“Dan Slușanschi” Archive
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“Dan Slușanschi” Archive

Photo: Dan Slușanschi, Mogoșoaia, 2005 (NEC Archive)
Dan Slușanschi (1943, Sibiu – 2008, Bucharest) was one of the most prominent Romanian classicists, philologists, and Indo-Europeanists, a professor the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures of the University of Bucharest, translator of Homer, author of textbooks, studies, critical editions, etc.
Following his unexpected death in 2008, the Sluşanschi family donated most of his library as well as his entire archive to the New Europe College. The 2000 volumes include mainly translations from Greek and Latin, dictionaries, grammar books and encyclopedias.
The archive preserves Professor Sluşanschi’s documents as well as his academic correspondence, course handouts, bibliographic references, reviews, recommendations, etc.
Among the working documents, also grouped thematically, there are unpublished drafts, such as chancellery documents from the time of Stephen the Great (critical edition and translation), works by Dimitrie Cantemir or scientific articles in philological fields in which the Professor excelled.