Higher Education and Academic Research: Theories, Practices, Challenges
Research ProgramsHigher Education and Academic Research: Theories, Practices, Challenges
Higher Education and Academic Research: Theories, Practices, Challenges

This research group was supported by a grant of the Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation – UEFISCDI, within the Prize for Excellence in Research awarded to New Europe College.
2016 – 2018
Sorin COSTREIE, PhD, Vice-Rector, University of Bucharest, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest
Ligia DECA, PhD, State Advisor for Education and Research, Presidential Administration
Ruxandra DEMETRESCU, PhD, Professor, National University of Arts, Bucharest
Nicolae GHEORGHIȚĂ, PhD, Professor, National University of Music, Bucharest
Kázmér KOVÁCS, PhD, Visiting Professor, “Sapientia” University, Tîrgu Mureș, Visiting Professor, “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning, Bucharest
Gheorghe Alexandru NICULESCU, PhD, Senior Researcher, “Vasile Pârvan” Institute of Archeology of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest
Cosima RUGHINIȘ, PhD, Professor and PhD Studies Coordinator, Director of the Doctoral School in Sociology, University of Bucharest

Anish Kapoor, Descent into Limbo, Havana, 2016
The working group aimed to discuss aspects related to the state of the universities and academic institutions in Romania and the ways in which they adapted to the internal socio-economic realities, as well as those in the global market of higher education and academic research. This kind of undertaking implied the analysis of a complex set of variables with relevance for the functioning of the higher education/scientific research system. Factors such as the instability of the legal framework and the (under)funding of higher education/academic research were often considered when discussing the flaws of public policies in these areas.
Other specialists insisted, on the contrary, on intra-systemic flaws, such as the indifference or the lack of capacity of the stakeholders to adjust the internal mechanisms that could „heal” the system (setting up criteria for the promotion of quality in relationship with, for example, academic promotion, the ranking of universities, the validation of doctoral schools etc.). In the larger context, considering the internationalization of higher education and academic research, the Romanian model became an interesting topic for comparative study.
Some of the topics the working group discussed were:
-Traditions in higher education and academic research institutions in Romania and abroad;
-Higher education/academic research, legal framework and academic practices;
-The funding of higher education and academic research;
-Scientific thinking and managerial thinking.
Events within the Program:
Cine se teme de cercetarea artistică?
7 December 2018, New Europe College
-International Conference
Institutional Autonomy, Academic Freedom and Imposture in the Academia – Do Academic Core Values Safeguard Against Corruption?
24 May 2018, New Europe College
Relația universitate-societate: între idealul Humboldtian și reinventarea continuă
23 May 2017, New Europe College
Norme, reguli şi cercetare ştiinţifică
10-11 April 2017, New Europe College