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On “Ideological Vigilance”: Controlling Daily Newspapers in Oradea during the First Years of Ceaușescu's System (1966-1970) (2010-2011)

Field of study: Anthropology of Communism

Though elite groups and culture consumers in Ceauşescu’s Romania have experienced censorship, its complete history is not yet written. By stock-tacking some techniques of the General Directorate for Press and Printing – Direcţia Generală pentru Presă şi Tipărituri, the longest-living institution for censoring in the socialist Romania2 – my study tries to add pieces to this unfinished puzzle. Analyzing mechanisms of control on local newspapers in the 1960s and 1970 (1966-1970), through national and local archive sources and interviews, has three main objectives: to reveal techniques of censoring daily newspapers, to place these strategies in a complex world of the state- communist power and to identify similarities and differences in controlling majority (Romanian) and minority (Hungarian) daily newspapers from Oradea during the above-mentioned decade.

Keywords: communism, Romania, censorship, 1966-1970, local newspapers, Oradea

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