The 1999 NATO Intervention in Yugoslavia: Power, Strategy, and the Kosovo War
31 | years and counting |
Since its beginnings, NEC has grown from a “chamber” into a “symphony” college. It started with five and then ten humanities scholarships for Romanians, and now it has reached almost forty (half-yearly or yearly) scholarships a year, awarded to young researchers from all over the world.
The deadline for submitting applications is March 25, 2025. Incomplete or late applications will not be taken into consideration.
Vă reamintim că puteți sprijini programele Colegiului Noua Europă redirecționând 3,5% din impozitul pe veniturile pe care le-ați obținut în 2024.
Termenul de depunere este 25 mai 2025.
The deadline for the submission of abstracts: February 14, 2025.
The deadline for the accepted papers: September 1, 2025.
Please send your presentation proposals (title, abstract up to 300 words and a short biographical note) by 15th of February 2025 to the organizers Wiktor Marzec ( or Daniela Stanciu-Păscărița ( Please indicate if you require travel reimbursement (up to 200 EUR) and accommodation. Acceptance decisions will be communicated by 25th of February 2025.
We invite you to learn more about this award and its recipient on
The ceremony is taking place on October 29, 2024.
Deadline for Submissions: 25 October 2024.
Participants will be informed by 1 February 2025.
Submissions should be made via email to
Deadline for submissions: Friday, November 1st, 2024. Notifications of proposal acceptance: Monday, November 4, 2024.
For any questions, please contact dr. Maria-Sabina Draga Alexandru ( A selection of articles based on papers presented at the conference will be published in the peer-reviewed journal Limbă și cultură .
Application deadline: 21 October 2024
For any question, please contact the project manager Dorothee Mertz:
Your application must be submitted by 31 October 2024. No applications will be accepted after the closing date.
Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an online interview scheduled on 8 November 2024.
They may be asked for additional materials before or after the interview.
Please prepare for your application a resume, a short summary of your studies and professional activities, and a statement about your motivation to participate. The application deadline is 20 August 2024.
Lansarea va fi însoțită de o dezbatere pe tema: „Scenariul de film: de la teorie la practică”.
Diana Ludu, Adrian Ionescu, Alexandru Maftei și Ana Agopian
Pe lângă o prezentare pe scurt a conținutului Anatomiei poveștii, publicul va avea ocazia unică de a arunca o privire în laboratorul intim de creație a celor patru vorbitori precum și în măruntaiele unui proces de mentorat complex, dedicat formării de autori în cinematografie și nu numai. Altfel spus, Anatomia poveștii va fi surprinsă în acțiune, poveștile poveștilor vor prinde viață și plăcerea de a scrie se va arăta dincolo de cuvinte.
We welcome proposals of around 250 words on the above topics by 25 May 2024, together with a short biography or CV. Proposals should be sent to and Decisions on accepted proposals will be announced by early June 2024.
La trei decenii de existență a Institutului de Studii Avansate din București, rectorul, Valentina Sandu-Dediu, muzicolog, și fondatorul, Andrei Pleșu, scriitor, eseist și istoric al artei, se vor afla în dialog pe scena Operei pentru a reflecta la mizele și crizele cunoașterii, la diferențele dintre Est și Vest și la rolul Colegiului în regiune.
Proposals in English should be submitted by e-mail to by 30 April 2024.
Participants will be notified of the selection results by 15 May 2024.
Students will work in small groups and develop their own project with 5-10 minutes long audiovisual material. The final product will be screened in a public event on 15 September 2024, followed by a discussion with the audience.
We invite you to apply for participation until March 25.
The organizers will confirm your participation by April 5. The number of participants is limited.
We hope to receive an abstract of 250-400 words and 3-5 keywords by the 15th of June ( and first draft papers by the 5th of September.
We aim to publish edited, revised selections of the proceedings in peer reviewed format (as book sections/special issue articles).
Dosarul va fi trimis, în format electronic, pe adresa, până la data de 15 mai 2024.
Professor Valentina Sandu-Dediu is part of an international group of researchers at the Institute for Advanced Study at Durham University for one semester (January-March 2024).
The deadline for submitting applications is March 10, 2024. Incomplete or late applications will not be taken into consideration.
The conference organizers welcome proposals of ca. 400 words concerning the above-mentioned themes until the 1st March 2024.
Founded in 1988 by Professor Sebastian Barbu-Bucur (1930-2015), the Byzantine music Choir Psalmodia began its journey alongside the revival of the Religious Music studies in 1990, at the National University of Music Bucharest (UNMB).
În apropierea sfârșitului de an, ne face plăcere să ne amintim de unul dintre momentele care au marcat viața culturală a acestei veri: aniversarea filosofului și scriitorului Andrei Pleșu, care a împlinit 75 de ani în data de 23 august.
The DEADLINE for submitting applications is 18 January 2024.
One of the most important events of the tour was Susanna Harutyunyan’s participation in the International Frankfurt Book Fair 2023, which took place from 18 to 27 October, as a “significant Armenian voice in Europe”, the German publisher Akademische Verlagsbuchhandlung Friedrich Mauke stated.
Cătălin Pavel’s Animalele care ne fac oameni. Blană, cozi și pene în arheologie (Humanitas, 2021) is a non-fiction volume of archaeology/history that bridges the gap between academia and the general public.
Deadline for submissions: Friday, September 15, 2023. For any questions, please contact dr. Maria-Sabina Draga Alexandru (
Candidates are asked to submit a CV and a cover letter to until 7 September 2023.
Cei interesați sunt rugați să trimită CV-ul și scrisoarea de intenție la adresa până la data de 7 septembrie 2023.
Cei interesați sunt rugați să trimită CV-ul și scrisoarea de intenție la adresa până la data de 7 septembrie 2023.
Application deadline: June 30, 2023
The application form has to be sent via email to by July 15th, 2023, in English.
To register for the event, please write to Mircea Vâlceanu at
Acest eveniment are loc în cadrul proiectului de cercetare The (Im)possible Alliance: Romania as Initiator and Beneficiary of the Humanitarian Aid (1970-1989), finanțat de UEFISCDI (TE-PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2021-0778) și găzduit de Colegiul Noua Europă.
Expoziția va fi deschisă în perioada 11 mai – 10 iulie 2023.
This is a call for applications for six VUIAS Fellowships in Ukraine for the academic year 2023/2024.
Deadline for applications is 25 June 2023.
VUIAS Fellowships in Ukraine are granted for ten months (from September 2023 to June 2024) to scholars residing in Ukraine and working in Ukrainian universities and research institutes.
Programul IV „România și Europa în secolul XX” din cadrul Institutului de Istorie „Nicolae Iorga“ (Academia Română) vă invită luni, 15 mai a.c., orele 11.00, la prelegerea „Tineret și Pedagogie Socialistă. Turismul Școlar în România (1965-1989)”, susținută de profesoara Diana Georgescu (University College London). Evenimentul va avea loc la sediul Institutului: Bd. Aviatorilor nr. 1, București.
The New Europe College (NEC Bucharest) and the Centre for Advanced Study (CAS Sofia) announce a Call for Applications for their joint programme to support scholars from the regions affected by Russia’s war against Ukraine.
The deadline for submitting applications is 15 JUNE 2023.
New Europe College is delighted to announce the grantees of the 2022/ 2023 TANDEM “Author with Translator – Translator with Author” fellowships supported by S. Fischer Stiftung, Berlin, who will be soon opening this new literary translation residences program at the Institute.
NEC Alumna Silvia Marton, Associate Professor at Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest and her team have won an ERC Advanced Grant for the project entitled Transnational histories of ‘corruption’ in Central-South-East Europe (1750-1850). Congratulations!
The screening will take place on Sunday, April 9, at 6 PM, at Arcub (84-90 Lipscani), in the presence of Cătălina Tesăr and Dana Bunescu.
Subiectul acestei conferințe este rolul pe care l-au jucat veteranii în determinarea acestor drepturi și consecințele care au decurs de la crearea unor noi instituții și tipuri de drepturi pentru persoanele cu dizabilități în Romania interbelică.
În 2023, bursierii Lapedatu, James Kapalo și Dumitru Lisnic, propun organizarea unui workshop cu tema „Transgressing Boundaries: The History and Memory of the Religious Underground in Romania, Moldova and Beyond”.
We kindly ask participants to send rough drafts by early September, for circulation within panels.
This Fellowship is addressed to early career scholars (up to five years after completing their doctorate) from Central and East European (CEE) and Black Sea states who are attached to an academic institution in these countries at the time of application.
Deadline: 8 March 2023
Review of Ecumenical Studies, Sibiu #RES1/ 2024 invites contributions on Religion, Evil, and the Problem of Evil.
Deadline: 15 November 2023
The deadline for submitting a one-page abstract is 15 April 2023.
On 14 December 2022 Psalmodia Byzantine music academic choir sang Christmas carols for NEC fellows and staff.
20 February 2023: submission of paper proposals (400 words maximum plus a 200-word bio) to Ștefan Dorondel (, Adrian Deoancă ( and Stelu Șerban (
Cei interesați sunt rugați să trimită un cv și o scrisoare de intenție la, până pe 15 decembrie 2022.
The writer (novelist, poet, playwright, children’s or nonfiction author) and his or her translator will be in residence at the NEC at the same time and will stay for at least two months. NEC’s goal is to recruit Tandems for one or two semesters, if possible.
Details about the application process and deadline will be posted very soon.
The symposium will take place on the 27th and the 28th of October 2022 at the Auditorium Hall of the UNMB and will be broadcast online on the Zoom platform.
Those interested in taking part are kindly asked to submit a 300 word paper proposal and a 100 word short bio to the following address:
Deadline for submission: November 10, 2022.
The University of Bucharest, Romania, is launching the competition for 2 Postdoctoral research positions within the Interdisciplinary Research on Russia’s Geopolitics in the Black Sea and the Arctic Ocean project.
New Europe College invites applications for 2 positions of Associate Researchers to work within the interdisciplinary project TE 119 PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2021-0778 The (im)possible alliance: Romania as Initiator and Beneficiary of the Humanitarian Aid (1970-2004), led by Dr. Luciana Jinga.
Interested candidates should send a short cover letter (no longer than three pages), the names and postmail, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of two referees who have expressed their willingness to support this particular candidacy, and a resume, including a list of publications, to the PI, (cc- ) by the 15th of Nov. 2022.
NEC continuă și în anul 2022 programul „Burselor Lapedatu” oferite pentru a încuraja cercetările de istoria românilor în perioadele modernă și contemporană. În acest an academic, istoricii Roland Clark și Iuliana Cindrea Nagy vor organiza, cu sprijinul financiar al Fundației Lapedatu și al NEC, un colocviu dedicat ascultării „vocilor rurale” din România modernă și contemporană.
The Nicolae Iorga Institute of History of the Romanian Academy is kindly inviting us to the conference Common Misconceptions about the History of Eugenics in Romania, given by professor Marius Turda (Oxford Brookes University) on Wednesday, 4 May 2022, at 15.00 Bucharest time, via Zoom.
Online conference Tito, Yugoslavia, and the Doctrine of “Active Peaceful Coexistence” given by Marie-Janine Calic, professor for East and South East European History at the University of Munich on Thursday, 14 April 2022, at 12.00 Bucharest time, via Zoom
A series of supporting initiatives for artists and cultural practitioners from Ukraine
This lecture will be held online, via Zoom on Tuesday, 22 March 2022, at 16.00 Bucharest time.
Dr. James KORANYI is Associate Professor in Modern European Cultural at Durham University.
NEC Fellow Iulius-Cezar Macarie has recently launched the Nightworker Charter, an initiative that seeks to improve the life of night workers and to repair the problems associated with their work (exploitation, social isolation, financial precariousness, emotional distancing in their families, health issues etc.).
Knowledge in the Digital Age, the series of conferences organized by New Europe College in collaboration with NetIAS (Network of European Institutes for Advanced Study) continues in the second academic semester with thought-provoking lectures, followed by Q&A sessions.
Abstracts of 300-500 words, together with a short biographical note should be submitted by 1 March 2022.
The selected participants will be notified by 15 March 2022.
The program targets young Romanian researchers/academics in the humanities and social sciences whose projects address questions relating to migration, displacement, diaspora.
The deadline for submitting applications is January 10, 2022.
The Argentine Committee of Byzantine Studies (CAEBiz) cordially invites us to the lecture entitled Nature’s Building Blocks: Diagrams of the Four Elements in Byzantine Manuscripts on Tuesday, 23 November 2021, 19:00 CET (15:00 Argentina), given by NEC Alumna Divna Manolova (Centre for Medieval Literature, University of York).
Informal practices in Southeast Europe – Examples and Analyses Exploratory Workshop at the Institute for the Recent History of Serbia (Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije) in Belgrade, on 10–11 April 2022
The IWM invites applications from potential Junior visiting fellows to pursue research on cyber-physical systems, which integrate physical dynamics with software and networks and their intersections with societal, economical, and geopolitical dimensions, as well as other research foci from the humanities and social sciences. Two fellows will be invited to spend a period of three consecutive months at the Institute. Their fellowships must overlap with the Senior Visiting Fellow’s month of residence (May 2022).
We are pleased to announce the newly opened call for applications to the Spring School Local archaeologies and their interdisciplinary practices to be held at NEC, Bucharest, 9-15 May 2022 in the framework of the international research program The Construction of Knowledge in Archaeology and Art History in Southeastern Europe, coordinated by the Centre for Advanced Study Sofia and funded by the Getty Foundation.
Deadline: 30 January 2022
Centrul de Cercetare în Filologie Modernă din cadrul Universității „Babeș-Bolyai” din Cluj-Napoca are plăcerea să vă invite la ciclul de conferințe on-line Proza eminesciană, în trei propuneri de lectură critică, în noiembrie – decembrie – ianuarie.
On Friday, November 5, 2021, from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM EDT, filmmaker-anthropologist and NEC Fellow Julius-Cezar MacQuarie will discuss with designer-educator Cyrus Peñarroyo two short films: Nightshift Spitalfields and Manifest Destiny.
Link to join Webinar
Researchers from different fields and from various European centres invite us – every last Thursday of the month – to reflect on knowledge in a digital age.
New Europe College-Institute for Advanced Study in Bucharest (Romania) launches the annual competition for the 2022/2023 NEC Fellowships. Romanian and international scholars (at postdoctoral level) in all fields of the humanities and social sciences (including law and economics) are invited to apply.
The DEADLINE for submitting applications is JANUARY 10, 2022.
NEC Fellow Iulia Nițescu will give a presentation within the Oxford Early Slavonic Webinar.
New Europe College-Institute for Advanced Study in Bucharest, Romania announces the competition for the “Spiru Haret” Fellowships in the academic year 2021-22.
The deadline for the submission of applications is October 29, 2021.
The conference language is English. The conference is planned as a hybrid event; papers will be presented at the Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Saal of the Staatsbibliothek Berlin, Potsdamer Platz, or via Zoom, and all will be accessible via Zoom
The deadline to submit the research proposals and to apply for the research grant is the 14th of November 2021.
Omagiul colectivului Facultății de Sociologie și Asistență Socială al Universității Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca
Comunitatea Colegiului Noua Europă regretă nemărginit dispariția colegului și prietenului nostru, Viorel Anăstăsoaie.
The Zukunftskolleg has just opened its 16th call for applications for Research Fellowships and Postdoctoral Fellowships.
Part of Horizon Europe, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) are the European Union’s flagship funding programme for doctoral education and postdoctoral training of researchers.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the conference will be held online.
Important dates
Abstract submission: June 15, 2021.
Notifications: August 15, 2021.
Conference: November 5 and 6, 2021.
The Dan Slusanschi School for Classical and Oriental Languages is now accepting applications for the 2021 Online Summer Courses.
This summer they are offering Coptic, Biblical Hebrew, Ancient Greek, Latin, and Old Slavonic at various proficiency levels.
Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai (Facultatea de Litere, Departamentul de literatură română și teoria literaturii) și Memorialul Ipotești – Centrul Național de Studii „Mihai Eminescu” invită tinerii cercetători filologi (masteranzi și doctoranzi) la Școala de vară „Modelul” în literatură și critică: copie, imitație, reprezentare, influență. Metode de studiu și perspective de analiză, care va avea loc în perioada 28 iunie – 2 iulie 2021.
Nineteenth-Century Music Review calls for articles for a themed issue entitled Urban Desires: Music and Nostalgia.
Deadline for 300-word abstract submission: 23 July 2021. Please, send your proposal including your name and title of the proposal to lolasanmartinarbide[at]gmail[dot]com. By 10 September 2021, authors will be notified whether they should submit a full version of their article for peer review.
Societatea Română de Studii Bizantine vă invită marți, 20 aprilie 2021, ora 11.00 (București) la conferința Retorica imperială în Moldova: surse liturgice inedite și contexte iconografice (cca. 1480-1530).
The University of Vienna and the Academy of Finland invites contributions for the international conference entitled The Balkans and the Post-Colonial World: Socialist Internationalism and Global Entanglements in the Cold War, which will be held on 17-18 June 2021.
The National Museum of the Romanian Peasant (Romania), in partnership with the University of Plovdiv “Paissi Hilendarski” (Bulgaria), and the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilisations (INALCO) (France), announce for the 28th of May the workshop entitled From transcribing orality to oral writing practices. Rural and popular cultures in the digital age.
The Museum of the Romanian Peasant is seeking contributions for its annual journal MARTOR 27/2022, on the topic of “From Transcribing Orality to Oral Practices of Writing. Rural and Popular Cultures in the Digital Era”.
Deadline for abstract submissions: 2nd of April 2021
Publication date: November 2022
În 25 și 26 martie va avea loc online Atelierul bursierilor André Scrima 2021 între orele 12.30-16.00, respectiv 11.00-16.00.
Detalii conectare Zoom:
Meeting ID: 835 7200 7281
Passcode: 383761
In response to the pandemic and the continuing potential health risks, CEU Summer University has decided to offer its courses online to keep faculty and participants safe.
It is our pleasure to invite you to the lecture “Ordinary people” and their professions: The contribution of sigillography to the study of Byzantine social history given by NEC Fellow Pantelis Charalampakis, PhD, National Archaeological Institute with Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences on 30 March 2021, at 11.00 am (Bucharest time), via Zoom.
We are pleased to remind you about the 2021/22 calls for in-residence fellowships at the Centre for Advanced Study in Sofia within the broad field of the social sciences and the humanities.
Deadline for application: 31 March, 2021
All available calls can be found at: Calls & News – CAS
The Ethics and Politics of Literary Irony: Central and Eastern European Perspectives
Please submit your paper proposals (150-200 words) until 15 May 2021.
Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 15 June 2021.
The paper submission deadline is 15 September 2021.
The editorial norms can be found at:
The Hidden Galleries team invites us to the two-day closing conference entitled The Secret Police and Study of Religions: Archives, Communities and Contested Memories in Central and Eastern Europe on 18-19 March 2021.
Centrul de Cercetare Ecumenică Sibiu oferă pentru anul universitar 2021/2022 burse cercetătorilor doctoranzi și celor care au obținut titlul de doctor în teologie, dar și din spectrul mai larg al disciplinelor umaniste (filosofie, filologie, istorie etc).
Departamentul de Studii Românești de la Facultatea de Litere, Istorie și Teologie a Universității de Vest din Timișoara organizează în colaborare cu Centrul de studii românești al Facultății de Litere de la Universitatea din București cea de-a șasea Conferință internațională (CISR 6) cu tema Frontiere, migrație, diaspora, care va avea loc în 7 – 9 octombrie 2021, online.
Forum Transregionale Studien invites applications for 20 Fellowships as part of the re:constitution programme for the upcoming academic year from October 2021 to July 2022.
A recent academic paper published by NEC Alumna Anca FILIPOVICI: ‘Faith and work for King and Country!’ Nationalization and covert Romanianization through the youth organization Straja Țării (1934–1940)
Vineri, 5 martie 2021, ora 18.00, Centrul de Filologie Modernă al Universității Babeș-Bolyai (FiM) vă invită la cea de-a treia întâlnire G19 pe Zoom, în cadrul căreia conf. dr. habil. Levente T. Szabó (NEC Alumnus) va susține conferința intitulată De la inventarea pensiei literare până la apariția discursului asupra protecționismului literar / dreptului de autor. O nouă istorie socială a profesionalizării literare maghiare în secolul al 19-lea.
The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS-KNAW) is looking for scholars who would like to spend 5 or 10 months in 2022/23 at the institute to work on their own curiosity-driven research project, and get inspired by our interdisciplinary, collaborative community of scholars, artists, writers and journalists.
Here are the opening hours:
Monday – Thursday: 12.00 – 16.00
Friday: 10.00 – 14.00
You are welcome to use the library facilities (reading rooms, etc.) and/or the fellows’ offices – by appointment only.
Review of Ecumenical Studies (RES), Sibiu calls for papers that deal with (but will be not be limited to) questions such as: How do sacred buildings reflect the interferences of the political with the religious? What are the legal and theological bases for the (re)conversion of churches into mosques and of mosques into churches? To what extent and what foreseeable consequences building, decommissioning, repurposing, or converting religious spaces represent a form of domination and exclusion?
It is our great pleasure to wish you all Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year!
Though the present situation has prevented us from meeting face to face, we are posting you a selection of Romanian carols hoping they would bring you happiness and peace.
The ‘Relevance of the Humanities in the Digital Age’ (DigiHum) fellowship program aims to underscore the cognitive functions of the humanities and their potential as critical disciplines by opening them up to issues relevant in/for the contemporary digital world – issues that are “practical”, but also epistemological, ethical, philosophical, etc.
This Junior Visiting Fellowships aim to support the research of Ukrainian scholars who are completing or have recently completed doctoral studies in a Ukrainian institution of higher education. It offers access to the resources of the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna to younger researchers who have demonstrated exceptional talent to allow them to work on a research project of their own choice.
Starting September 10, 2018, memorable recordings from the Lovinescu – Ierunca Collection of the New Europe College are broadcast by Radio Romania Musical, the station specialized in classical music, jazz & more of the National Radio Broadcaster in Romania.
On Thursday, November 19, at 5:00 pm, Arunima Bhattacharya will give on Zoom the lecture entitled Learning a Different Language: Reading Shubhangi Swarup’s ‘The Latitudes of Longing’ and Aimee Liu’s ‘Glorious Boy’ in the Context of Anthropological Documentation and the Consolidation of the Indian Nation State.
Cu generoasa susținere financiară a Fundației Lapedatu, NEC continuă și în anul academic 2020–2021 programul „Burselor Lapedatu” oferite pentru a încuraja cercetările de istoria românilor în perioadele modernă și contemporană.
Public Statement by the Network of European Institutes for Advanced Study
Excerpt from the press release:
“The Network of European Institutes for Advanced Study, which gathers 25 institutes in 17 European countries, strongly encourages local and national governments, as well as international donors, to help the institutes pursue their scientific tasks.”
‘Being a Minority in Times of Catastrophe’
Birkbeck, University of London (Department of History, Classics and Archaeology)
Date: 25-26 June 2021
The deadline for proposal submissions is 14th January 2021
La FMSH soutient financièrement l’invitation de chercheurs étrangers dans le cadre de l’organisation de manifestations portant sur des thématiques innovantes en sciences humaines et sociales ou à la frontière entre les SHS et les autres sciences.
Date limite de candidature : 15 décembre 2020
Short–term postdoctoral mobility
The Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme and its partners offer postdoctoral mobility grant to researchers in social sciences and humanities for periods from 1 to 3 months.
Created in 1975 upon the initiative of Fernand Braudel, in collaboration with the French Secretary of State for Universities, Department for Higher Education and Research, the DEA Programme (Directeurs d’Études Associés, or Associate Research Directors) is the oldest international mobility programme at Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme.
Congrats to N+N Porticus Fellow Spyridon Tsoutsoumpis for his latest publications: The Lords of War: violence, governance and nation-building in north-western Greece, published in European Review of History: Revue européenne d’histoire.
The Leibniz Science Campus Regensburg “Europe and America in the Modern World” has recently launched the fall/ winter program for the public lecture series entitled Special Relations Revisted: Europe and the USA since the 19th century.
La date d’envoi des propositions est fixée au 30.01.2021. Veuillez envoyer le titre de votre contribution (en français/italien/espagnol/roumain ou en allemand) ainsi qu’un résumé de 250 mots maximum à
Initiated by Salonul de proiecte, The Photographic Image Between Past and Future is a project that aims to make public one of Romania’s most important photographic archive, Mihai and Anca Oroveanu Collection.
The “Mircea Eliade” fellowship is awarded by the Rector of the University of Bucharest for the study and the preparation for publication of previously unpublished essays, lectures, correspondence and different noteworthy documents of Mircea Eliade.
The IWM (Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna) has established a mentoring initiative for applicants for European Research Council (ERC) Starting and Consolidator Grants in the humanities and social sciences from Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.
The video recording of the conference entitled ‘Judicial Independence’ and the ‘Judicial Council Model’: Conformities, Convergence, Tensions is uploaded to YouTube.
Alina Cucu discussed her recent book, Planning Labour. Time and the Foundations of Industrial Socialism in Romania (Berghahn Books, 2019). The interview is in Romanian, uploaded to YouTube.
New Europe College, together with 6 institutions from Europe, has been granted funding from EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program for the project titled Citizen Science for Environmental Citizenship: Backyard Birding and the Potential for Cultivating Green Engagement (EnviroCitizen).
NEC Fellow Leyla Safta-Zecheria has recently published the academic article titled Challenges posed by COVID-19 to the health of people with disabilities living in residential care facilities in Romania. She argues that residential care institutions for people with disabilities are at risk of becoming sites for community contagion with COVID-19.
De la ciuma lui Caragea la holera balcanică
Epidemii, carantine și sănătate publică în epoca modernă (Humanitas, 2024)
Constantin Ardeleanu, Editor & Author
Researcher within the ERC project Transnational histories of ‘corruption’ in Central-South-East Europe (1750-1850) hosted by New Europe College
Rocking under the Hammer and the Sickle: Popular Music in Socialist Romania between Ideology and Entertainment (1948-1989)
Colonial Anxieties, Corruption Scandals and Xenophobia in Nineteenth-Century Infrastructure Development in Romania
Entangled Histories of the Danubian Quarantine System (1774–1914)
Rule of Law at the European Periphery: (Dis)incentive Structures and Conceptual Shifts
The (Im)possible Alliance: Romania as Initiator and Beneficiary of the Humanitarian Aid (1970-1989)