. Continuités et différences |
Romania |
VATCHKOVA , Vesselina | 2008/2009 Europa Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: L’émergence de la notion et de la réalité de l’Europe de Sud-Est (la communauté byzantine) |
Bulgaria |
VELCULESCU, Cătălina | 1994/1995 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Literature Research Project: Animal Symbolism in Early Romanian Culture |
Romania |
VERDEȘ, Ovidiu | 1995/1996 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Des genres de frontière à une époque de transition. Le journal intime et le mémoire en Roumanie aprés 1990 [ Kinds of borders in a time of transition. The diary and the memory in Romania after 1990] |
Romania |
VEZENKOV, Alexander | 2004/2005 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The System of Nomenklatura in the Case of the Bulgarian Communist Party (1944-1989) |
Bulgaria |
VIANU, Ion | 2006/2007 Guest of the Rector Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: |
Romania |
VIANU, Ștefan | 2007/2008 2002/2003 NEC Țuțea Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Mircea Eliade and the Mission of the Intellectual (2007-2008)Liberté et tradition dans la philosophie politique contemporaine (2002-2003) |
Romania |
VIERU, Sorin | 2000/2001 1999/2000 1994 Guest of the Rector Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Histoire et faits historiques: une perspective logique [History and historical facts: a logical perspective] (1994) |
Romania |
VINTILĂ- GHIȚULESCU , Constanța | 2006/2007 2001/2002 GE – NEC Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Etre et paraître: la visibilité du corps dans la culture roumaine (1780-1865) (2006/2007)Hommes et femmes devant la justice. L'exemple de la Valachie au XVIIIe siècle (2001/2002) |
Romania |
VLAD, Laurențiu | 1995/1996 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Images proposées. Images reçues. Quelques notes sur le dialogue culturel franco-roumain. Les expositions universelles de Paris (1867-1937) [Proposed images. Images received. Some notes on the Franco-Romanian cultural dialogue. The Universal Exhibitions of Paris (1867-1937)] |
Romania |
VOINEA , Andrei Răzvan | 2019/2020 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Urban Planning History Research Project: Housing the Workers in Early State Socialism: Bucharest and the Construction of the First Communist Housing Projects (1945–1958) |
Romania |
VOINEA, Liviu | 2006/2007 2002/2003 NEC – LINK Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Transnational Corporations and National Economies (2006/2007)Foreign Direct Investment Spillovers in Domestic Markets. The Case of the Romanian Manufacturing Industry (2002/2003) |
Romania |
VOIVOZEANU, Maria Alexandra | 2019/2020 NEC Haret Fellow |
Position: Sociology Research Project: The Interplay between Formal and Informal Actors in Romanian Circular Migration: A Comparison between the Agricultural Sector in Italy and the Construction Sector in Germany |
Romania |
VOLACU, Alexandru | 2022/2023 NEC-AMEROPA Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: Power Deconcentration as an Instrument of Democratic Resilience |
Romania |
VOLOSHCHUK, Myroslav | 2022/2023 N+N Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Halych and Galicia (until 1772) in the Archival Sources of Romania ORCID: 0000-0002-1737-7205 |
Ukraine |
VONCU, Răzvan-Mihai | 2012/2013 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: Alternative Culture and Political Opposition in Titoist and Post-Titoist Yugoslavia (1945-1991) |
Romania |
VORONOVICI, Alexandr | 2016/2017 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Soviet Borderland Policies in the Ukrainian SSR and the Moldovan ASSR, 1922-1934 |
Moldova |
VRACIU, Marina (Translator) In association with RYBAKOVA, Maria (Author) | 2022/2023 Tandem – Author with Translator – Translator with Author Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Literature/ Translation Research Project: Translating Maria Rybakova, "Quaternity: Four Novellas from the Carpathians"/ "Cetverovecinost"/ "Cuaternitate. Patru nuvele din Carpați" from English/Russian into Romanian |
Romania |
VUKOV, Nikolai | 2017/2019 2001/2002 How to Teach Europe Fellow NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Communism as ‘Heritage’, Heritage as ‘Nostalgia’: Teaching East European Communist Pasts in United EuropeDeath and Vitality in the Monumental Art of Eastern Europe After World War II (2001/2002) |
Bulgaria |
VULTUR, Smaranda | 2006/2007 Europa Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: L'aliment porteur de culture ou «dis mois ce que tu manges et je te dirai qui tu es» |
Romania |
VUSATIUK, Nataliia | 2023/ 2024 Sustaining Ukrainian Scholarship (SUS) Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Literature History of Ideas Research Project: Between Ukrainian Modernism and Socialist Realism: An Intellectual Biography of Mykhailo Drai-Khmara (1889–1939) |
Ukraine |
WALTHER, Sabine Heidi | 2024/2025 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Religious Studies Research Project: Pre-Christian Germanic Religions in Greek Sources |
Germany |
WASIUCIONEK, Michał | 2022/2023 N+N Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Reading Sultan's Word at the Fringe of Empire: Reception and Mechanics of Reading Fermans in the Early Modern Ottoman Periphery |
Poland |
WAYSBAND, Edward | 2023/ 2024 DigiHum Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Cultural Studies Literature Research Project: Levantinism and Russian-Israeli Literature |
Israel |
WEHRLI, Peter | 2008/2009 Landis & Gyr Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: |
Switzerland |
WICK, Cécile | 2013/2014 Landis & Gyr Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: |
Switzerland |
WILLCOCKS, Samuel | 2009/2010 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: German Literature Research Project: Social Memory and the Image of the Prince in Fifteenth Century Central Europe |
UK |
WINTER, Alix | 2015/2016 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Early Modern History Research Project: Economic Theory in the German Enlightenment |
Germany |
WIRZ , Paulo | 2024/2025 Landis & Gyr Fellow |
Position: Research Project: Memorial's Memory |
Switzerland |
WOODWARD, Guy | 2017/2018 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Position: English Literature Research Project: Yugoslavia in British and Irish writing, 1941-1980 |
Ireland |
YAKOVENKO, Iryna | 2024/2025 Sustaining Ukrainian Scholarship (SUS) Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Literature Research Project: Ukrainian History, Ethnicity and Cultural Memory in Contemporary American and Canadian Literatures |
Ukraine |
YORUK, Deniz Eylem | 2001/2002 NEC Regional Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Impacts of Networking between Firms on the Industrial Upgrading of CEEC Firms in Food Processing Industry |
Turkey |
YÜKSEL, Camelia Diana | 2014/2015 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: North Korea's Political Religion and Confucianism: The Re-evaluation of Yi Hwang's Fundamental Neo-Confucian Concepts in the Juche Ideology |
Romania |
ZAHARIA, Constantin | 1999/2000 RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Éthique et violence. De Kierkegaard à Cioran. |
Romania |
ZAHARIADE, Ana-Maria | 2000/2001 GE – NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Aesthetic Categories in Contemporary Architecture |
Romania |
ZĂLOAGĂ, Gheorghe-Marian | 2017/2018 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: When Music Joins the Combat: Transylvanian Saxons’ Music(-king) during the Great War |
Romania |
ZARROW, Sarah Ellen | 2016/2017 NEC UEFISCDI Award Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Collecting Themselves: Jewish Documentation and Display in Interwar Poland |
ZEMTSOVA, Oxana | 2017/2018 PoM Pontica Magna Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Jadids and Iashliar: Cultural Reform in Late Imperial Kazan |
Russia |
ZENOVIC, Predrag | 2015/2016 EntE Europe next to Europe Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Political Science Research Project: Citizenship and Otherness: Theorizing Constitutional Identity of Balkan States in the EU Integration Process |
Montenegro |
ZHBANKOV, Vladimir | 2024/2025 GCE St. Gallen Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Law Research Project: Investigating the Efficacy of International Humanitarian Law in Protecting POWs of War and Civilian Hostages in Russia's war against Ukraine |
Russia/Residency in Ukraine |
ZHERDIEVA, Anastasiia | 2014/2015 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Cultural Studies Research Project: Collection and Analysis of Crimean Tatar Legends in Romania |
Ukraine |
ZLOBINA, Tamara | 2011/2012 BSL Black Sea Link Fellow |
Field of Study: Cultural Studies Visual Arts Research Project: Politics of everyday life. Critical art in Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova |
Ukraine |
ZLOTEA, Mugurel Dan | 2014/2015 NEC Odobleja Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philology Research Project: China's Re-Confucianization? Confucian Values in the Current Party Discourse of Legitimation |
Romania |
ZOGRAFI, Vlad-Nicolae | 2004/2005 Guest of the Rector Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Impact of Image on Collective Imaginaries |
Romania |
ZURNIĆ, Marija | 2015/2016 EntE Europe next to Europe Fellow |
Affiliation: International Relations Research Project: Corruption Scandals in Serbia: Anti-corruption Discourse and Institutional Change |
Serbia |
Candidates are asked to fill in a detailed application form, that includes their professional CV and publications list, and a project on which they propose to work during their fellowship.