

The NEC library currently holds over 40 000 items and offers access to major international research databases. It is open to NEC fellows and alumni, academics and researchers.

The library of the New Europe College started to develop in 1994 in direct connection with the Fellowships program. It focused originally on reference literature in the major fields of the humanities and social sciences, but has developed throughout the years into a larger and more diverse collection of books, journals, and electronic resources. Our policy in developing the library has been guided first and foremost by the aim to provide access to literature unavailable in other Romanian libraries, in fields of major interest to our fellows and alumni. The NEC library has become a rich and useful resource, both for its fellows and alumni, who are its primary beneficiaries, and for a larger community of scholars (students, researchers and academics from Romanian universities and research institutes)

The library has also individual subscriptions to EBSCO Publishing-Database, JSTOR (a selection of their journals) and CAIRN. Readers can access EBSCO’s E-book Academic Collection containing more than 150,000 titles from a number of academic university presses including Oxford University Press, MIT Press, State University of New York Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Harvard University Press and many others.


NEC open-shelf library offers access to its collections located in a generous space, which includes two reading rooms provided with computer facilities.

In addition to our catalog (library2.nec.ro), the library provides access to online catalogs of major libraries in Bucharest.

Library Supporters

Over the years the NEC library has received significant support from:

  • VolkswagenStiftung, Hannover, Germany
  • The Open Society Institute, Budapest – Hungary (through its now discontinued Higher Education Library Support Program, and indirectly, through its funding of our Relink Program)
  • The Getty Foundation, Los Angeles – USA (in the framework of the successive editions of our GE-NEC Program)
  • The Ludwig Boltzmann Society, Vienna – Austria (in the framework of the Boltzmann Institute which functioned for several years under the New Europe Foundation)
  • The Cultural Services of the French Embassy in Bucharest, which offered us for a number of years subscriptions to the journals «Esprit» and «Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale».


The Library holds several special collections resulting from donations:

  • The “André Scrima” Documentary Collection, where religion and philosophy are strongly represented, but which also includes works in theory and history of art, theory and history of literature, history and sociology. This collection is not directly available for consultation; its contents can be accessed through our on-line catalog. Items from this collection can only be consulted in the reading room
  • The “Marin Tarangul” Special Collection with a focus on philosophy, religion, history and art history
  • The “Camil Petrescu” Special Collection, consisting mainly of works in philosophy
  • The “Emil Brunner” Special Collection, with works on Christian religion
  • The “Dan Slușanschi” Special Collection, with a focus on Classical Studies
  • The “Virgil Ierunca” Special Collection with a focus on music, consisting of 18,000 CDs and DVDs covering a wide array of musical performances of the highest quality, and of a number of books on music and on musicians

Other donations include:

Institutional donors:

  • Walter de Gruyter Publishing House – Germany
  • Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris – France
  • Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel – Germany
  • The Fritz Thyssen Foundation, Cologne, Germany
  • Wissenschaftstkolleg zu Berlin – Germany
  • École française de Rome
  • The Warburg Institute, London – UK
  • Humanitas Publishing House, Bucharest – Romania
  • Zeta Books, Bucharest – Romania
  • Smaller donations were received from the journals
    Representations and RES, and from the Eranos Foundation

Private donors:

  • Sanda Agalides – USA/România
  • Monique Alexandre – France
  • Sorin Antohi – România
  • Gheorghe Brătescu – România
  • Hinnerk Bruhns – France
  • Iso Camartin – Switzerland
  • Pavel Câmpeanu
  • Christa Kamm – Switzerland
  • J. J. Kockelman – USA & Ioana Gogeanu – România
  • Gabriel Liiceanu – România
  • Monica Lovinescu
  • Isabelle Marchesin – France
  • Andrei Pleşu – România
  • Mircea Popescu – România

The library holdings encompass a wide range of areas:

  • Philosophy
  • Ancient and Medieval Literature
  • Occultism and Magic
  • History of Science
  • Psychology and Psycho-analysis
  • Education
  • Linguistics and Semiotics
  • Religion
  • Archaeology
  • History
  • Ethnicity, National Identity
  • International Relations
  • Politics & Economics
  • Law & Human Rights
  • Sociology
  • Media & Journalism
  • Ethnology and Anthropology
  • Gender Studies & Feminism
  • Cultural Studies
  • Literary History
  • Theory & Criticism, and Foreign Fiction
  • Visual Art
  • Literature on Romanian Social & Political History, Civilization, Mentalities & Culture.