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Réception de la Théorie du Progrès Perpétuel au XIVe Siècle Byzantin: Grégoire Palamas et Calliste Angélicoudes (2014-2015)
This paper deals with the late Byzantine reception of Gregory of Nyssa’s teaching about perpetual progress (epektasis), with a focus on
Gregory Palamas and Kallistos Angelicoudes. As attested most notably in his Triads, Palamas readily appropriates Nyssa’s theory by adapting it to the problematic of the hesychastic controversy, without further personal reflection. Kallistos Angelicoudes offers a more complex case. He appears to have been sensitive to Maximus the Confessor’s insistance on the aspect of rest which must balance that of mouvement. He also combines speculative insights on God’s infinity with more direct and personal testimonies. And, finally, in composing a refutation of Summa contra Gentiles, he becomes aware of the quite different ways in which Aquinas and the most proeminent of the Eastern authors conceive the dynamics of the eschatological beatitude.
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