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Building the Nation in Stone and Wood. Restorations and Writings about Historical Monuments in the First Half of the Twentieth Century in Romania (2022-2023)


Publication: 10.58367/NECY.2024.1
Field of study: Art History, Heritage Studies

The paper looks at restoration and preservation practices and at art history writings to explore attitudes and mentalities in the first decades of the twentieth century in Romania. It deciphers the creation of an architectural heritage and the meanings of writings about and restoring historical monuments in a young nation-state that expanded significantly after World War I. Some of the major restoration sites in Romania, around 1900, are analysed together with several of the architectural history writings of the interwar period that reveal a growing turn to nationalism in the Romanian cultural and political spheres.

Keywords: architectural heritage, historical monuments, restorations, interwar Romania, Romanian art history, Byzantine architecture, André Lecomte du Noüy, Virgil Vătăşianu, Coriolan Petreanu

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