Emergency Resources for Ukrainian Artists and Cultural Practitioners

14 March 2022
Please find below a series of supporting initiatives for artists and cultural practitioners from Ukraine:
The Romanian Solidarity Action for Ukrainian Artists
Considering all the recent political events, now as never before we must unite against Russian aggression and remain strongly committed to supporting Ukraine. We consider that the best we can do from abroad for Ukrainian local art scene is to create opportunities for artists and practitioners to live and work in safe places, in a caring and supportive community.
The Association of Romanian Contemporary Art Galleries launches the Romanian Solidarity Action for Ukrainian Artists.
International Task Force for Displaced Scholars
A group of scholars and students who hope to leverage their positions at academic institutions to mitigate some of the effects of displacement on the international colleagues.
ITFDS: 02.27.22 Meeting – Google Docs
Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO)
Sucho is a group of cultural heritage professionals working together to identify and archive at-risk sites, digital content, and data in Ukrainian cultural heritage institutions while the country is under attack.
They use a combination of technologies to archive sites and content.
For further information on the project and how to get involved: https://www.sucho.org/ or directly contact them at: storage@sucho.org
Verband Deutscher Kunsthistoriker
The Association of German Art Historians offers a list with art history institutes that are prepared to host scholars at risk.
The list is updated on an ongoing basis and is available here: https://kunsthistoriker.org/meldungen/scholars-at-risk/
GfM: Solidarity networks in the war against Ukraine
We offer support to those fleeing and those staying. A group of scientists and students around GfM is collecting information and networking across different locations. For this purpose we will activate our networks (in the humanities and beyond) in the coming months and we will get in contact with scientific institutions.
Write us if you want to join, want support or want to share information: akukraineflucht@gfmedienwissenschaft.de
Our email list: ak-flucht-und-ukraine@lists.riseup.net
EYE Filmmuseum
EYE Filmmuseum is offering Ukrainian films on their streaming platform: https://player.eyefilm.nl/nl/oekraine
The revenue will be donated to Support Filmmakers at War, supporting @babylon13ua a Ukrainian collective of documentary film makers that was founded during the Maidan revolution.
Kyev Independent
A crowd funding initiative to support The Kyiv Independent. The money is needed in order to enable them to keep informing the world about the war in an independent and trustworthy way.