Guidelines for Authors

New Europe College Yearbook
Guidelines for authors

New Europe College Yearbook is an annual academic publication of the New Europe College – IAS. It publishes original research undertaken by the fellows of the institute, as part of their fellowship programme at New Europe College (NEC).
The preferred language of publication is English, but the yearbook also accepts contributions in French or German.
It is a peer-reviewed publication, with a peer-review process (see below) similar to those used by other academic institutes for advanced study in Europe.

Online Publication
The New Europe College Yearbook is published in print but also online in the following databases: CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library) and Semantic Scholar.

Peer Review Process
Screening by the editor and then peer review.
Manuscripts are reviewed by experts in the academic/scientific field to which each submitted work belongs. The reviewers are selected from among NEC’s academic staff, the Editorial Advisory Board, NEC alumni and collaborators who have agreed to participate in the peer-review process.
Reviewers assess the submission considering its scientific quality, as well as its relevance and impact.
The reviewers conclude their assessment with the recommendation to accept the submitted work for publication (with or without changes), or to reject it. The final decision regarding publication belongs to the Editorial Board of the NEC Yearbook.

Authors are invited to submit the prepared manuscript and any auxiliary files (e.g., figures, illustrations, images) via email to
Alongside the prepared manuscript and auxiliary files, authors are also required to submit a recent photo (in digital format).

Instructions for Authors

  1. Submission of the manuscript: implies that the work described has not been published before.
  2. Permissions: Authors wishing to include figures, illustrations, tables that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their manuscript. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.
  3. Preparing your manuscript: for the manuscript text, authors are invited to submit in common word processing formats such as doc, .docx or .odt.
  4. Word limit recommendation: 9.000 – 15.000 words, including tables, references, figure captions, footnotes.
  5. Title page: please make sure the title page contains the following information:
    5.1 Title: the title should be concise and informative.
    5.2 Author information
    The name of the author (not necessarily as in the passport, but as you want to be published in the Yearbook);
    The current affiliation of the author, i.e. institution, (department), city, (state), country
    An active e-mail address (optional)
    If available, the 16-digit ORCID of the author(s)
    5.3 Biographical note: 50-80 words max.
  1. Main Manuscript: please make sure that the main manuscript contains the following information:
    6.1 Abstract: 150-200 words.
    6.2 Keywords: 4-6 keywords.
    6.3 Acknowledgments: acknowledgments of people, grants etc. should be placed in a separate section on the title page. The Fellowship at NEC should not be mentioned here, since all manuscripts included in the publication are the result of research undertaken at NEC.
  1. Style guidelines
    7.1 Text Formatting:
    Use a normal, plain font (e.g., 12-point Times Roman) for text.
    Use italics for emphasis.
    Use the automatic page numbering function to number the pages.
    Do not use field functions.
    Use tab stops or other commands for indents, not the space bar.
    Use the table function, not spreadsheets, to make tables.
    Use the equation editor for equations, such that equations are editable.
    Save your file in .docx format (Word 2007 or higher) or .doc format (older Word versions).
    Use double quotes for quotations and single quotes only for quotations within quotations.
    7.2 Headings: authors are advised not to use more than 3 levels of headings.
    7.3 Abbreviations: abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.
    7.4 Tables:
    All tables are to be numbered using Arabic numerals.
    Tables should always be cited by their numerical identifier.
    For each table, authors are required to supply a table caption (title) explaining the components of the table.
    Authors have to identify any previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference at the end of the table caption.
    7.5 Figures: This is an umbrella-term including geometric figures, schemata, diagrams, maps, illustrations etc.
    Authors are asked to supply all figures electronically.
    All figures are to be numbered using Arabic numerals.
    Figures should always be cited in the text by their numerical identifier.
    Each figure should have a concise caption describing accurately what the figure depicts.
    Figure captions begin with the term Fig. in bold type, followed by the figure number, also in bold type.
    Figure should be submitted both within the body and separately from the text in a figure file (in BMP, GIF or JPG formats).
    Those authors who touch in their texts upon artworks of any type and medium are encouraged to address the editor for guidance regarding the submission of images alongside the text early on during their work on the project.
  1. Footnotes: APA Style (preferred)
    Footnotes can be used to give additional information, which may include the citation of a reference included in the reference list. They should not consist solely of a reference citation, and they should not include the bibliographic details of a reference. They should also not contain any figures or tables. Footnotes to the text are numbered consecutively. Footnotes to the title or the author of the article are not given reference symbols.
  1. References:
    9.1 Citation: APA 7 Style (preferred)
    Cite references in the text by name and year in parentheses. Examples:
    Field research spans many disciplines (Thompson, 1990).
    This result was later contradicted by Becker and Seligman (1996).
    This effect has been widely studied (Abbott, 1991; Barakat et al., 1995; Kelso & Smith, 1998; Medvec et al., 1999).

    For citing specific parts of a source (such as page, page range, paragraphs etc.), see the link: Citing specific parts of a source (

    9.2 Reference List:  APA 7 Style (preferred)
    The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text. Personal communications and unpublished works should only be mentioned in the text.
    Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last names of the first author of each work.
    Journal names and book titles should be italicized.
    If available, please always include DOIs as full DOI links in your reference list (e.g. “”).

    9.3 Archival documents:
    A general format for the reference to an archival work is available at the link: Archival documents and collections (


[Journal article] Grady, J. S., Her, M., Moreno, G., Perez, C., & Yelinek, J. (2019). Emotions in storybooks: A comparison of storybooks that represent ethnic and racial groups in the United States. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(3), 207–217.

[Article by DOI] Hong, I., Knox, S., Pryor, L., Mroz, T. M., Graham, J., Shields, M. F., & Reistetter, T. A. (2020). Is referral to home health rehabilitation following inpatient rehabilitation facility associated with 90-day hospital readmission for adult patients with stroke? American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. Advance online publication.

[Book] Sapolsky, R. M. (2017). Behave: The biology of humans at our best and worst. Penguin Books.

[Book chapter] Dillard, J. P. (2020). Currents in the study of persuasion. In M. B. Oliver, A. A. Raney, & J. Bryant (Eds.), Media effects: Advances in theory and research (4th ed., pp. 115–129). Routledge.

[Online document] Fagan, J. (2019, March 25). Nursing clinical brain. OER Commons. Retrieved January 7, 2020, from

Authors in the humanities can alternatively use the Chicago Manual of Style for Footnotes (section 8) and References (section 9). Details and examples here.

Open Access Policy
NEC Yearbook is an open access journal.
Copyright allows authors to protect their original material, and stop others from using their work with your permission, under a copyright and license term.

Copyright and license term – CC BY 4.0: Open Access articles do not require transfer of copyright as the copyright remains with the author. In opting for open access, the author agrees to publish the article under the Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution License.


The New Europe College Yearbook is committed to maintaining the highest level of integrity in the content published.
Authors are required to sign a declaration of authorship, attesting to the content of their submitted work. The declaration of authorship comprises three clauses, as outlined below:

The work submitted is devoid of any form of plagiarism. It is an original creation and does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others.
The work has not been previously submitted or published elsewhere.
The work is the result of human intellectual endeavour and has not been generated or significantly influenced by artificial intelligence (AI) or AI-assisted technologies.


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