Cosmin Daniel PRICOP

Academic Year:

Field of Study:
Religious Studies

Research Program:
NEC Odobleja

Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Bucharest

Assistant Professor


Research project: Rezeptionsgeschichte des Textes Joh 1,14b in der frühchristlichen Literatur bis 325 [Reception history of the text Joh 1,14b in early Christian literature until 325]
After the ascension of Jesus, his followers were confronted with a problem which might be related to their access to the presence of their teacher. In what way can the full presence of the Lord be explained to future followers if He is no longer to be received as before, that is, bodily? In order to actualize the presence of Jesus Christ for those generations that did not know him during his earthly life, early Christian discourses developed that drew on Old Testament theological concepts and valorized them in the new early Christian landscapes. In this context, it is also the case of the concept of the dwelling of the Logos or Jesus Christ, expressed in ζκηνόω (JnEv 1:14b). Within the framework of the proposed research project I intend to examine the most significant guidelines of the history of development and perception of the concept of dwelling until 325.
A full-length study is available here.