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The Classic Landmarks of Modern Liberalism: on Aristotle's Equality and Cicero's Liberty (2003-2004)

Field of study: Political Science

The present study is meant as an attempt to retrieve some classic echoes of equality and liberty that I think will not undermine the modern liberal-democratic tradition of equality of opportunity, rule of law, and negative liberty, while, at the same time, providing a vital breathing space for our liberal institutions by recollecting some standards of human
excellence neglected today, which have, however, outlived for most part of our human history. And although attaching some importance to something that has been enduring enough to last for centuries is a common-place, it is probably against historical and ethical common-sense to think that contemporary social and political institutions are so innovative that no reference to classic landmarks related to human excellence is needed any more.

Keywords: liberalism, equality, liberty,

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