The Bible in Its Linguistic Context: Hebrew

Research Programs

The Bible in Its Linguistic Context: Hebrew

The Bible in Its Linguistic Context: Hebrew

2013 – present




Ștefan COLCERIU, PhD, Researcher, Institute of Linguistics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest

Melania BĂDIC, PhD, Researcher, Institute of Linguistics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest

Emanuel CONȚAC, PhD, Associate Professor, the Theological Pentecostal Institute of Bucharest

Octavian FLORESCU, PhD


Cristinel IATAN, PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Bucharest

Alexandru MIHĂILĂ, PhD, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Bucharest

Delia MIHĂILĂ, MD, MA (Biblical Exegesis and Hermeneutics), National Research Institute for Health and Safety, Bucharest

Ovidiu PIETRĂREANU, PhD, Lecturer, Department of Oriental Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest

Tarciziu-Hristofor ŞERBAN, PhD, Lecturer, Faculty of Roman-Catholic Theology, University of Bucharest

Silviu TATU, PhD, Professor, The Theological Pentecostal Institute, Bucharest

This research group aims at supporting and developing the scientific study of Biblical Hebrew within the Romanian academic context.

Its members are both senior and junior specialists in the field of Biblical studies from various scientific backgrounds (theologians, classical philologists, philosophers). Their competence and experience with biblical texts of different linguistic traditions (Hebrew, Greek and Latin) go along with their rigorous understanding of modern scientific standards. The immediate goal of the group is to provide the Romanian culture with a new, complete, scientific, non-confessional, and accurate translation of the Hebrew Bible. By so doing it also envisages the reinforcement of the study of Biblical Hebrew on a sound scientific base within the Romanian academic milieu.


Biblia după textul ebraic. Iosua. Judecătorii (Humanitas, 2022)

Biblia după textul ebraic. Numerii. Deuteronomul (Humanitas, 2021)

Biblia după textul ebraic. Exodul. Leviticul (Humanitas, 2019)

Biblia după textul ebraic. Geneza (Humanitas, 2017)