Ioana BOTH

Academic Years:

Field of Study:

Research Programs:

Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

Associate Professor


Research project: Figures de la violance dans le discours du journalisme roumaine moderne

Drawing on the experience of its NEC and RELINK Programmes in connecting with the Romanian academic milieu, NEC initiated in 2003, with support from Higher Education Support Programme (HESP) in Budapest, a programme that aimed to contribute more consistently to the advancement of higher education in major Romanian academic centers (Bucharest, Cluj–Napoca, Iaşi, Timişoara). Teams consisting of two academics from different universities in Romania, assisted by a PhD student offered joint courses for the duration of one term in a discipline within the fields of humanities and social sciences. The programme supported innovative courses, conceived so as to meet the needs of the host universities. The grantees participating in the Programme received monthly stipends, a substantial support for ordering literature relevant to their courses, as well as funding for inviting guest lecturers from abroad and for organizing scientific events.

Ioana BOTH was part of team which also included: Rodica ZAFIU, Ph.D. Associate Professor, University of Bucharest and Magda RĂDUŢĂ Ph.D. Candidate, University of Bucharest; NEC Alumna.

Host Institution: Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca and University of Bucharest
Title of Course: Figures de la violance dans le discours du journalisme roumaine moderne
Targeted Audience: Undergraduate and graduate

Research project: La page écrite comme espace representationnel. Du visuel des formes littéraires (2006/2007)

A full-length study is available here.

Research project: Methods and Directions in Contemporary Literary History (curricular course) (2003/2004)

Drawing on the experience of its NEC and RELINK Programmes in connecting with the Romanian academic milieu, NEC initiated in 2003, with support from Higher Education Support Programme (HESP) in Budapest, a programme that aimed to contribute more consistently to the advancement of higher education in major Romanian academic centers (Bucharest, Cluj–Napoca, Iaşi, Timişoara). Teams consisting of two academics from different universities in Romania, assisted by a PhD student offered joint courses for the duration of one term in a discipline within the fields of humanities and social sciences. The programme supported innovative courses, conceived so as to meet the needs of the host universities. The grantees participating in the Programme received monthly stipends, a substantial support for ordering literature relevant to their courses, as well as funding for inviting guest lecturers from abroad and for organizing scientific events.

Ioana BOTH was part of a team together with Adriana BABEŢI, Ph.D. Professor, University of Timişoara.

Host Institution: University of Timişoara
Title of Course: Methods and Directions in Contemporary Literary History (curricular course)
Targeted Audience: Advanced undergraduate and graduate students in Literary Studies

Research project: Mihai Eminescu – poète national roumain. Histoire et anatomie d'un mythe culturel [Mihai Eminescu - Romanian national poet. History and anatomy of a cultural myth] (1997/1998)

A full-length study is available here.