Forthcoming Program at NEC: Author with translator – Translator with author

16 November 2022
It is our pleasure to announce an exciting new initiative at the NEC:
Author with translator – Translator with author
supported by Fischer Stiftung, Germany
Fine-tuning a text together, embedded in a stimulating intellectual environment, relieved of daily worries for a few months … this chance is provided by a Tandem Fellowship at the NEC Bucharest!
The New Europe College is an Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences. With Tandem, for the first time, it is exclusively addressing literati, writers and translators.
The Tandems selected for funding will receive monthly stipends (850 € p. p.). Travel, accommodation and workplace are organized and paid for by the institute; the NEC also helps with the other formalities at the beginning (insurance, visa, residence permit, etc.), as well as during the stay (access to libraries, contacts, etc.).
Additional funds for working materials, for small public events, possibly even for a publication, can be granted depending on the case.
During their residency, Tandems belong to the diverse international community of Fellows and are invited to all NEC events.
The writer (novelist, poet, playwright, children’s or nonfiction author) and his or her translator are in residence at the NEC at the same time and stay for at least two months. NEC’s goal is to recruit Tandems for one or two semesters, if possible.
Both source and target languages of the text to be translated should be those spoken in the states around the wider Black Sea region (Armenian, Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, Georgian, Greek, Romanian, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian, etc.).
Tandems may indicate a preferred period for their residency, but exact dates must be coordinated with the NEC. August and September are excluded, as the NEC will be closed then. Earliest possible date: April 2023 onwards.
Applications may be submitted jointly or by one or the other of the Tandem partners. In the latter case, the second is expected to confirm his/her participation in writing.
The application must include short CVs for both persons with a list of works, as well as a description of the work to be translated (which should be already published or, at least, accepted for publication). This description should include a justification of why the text – and this text in particular – should be translated into the target language. Where contacts have already been made with publishers: please name them!
In the course of its existence, NEC already has welcomed several Writer-Fellows: Mircea Cărtărescu, Liliana Corobca, Cătălin Dorian Florescu, Andriy Lyubka, Tamta Melashvili, Cătălin Pavel, Ioana Pârvulescu, Benjamin Pécoud, Maria Rybakova, Vlad Zografi.
Contact persons:
Katharina Biegger,
Mihaela Danga,
Details about the application process and deadline will be posted very soon.