Fellow Finder
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BĂNICĂ , Mirel | 2007/2008 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Anthropology Research Project: Présences du passé communiste dans l’espace public contemporain (Le cas de la Roumanie) |
Romania |
CIOCÂRLIE, Alexandra Maria | 2007/2008 2002/2003 NEC Țuțea Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Exile of Romanian Writers in France after WWII (2007/2008)L'image du moi biographique dans le littérature grecque et latine (2002/2003) |
Romania |
CIUCU, Cristina | 2007/2008 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: The Birth of a Jewish Romanian Hasidic Ideology and its Place within European Hasidism |
Romania |
COMAN, Marian | 2007/2008 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Latins, Turks and Schismatics in the 15th Century – The Rhetoric of Difference in Bertrandon de la Broquière's Travel Account ORCID: 0000-0001-6119-517X |
Romania |
DECUBLE, Horațiu Gabriel | 2007/2008 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Literature Philosophy Research Project: Laodizee. Religion und Gesellschaft im Zeitalter der Globalisierung |
Romania |
DUMAS, Felicia | 2007/2008 1996/1997 NEC Țuțea Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: La conservation et la transmission de la langue roumaine dans les familles de Roumains ainsi que dans les familles mixtes franco-roumaines vivant en France. Analyse de cas et propositions pour la conservation de la langue roumaine au niveau d'un bilinguisme (franco-roumain) et d'une biculturalité [The preservation and transmission of the Romanian language in Romanian families as well as in mixed French-Romanian families living in France. Case analysis and proposals for the preservation of the Romanian language at the level of bilingualism (French-Romanian) and biculturality. ] (2007-2008)Le gestuel liturgique orthodoxe - dimensions sémantiques et pragmatiques [Orthodox liturgical gestures - semantic and pragmatic dimensions] (1996/1997) |
Romania |
GOINA, Călin Gheorghe | 2007/2008 2006/2007 NEC – LINK Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Culture and the City: Creative Industries and Urban Change. A Comparative Presentation of Bucharest, Cluj, Budapest, and New York CityReconsidering Generation as an Analytical Tool (2006/2007) ORCID: |
Romania |
GURAN, Petre Radu | 2007/2008 1998/2001 NEC Fellow RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Byzantine History, Eastern and Southeastern Europe in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages (2007/2008)Le prince et le saint. La légitimation du pouvoir princier par l'usage de la sainteté dans les pays byzantino-slaves (XI-e-XVI-e siècles) [The prince and the saint. The legitimization of princely power through the use of holiness in Byzantine Slavic countries (XI-e-XVI centuries) ] (1998/2001) |
Romania |
OLAR, Ovidiu-Victor | 2007/2008 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Fellow Position: History Research Project: Embattled Faiths. Religious Identity in the Orthodox East (Mid-Seventeenth Century) |
Romania |
PÂRVU, Camil Alexandru | 2011/2012 2007/2008 NEC – POSDRU Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Transformations of Contemporary Radical Political Theory (2011-2012)Rhetorical Deliberation: Aristotelian Insight into Contemporary Conundrums? (2007-2008) ORCID: 0000-0003-3937-6569 |
Romania |
PAVEL, Cătălin (Author) In association with OMER, Metin (Translator) | 2023/ 2024 2014/2015 2007/2008 Tandem – Author with Translator – Translator with Author Fellow NEC International Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Archaeology Research Project: Translating Cătălin Pavel, "Animalele care ne fac oameni. Blană, cozi și pene în arheologie" (Humanitas, 2021)/ "The Animals that Made us Human. Fur, Tails, and Feathers in archaeology"/ "Bizi insan yapan hayvanlar. Arkeolojide kürk, kuyruk ve tüyler" from Romanian into Turkish (2022-2023)Troy and the Trojan War: Between the Tyranny of the Text and the Archaeological Bias (2014-2015) A Recording System for Excavations in Romania (2007-2008) ORCID: 0000-0001-8524-4343 |
Romania |
PIETRĂREANU, Ovidiu | 2007/2008 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: La metaphorisation des noms de parties du corps, la conceptualisation de l’espace et la spatialisation des concepts dans les langes sémitiques (arabe, hébreu, syriaque) [Metaphorisation of body part names, conceptualisation of space and spatialisation of concepts in Semitic languages (Arabic, Hebrew, Syriac).] |
Romania |
PLOSCEANU, Violeta Emilia | 2007/2008 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Le cordon sanitaire d'Europe. Une sociologie des reformes pour la modernisation de la Roumanie (1920-1940) |
Romania |
SANDU-DEDIU, Valentina | 2007/2008 1996/1997 NEC – LINK Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Literature and Music: Through Mannerism, Baroque, and PostmodernismCommon Subjects in Musical Rhetoric and Stylistics ORCID: 0000-0003-2467-474X |
Romania |
Candidates are asked to fill in a detailed application form, that includes their professional CV and publications list, and a project on which they propose to work during their fellowship.