Anamaria IUGA

Academic Year:

Field of Study:

Research Program:
NEC Odobleja

National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, Bucharest

Chief of Ethnology Studies Department


Research project: Narratives of Space. “Traditions” between Oral and Written Memory

The aim of the project proposal is to approach the processes and phenomena which shape the written and oral dimensions of a local culture, in order to grasp a present meaning of traditions. The research is based on a fieldwork (2014-2017) dedicated to collecting local legends about space in communities from the northern area of Buzău County. In Romanian ethnology there is still a fracture between classic folklore studies, that usually build local communities as exclusively oral ones, and the new ethnology influenced by anthropology, causing a difficult methodological integration of the former; the project aims to draw up an analysis model meant to integrate both approach. The theoretical frame will cover two topics: 1) the way the local memory is culturally transmitted through written and oral narratives, through the interaction between different generations; 2) the way the living memory becomes a distinctive field of the local memory, as it is filtered through the written culture.

A full-length study is available here.