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Legitimating the Democratic State in Post-Communist Romania: Memory as a Cultural Good (2013-2014)

Author: LLESHI, Sokol
Field of study: Political Science

The fall of the communist regimes in the East Central Europe can be seen as a momentous historical juncture for reclaiming the ‘repressed’ memories’ during the past regime. The revolutionary changes of 1989, which mark a multifarious transition could trigger a different representation of the past. Long after regime change, the emergence of Institutes of Memory in most of the countries of East
Central Europe, constitute a new empirical reality, which continues to be addressed within the framework of politics of memory, or transitional justice. In this paper, I propose a different theoretical perspective and focus on the case of Romania, given that issues of the past since December 1989 have been central to different actors at different levels. On the other hand, it is a case that can help understand the shift from the symbolic politics of the 90s, to memory production as a legitimating frame of the new democratic regime.

Keywords: memory production, legitimation, democratic regime, post-communist condition, cultural good, Romania

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