„THE CONTROL OF MUSIC. Effects and consequences of the institution of censorship on music culture and education in Europe (late 19th century-1990s)”, International Conference, 27-28 Oct. 2022, UNMB & Zoom

18 October 2022
“Constantin Brăiloiu” Doctoral School and the Directorate for Research, Innovation and Information of the National University of Music Bucharest (UNMB) invite you to the symposium “THE CONTROL OF MUSIC. Effects and consequences of the institution of censorship on music culture and education in Europe (late 19th century-1990s)”, within the project entitled THE CONTROL OF MUSIC. Effects and consequences of the institution of censorship on music culture and education in Romania during the three dictatorships of the 20th century: the Carlist, Antonescian and Communist dictatorships. (CNFIS-FDI-2022-0385).
The symposium will take place on the 27th and the 28th of October 2022 at the Auditorium of the UNMB and will be broadcast online on the Zoom platform.
Join Zoom meetings:
Day 1, the 27th of October 2022
Topic: Bucharest Conference – THE CONTROL OF MUSIC, Day 1, 27 October 2022
Time: Oct 27, 2022 09:00 AM Bucharest
Meeting ID: 880 7229 2335
Passcode: 028364
Day 2, the 28th of October 2022
Topic: Bucharest Conference – THE CONTROL OF MUSIC, Day 2, 28 October 2022
Time: Oct 28, 2022 09:00 AM Bucharest
Meeting ID: 828 2833 5983
Passcode: 982028
Thursday, the 27th of October
Venue: National University of Music Bucharest, Auditorium Hall Address: 33 Știrbei Vodă Street, Sector 1, 010102, Bucharest
Nicolae GHEORGHIȚĂ, National University of Music Bucharest
Session I
Moderator: Valentina SANDU-DEDIU, New Europe College & National University of Music Bucharest
Patrick ZUK, Durham University, UK
Censorship and music in the Soviet Union/former Eastern bloc: thoughts on possible directions for future research
Séamas DE BARRA, Cork School of Music
The Revisionist Muse: Nationalism and Self-Censorship in Aloys Fleischmann’s Ómós don Phiarsach / Homage to Patrick Pearse (1979)
Ivana MEDIĆ, Institute of Musicology, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
“The Marshall dropped dead”: Censorship in Yugoslav popular music
Melita MILIN, Institute of Musicology, Belgrade
Church music as a subversive force in state-socialist Yugoslavia
Coffee break
Session II
Moderator: Melita MILIN, Institute of Musicology, Belgrade
Harry WHITE, University College Dublin, Royal Irish Academy of Music
Censoring Shamus: Charles Villiers Stanford and the Politics of Irish Opera
Anja BUNZEL, Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences
Women in Nineteenth-Century Czech Musical Culture and Their Representation in Encyclopaedias: Thoughts on Selection Processes in Music Lexicography (and/or Musicology)
Philip Ross BULLOCK, University of Oxford, Wadham College, Oxford
“Art made tongue-tied by authority”: Censoring Soviet Song
Round Table 1
Moderator: Valentina SANDU-DEDIU, New Europe College & National University of Music Bucharest
Ana DIACONU, National University of Music Bucharest
Emigrant composers in the C.N.S.A.S. Archives (Consiliul Naţional pentru Studierea Arhivelor Securităţii/ National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archive) – some researcher’s notes
Desiela ION, National University of Music Bucharest
Paul Constantinescu in the archives of C.N.S.A.S.
Benedicta PAVEL, National University of Music Bucharest
Grigore Nica: the effects of a youthful “subversive activity”
Lavinia GHEORGHE, National University of Music Bucharest
The influence of socialist realism on the writings of folklorists in the mid-20th century. Case study: Mariana Kahane
Vlad GHINEA, National University of Music Bucharest
Ghostwriting, Eurasianism and Anti-Soviet Attitude in Igor Stravinsky’s Poetics of Music
Lunch break
Session III
Moderator: Philip Ross BULLOCK, University of Oxford, Wadham College, Oxford
Rūta STANEVIČIŪTĖ, Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre
A Nylon Curtain. International exchanges, state control and Lithuanian music in the Cold War era
Pauline FAIRCLOUGH, University of Bristol
What was wrong with Lady Macbeth?
Ivan MOODY, CESEM – Universidade Nova, Lisbon
Censorship and Orthodox church music
Cristina ȘUTEU, “Gheorghe Dima” National Academy of Music, Cluj-Napoca
Censorship of music and music of Censorship: the Muzica periodical between 1950-1989
Coffee break
Session IV
Moderator: Olguța LUPU, National University of Music Bucharest
Oana ANDREICA, “Gheorghe Dima” National Academy of Music, Cluj-Napoca
Another kind of homage: Ede Terényi’s Baroque Concertos
Laura Otilia VASILIU, Florin LUCHIAN, “George Enescu” National University of Arts, Iași
The Romanian Music Festival from Iași (1973-1988) – the political price of a cultural performance
Alex VASILIU, “George Enescu” National University of Arts, Iași
Shostakovich battling political censorship
Friday, the 28th of October
Venue: National University of Music Bucharest, Auditorium Hall Address: 33 Știrbei Vodă Street, Sector 1, 010102, Bucharest
Session V
Moderator: Oana ANDREICA, “Gheorghe Dima” National Academy of Music, Cluj-Napoca
Liliana COROBCA, Independent researcher
The Art Department of the DGPT
Costin MOISIL, National University of Music Bucharest
The curious case of Gheorghe Oprea: Ethnomusicology and political control in communist Romania
Antigona RĂDULESCU, National University of Music Bucharest
How Communist censorship affected Higher Music Education: the National University of Music Bucharest in the 1950s
Olguța LUPU, National University of Music Bucharest
Music Textbooks – Ideologized in communist times, apparently politics-free in post-Decembrist times
Coffee break
Session VI
Moderator: Patrick ZUK, Durham University, UK
Valentina SANDU-DEDIU, New Europe College & National University of Music Bucharest
Keywords in Romanian post-war musicology: spirituality and ethos
Florinela POPA, National University of Music Bucharest
Control over Musicology in communist Romania. Case studies
Nicolae GHEORGHIȚĂ, National University of Music Bucharest
Guiding the People’s Army Music. Mechanisms of censorship and control of musical composition dedicated to military bands in communist Romania.
Session VII
Round Table 2
Moderator: Nicolae GHEORGHIȚĂ, National University of Music Bucharest
Andreea MITU, National University of Music Bucharest
Working the system. Musicological discourse in the era of the Cultural Revolution in communist Romania
Vlad VĂIDEAN, National University of Music Bucharest
George Enescu, between hagiography and censorship
Karina ȘABAC, National University of Music Bucharest
Forgotten musics of the 19th century and their fate during the communist regime in Romania. Piano scores in Romania from the time of the reign of the Royal Family. Rediscoveries and dedications.
Cătălin CERNĂTESCU, National University of Music Bucharest
Between periphery and centrality: Byzantine musicology during communist Romania
Conclusions and final remarks
Discussing future joint projects
Expertise and ideas of the participants are most valued
Download program & short abstracts as PDF.