Fellow Finder
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2024/2025 44
2023/2024 37
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Religious Studies 1
Political Science 1
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Philology 2
Migration Studies 1
Medieval Studies 1
Historical Sociology 1
Anthropology 1
PoM Returning 2
PoM Pontica Magna 1
NEC Țuțea 5
NEC Haret 1
NEC 16
How to Teach Europe 2
Guest of the Rector 3
Gerda Henkel 1
GE – NEC 5
Europa 8
State University of Tiraspol, Chișinău, Moldova 1
Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, Chișinău, Moldova 1
Faculty of Greek-Catholic Theology, University Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca 1
Destin Românesc Magazine, Chișinău 1
Department of History and Geography, Ion Creangă Pedagogical State University, Chișinău 1
Centre des Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur l'Allemagne (CRIA), EHESS, Paris 1
Romania 2
Moldova 3
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Showing 5 Fellows
Name | Year | Description | Country |
CUŞCO, Andrei | 2017/2019 2016/2017 2006/2007 How to Teach Europe Fellow PoM Returning Fellow NEC Țuțea Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Violence, Population Politics, and Total War in the East European Borderlands (1914–1920) (2017/2019)Mutual Perceptions and Imperial Policies in the Russian-Romanian Borderlands Before and During World War I (2016/2017) Particularités socioculturelles de l’analphabétisme populaire en situation de diglossie. Le cas de la Bessarabie et de la Transnistrie dans la première moitié du XXe siècle (2006/2007) |
Moldova |
FELEA, Aurelia | 2017/2018 2006/2007 Gerda Henkel Fellow NEC Țuțea Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Everyday Life and (re)Defining Identity in the Gulag: A Study Based on Autobiographical Texts Belonging to People from Bessarabia and Bukovina Deported to KazakhstanDie Narration als Akt der Gerechtigkeit. Das erste kommunistische Jahrzehnt in der bessarabischen Memorialistik (2006/2007) |
Moldova |
NEGURĂ, Petru | 2017/2018 2015/2016 2006/2007 PoM Returning Fellow PoM Pontica Magna Fellow NEC Țuțea Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Historical Sociology Research Project: L’enseignement primaire entre les autorités d’Etat et la population rurale en Transnistrie soviétique et en Bessarabie roumaine (1918–1940) [Primary education between the state authorities and the rural population in Soviet Transnistria and Romanian Bessarabia (1918-1940)] (2017/2018)Mass Education and Survival Strategies in the Rural Areas of Romanian Bessarabia and Soviet Moldavia in the Interwar Period (1918-1940) and Late Stalinism (1940-1956) (2015-2016) Particularités socioculturelles de l'analphabétisme populaire en situation de diglossie. Le cas de la Bessarabie et de la Transnistrie dans la première moitié du XXe siècle (2006/2007) |
Moldova |
PRELIPCEANU, Raluca-Gabriela | 2006/2007 NEC Țuțea Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Migration Studies Research Project: La circulation des élites professionnelles roumaines dans l'Union Européenne et ses implications pour l'état roumain |
Romania |
TAT, Alin-Sebastian | 2006/2007 2004/2005 NEC Țuțea Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: Identité et altérité confessionnelle dans la revue « Perspective » (Munich, 1978-2005) (2006-2007)La théologie vue d'ailleurs: quelques cas philosophiques (2004-2005) |
Romania |
Candidates are asked to fill in a detailed application form, that includes their professional CV and publications list, and a project on which they propose to work during their fellowship.