Corina-Maria DOBOȘ

Academic Year:

Field of Study:

Research Program:
NEC Haret

Imre Kertész Kolleg, University of Jena, Germany
University of Bucharest

Research Fellow
Researcher, Associate Lecturer


Research project: From Spatial to Social Mobility: Internal Migration Research in Socialist Romania in Transnational Perspective

My project revisits the question of internal migration studies in Romania in connection with social mobility and social differentiation research, exploring them under the specific conditions of social knowledge production existing in socialist Romania after de-Stalinization. The research hypothesis is that the studies on internal migration undertaken in Romania during the 1970s and 1980s came to represent a critical way of discussing the social inequalities and inequities created through socialist planning and development, especially during the 1980s. They evolved from the mainly quantitative research subsumed to the concept of migration as spatial mobility of the 1960s to the qualitative research of the 1970s and 1980s subsumed to the concept of migration as both spatial and social mobility. The internal migration studies and methodological tools used by Romanian social researchers will be analyzed in a transnational context of knowledge production and exchange.