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Former Fellowship Programs


NEC creates long-lasting networks of experts who build on their shared experience in future projects.

Browse through our former fellowship programs:

RELINK Fellowships (1996-2002)

The RELINK Program targeted highly qualified young Romanian scholars returning from studies or research stays abroad. Ten RELINK Fellows were selected each year through an open competition; in order to facilitate their reintegration in the local scholarly milieu and to improve their working conditions, a support lasting three years was offered, consisting of: funds for acquiring scholarly literature, an annual allowance enabling the recipients to make a one–month research trip to a foreign institute of their choice in order to sustain existing scholarly contacts and forge new ones, and the use of a laptop computer and printer. Besides their individual research projects, the RELINK fellows of the last series were also required to organize outreach actives involving their universities, for which they received a monthly stipend. NEC published several volumes comprising individual or group research works of the RELINK Fellows.

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NEC–LINK (2003-2009)

Drawing on the experience of its NEC and RELINK Programmes in connecting with the Romanian academic milieu, NEC initiated in 2003, with support from Higher Education Support Programme (HESP) in Budapest, a programme that aimed to contribute more consistently to the advancement of higher education in major Romanian academic centers (Bucharest, Cluj–Napoca, Iaşi, Timişoara). Teams consisting of two academics from different universities in Romania, assisted by a PhD student offered joint courses for the duration of one term in a discipline within the fields of humanities and social sciences. The programme supported innovative courses, conceived so as to meet the needs of the host universities. The grantees participating in the Programme received monthly stipends, a substantial support for ordering literature relevant to their courses, as well as funding for inviting guest lecturers from abroad and for organizing scientific events.

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GE–NEC I, II and III (2000-2004, 2004-2007, 2009-2013)

New Europe College organized and coordinated three cycles in a programme supported by the Getty Foundation. Its aim was to strengthen research and education in fields related to visual culture by supporting local scholarship, and by inviting leading specialists from all over the world to give lectures and hold seminars for the benefit of Romanian undergraduate and graduate students, young academics and researchers. This programme included 10–month Fellowships for Romanian scholars in fields pertaining to visual culture, chosen through the same selection procedures as the NEC Fellows. The GE–NEC Fellows were fully integrated in the life of the College, received a monthly stipend, and were given the opportunity of spending one month abroad on a research trip. At the end of the academic year the Fellows submitted papers representing the results of their research, published in the GE–NEC Yearbooks series.

While the first two GE-NEC Programmes had no thematic focus beyond the express wish to address disciplines concerned in one way or another with visual culture, the third one proposed a research on, and a reassessment of Romanian art during the interval 1945 – 2000, that is, since the onset of the Communist regime in Romania up to recent times, through contributions coming from young scholars attached to the New Europe College as Fellows. As the previous programmes supported by the Getty Foundation at the NEC, this programme also included invited guest lecturers, whose presence was meant to ensure a comparative dimension of the programme, and to strengthen the methodological underpinnings of the research conducted by the Fellows.

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Petre Țuțea (2006-2008, 2009-2010)

In 2006 NEC was offered the opportunity of opening a fellowships program financed the Romanian Government though its Department for Relations with the Romanians Living Abroad. Fellowships are granted to researchers of Romanian descent based abroad, as well as to Romanian researchers, to work on projects that address the cultural heritage of the Romanian diaspora. Fellows in this program are fully integrated in the College’s community. At the end of the year they submit papers representing the results of their research, to be published in the bilingual

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NEC Regional (2001-2006)

In 2001 New Europe College introduced a regional dimension to its programs (hitherto dedicated solely to Romanian scholars), by offering fellowships to academics and researchers from South–Eastern Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, and Turkey). This program aimed at integrating into the international academic network scholars from a region whose scientific resources are as yet insufficiently known, and to stimulate and strengthen the intellectual dialogue at a regional level. Regional Fellows received a monthly stipend and were given the opportunity of a one–month research trip abroad. At the end of the grant period, the Fellows were expected to submit papers representing the results of their research, published in the NEC Regional Program Yearbooks series.

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Europa Fellowships (2006 – 2010)

This fellowship program, financed by the Volkswagen Stiftung, proposed to respond, at a different level, to some of the concerns that had inspired our Regional Program. Under the general title Traditions of the New Europe. A Prehistory of European Integration in South-Eastern Europe, Fellows worked on case studies that attempted to recapture the earlier history of the European integration, as it has been taking shape over the centuries in South–Eastern Europe, thus offering the communitarian Europe some valuable vestiges of its less known past.

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Robert Bosch (2007-2009)

This fellowship program, funded by the Robert Bosch Foundation, supported young scholars and academics from Western Balkan countries, offering them the opportunity to spend a term at the New Europe College and devote to their research work. Fellows in this program received a monthly stipend, and funds for a one-month study trip to a university/research center in Germany.

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NEC-SOC (2010-2011)

DOCSOC, Excellency, Innovation and Interdisciplinarity in doctoral and postdoctoral studies in Sociology (A project in the Development of Human Resources, under the aegis of the National Council of Scientific Research).

NEC hosted within this programme two Fellows, selected in cooperation with the Department of Sociology at the University of Bucharest, who took part in the NEC seminar and events alongside our other Fellows, while participating at the same time in seminars and other scientific events co-organized with the Department of Sociology of the University of Bucharest.

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NEC-POSDRU (2010-2013)

NEC was part of a larger project initiated by the Romanian Academy: Civilization. Identity. Globalism. Social and Human Studies in the Context of European Development (project code: ID 61104). Seven postdoctoral Fellows were invited for one academic year each, to develop their research projects under the topic proposed by NEC: Ideologies and Trends of Thought in the 20th Century and their Historic Roots. These fellowships were financed by the European Social Fund (through the Romanian Government).

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Black Sea Link (2010-2016)

This Fellowship Programme, sponsored by the Volkswagen Stiftung, invites young researchers from Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as from other countries around the Black Sea region, for a stay of one or two terms at the New Europe College, during which they have the opportunity to work on projects of their choice. The programme welcomes a wide variety of disciplines in the fields of humanities and social sciences. Besides hosting a number of Fellows, the College organizes within this programme workshops and symposia on topics relevant to the history, present, and prospects of this region.

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Europe next to Europe (2013-2017)

The Europe next to Europe (ENTE) Programme offers research Fellowships to young scholars in the humanities and social sciences, targeting in particular the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia), but also other countries, such as Turkey and Cyprus. Candidates are invited to apply with projects on topics of their choice, for in-residence Fellowships at the New Europe College, and are welcome to propose scientific events within this programme.

The Europe next to Europe Programme is sponsored by the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (Sweden).

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EURIAS (2011-2014)

This programme was initiated by NetIAS (Network of European Institutes for Advanced Study), coordinated by the RFIEA (Network of French Institutes for Advanced Study), and co-sponsored by the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme – COFUND action. It is an international researcher mobility programme in collaboration with 14 participating Institutes of Advanced Study in Berlin, Bologna, Brussels, Bucharest, Budapest, Cambridge, Helsinki, Jerusalem, Lyons, Nantes, Paris, Uppsala, Vienna, Wassenaar. NEC has been hosting within this program one international Junior Fellow each year.

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Guests of the Rector

This programme was initiated by NetIAS (Network of European Institutes for Advanced Study), coordinated by the RFIEA (Network of French Institutes for Advanced Study), and co-sponsored by the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme – COFUND action. It is an international researcher mobility programme in collaboration with 14 participating Institutes of Advanced Study in Berlin, Bologna, Brussels, Bucharest, Budapest, Cambridge, Helsinki, Jerusalem, Lyons, Nantes, Paris, Uppsala, Vienna, Wassenaar. NEC has been hosting within this program one international Junior Fellow each year.

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Pontica Magna (since 2015)

This Fellowship Program, sponsored by the VolkswagenStiftung (Germany), invites young researchers, media professionals, writers and artists from the countries around the Black Sea (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine), but also beyond it, in Central Asia, for a stay of one or two terms at the New Europe College, during which they have the opportunity to work on projects of their choice.

The program welcomes a wide variety of disciplines in the fields of humanities and social sciences. Besides hosting a number of Fellows, the College organizes within this program workshops and symposia on topics relevant to the history, present, and prospects of this region. This program is therefore strongly linked to the former Black Sea Link Fellowships.

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How to Teach Europe

With the support of Porticus and the Robert Bosch Foundation

Period of activity: 2017-2019

The TEACHING EUROPE (TE) program introduces a new and innovative Fellowship module at the Centre for Advanced Study (CAS), Sofia, and the New Europe College (NEC), Bucharest. Beyond the promotion of outstanding individual researchers, as is the mission of these Institutes for Advanced Study, they both position TEACHING EUROPE program at the intersection of fundamental research and higher education. The joint initiative seeks to identify and bring together bright and motivated young and established university professors from South-eastern Europe to dedicate themselves for a certain amount of time to research work oriented toward a specific goal: to lend the state-of-the-art theories and methodologies in the humanities and social sciences a pan-European and/or global dimension and to apply these findings in higher education and the transmission of knowledge to wider audiences.

On the level of research, this implies bringing transdisciplinary and transnational perspectives to bear on the way today’s humanities and social sciences frame their fields of enquiry. The compartmentalized structure of university teaching and education remains inimical to the institutionalization of forms of epistemic interaction and cross-fertilization, despite abstract commendations of the benefits of interdisciplinarity. Internationalization of research, on the other hand, rarely goes beyond the comparison of a limited number of cases, ignoring or downplaying the inherent relational, entangled, and dialectical transnational dimensions of social phenomena. To conduct an alternative kind of research aimed at questioning the way these disciplines conceptualize their proper area of expertise by deploying up-to-date transdisciplinary and transnational approaches, the Institutes for Advanced Study, such as those based in Sofia and Bucharest, seem to be the ideal sites.

The goal of the proposed program is to use this knowledge to improve the quality of higher education in the humanities and social sciences and to endorse its public relevance. A tangible output will be the conceptualization of a series of new courses or, ultimately and ideally, the development of innovative curricula for the universities of the participating scholars.


  • 7-months in-residence (both at CAS and NEC) fellowship spanning over a period of three years (750 Euro per month);
  • Accommodation in Sofia and Bucharest, comprising living quarters and working space. The Fellows will also have free access to the CAS and NEC’s libraries and electronic resources/databases;
  • Travel allowance (up to 3 international travels ~ 1500 Euro);
  • Research expenses (100 Euro per month);
  • Fully covered participation in “Teaching Europe” workshops (two per year).

By running this program, CAS and NEC wish to build a bridge between excellent research and excellent teaching, especially in fields where parochialism still largely prevails. It should sharpen awareness of questions of dissemination and convertibility of knowledge among young scholars by fostering the creation of state-of-the-art teaching materials for diverse subject matters. We see the program as a way of “exporting” the two institutes’ experience in rearing innovative and high-standard research to the broader community of university teachers and students. The TE-Fellows’ tangible output will be freely accessible for future generations of teachers and lecturers; the “didactic library” is a minor but sustainable component that may be used in reaching out to future students.

The awarded Fellows are offered support to pursue their research and to use the knowledge thereby gained to create didactic units (teaching course, curriculim, textbook, documentaries, or other forms used in higher education and public communication) under the following framework:

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Since 1994 NEC has awarded around 1000 fellowships to selected researchers from all over the world.