CAS Sofia Research Fellowships for 2021/22

14 March 2021
We are pleased to remind you about the 2021/22 calls for in-residence fellowships at the Centre for Advanced Study in Sofia within the broad field of the social sciences and the humanities.
–Advanced Academia Fellowships for INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARS: In-Residence Advanced Academia Fellowships for fundamental research in the fields of the humanities and the social sciences for non-Bulgarian scholars – from 2 to 5 months;
–Gerda Henkel Fellowships for fundamental historical research in the field the social sciences and the humanities. The five-months in-residence fellowships are granted under the framework of the CAS Advanced Academia programme and supports PhD holders from the following countries: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China (only Tibet and Xinjiang Autonomous Regions), Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan;
–Humanities in the Digital Age Fellowships: Up to nine-months in-residence research fellowship for international scholars – senior and junior. The program is guided by the belief that there is a considerable added value for humanities scholars across the academe, whatever their field, to be encouraged to rethink their topics in terms of their broader contemporary relevance (be it political, ethical, religious or academic), yet necessarily of significance for the world we are living in.
–Advanced Academia PFORZHEIMER SENIOR FELLOWSHIPS: this call provides opportunity for Senior Bulgarian scholars from the social sciences and the humanities to apply for 5-months research fellowship at CAS for 2021/2022.
–Advanced Academia Fellowships FOR BULGARIAN SCHOLARS from the fields of the social sciences and the humanities. Annually CAS Sofia grants five 9-months scholarships (including up to one month in a foreign institution) to promising Bulgarian post-doctoral researchers who are striving to advance in their academic career;
–RE-LINK FELLOWSHIPS FOR BULGARIAN DIASPORA provide two 3-months RE-LINK Fellowships in the field of the humanities and social sciences for Bulgarian scholars residing abroad.
Deadline for application: 31 March, 2021
All available calls can be found at: Calls & News – CAS