NEC fosters critical thinking through public lectures and debates.
March 2025
More than a Border. Forests in the Early Modern Carpathians
Research GroupDate:
4 March 2025, 11.00-13.00 (Bucharest time)
Location: Zoom (ONLY)
Dr. Kata TÓTH, University Assistant, Department for East European History, University of Vienna
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Meeting-ID: 672 3596 2697
Passcode: 074592
Social Protection in Ukraine under Martial Law and Decentralization of Power
NEC SeminarDate:
5 March 2025, 11.00-13.00 (Bucharest time)
Location: NEC conference room & Zoom
Oleksandra DEMIANENKO, GCE St. Gallen Fellow; Associate Professor, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy
“Leave it to the People”. Inheritance Taxation and Open Democracy
NEC seminarDate:
12 March 2025, 11.00-13.00 (Bucharest time)
Location: NEC conference hall & Zoom
Adelin-Costin DUMITRU, NEC-AMEROPA Fellow; Assistant Professor, “Politehnica” National University of Science and Technology, Bucharest
How to Live and Work in Times of Climate Crisis
NEC SeminarDate:
12 March 2025, 16.00-18.00 (Bucharest time)
Location: NEC conference room & Zoom
Peter TILLESSEN, Landis & Gyr Fellow; Artist and Climate Activist
Electoral Corruption and Violence in Nineteenth Century Romania
Research GroupDate:
17 March 2025, 16.00-18.00 (Bucharest time)
Location: NEC conference hall & Zoom
Silvia MARTON, PhD. Associate Professor, Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest; Principal Investigator, ERC research project Transnational histories of ‘corruption’ in Central-South-East Europe (1750-1850), New Europe College
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Meeting ID: 885 6007 3969
Passcode: 143709
Entangled Traditions: Parabiblica about the End of Times
International ConferenceDate:
19 March 2025, 10.00-18.00 (Bucharest time), at New Europe College
20 March 2025, 9.30-15.30 (Bucharest time), at the “Iorgu Iordan – Al. Rosetti” Institute of Linguistics of the Romanian Academy (13 Calea 13 Septembrie)
Location: NEC conference room & Zoom
Research GroupDate:
19 March 2025, 17.00-19.00 (Bucharest time)
Location: NEC#403 & Zoom
A discussion on the article:
Peter L. Forberg, From the Fringe to the Fore: An Algorithmic Ethnography of the Far-Right Conspiracy Theory Group QAnon:
introduced by Răzvan NICOLESCU (NEC Alumnus)
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Meeting ID: 830 6046 7713
Passcode: 515170
District Heating and Infrastructural (Dis)continuities in Bucharest, Romania
Research GroupDate:
20 March 2025, 17.00-19.00 (Bucharest time)
Location: NEC conference room & Zoom
Olga BOSTAN, PhD Candidate, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology (Halle, Germany)
The 1999 NATO Intervention in Yugoslavia: Power, Strategy, and the Kosovo War
NEC SeminarDate:
26 March 2025, 11.00-13.00 (Bucharest time)
Location: NEC conference room & Zoom
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Christian COSTAMAGNA, NEC International Fellow; Non-residential Fellow, Center for Advanced Studies Southeast Europe (CAS SEE), University of Rijeka, Croatia
Moldova și Oltenia după unire: orientalism, geografii simbolice și imaginar istoric
Research Group (in Romanian)Date:
27 March 2025, 15.00-17.00 (Bucharest time)
Location: NEC conference room & Zoom
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Mihai-Cezar CHIPER, Cercetător Științific gradul II, Academia Română – Filiala Iași, Institutul de Istorie „A. D. Xenopol”
NEC Anniversary Events