Research ProgramsRule of Law at the European Periphery: (Dis)incentive Structures and Conceptual Shifts
Rule of Law at the European Periphery: (Dis)incentive Structures and Conceptual Shifts
Statul de drept și constituționalismul periferic: transformări conceptuale și structurale

Exploratory Research (PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-0319)
June 2022 – December 2024
Project Leader:
Bogdan IANCU, Dr.iur, Associate Professor, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Political Science (Department of Constitutional and Political Theory and History)
Experienced Researchers:
Marius Nicolae BALAN, Associate Professor, Al. I. Cuza University of Iași, Faculty of Law
Raluca BERCEA, Professor, West University of Timișoara, Faculty of Law
Bianca SELEJAN-GUȚAN, Professor, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Faculty of Law
Postdoctoral Researchers:
Dr. Cosmin CERCEL, Researcher in Legal History and Theory
Dr. Martin MENDELSKI, Postdoctoral Researcher in Political Science
(February 1, 2023-December 2024)

Photo source: The National Archives of Romania
ROLPERIPHERAL deals with the way in which evolving rule of law conditionalities and associated institutional discourses influence the operation of national constitutions of the EU member states and, conversely, contribute to the shaping of European constitutionalism at the interface between legal orders.
The rule of law is the dominant contemporary constitutional discourse, both at the national and supra/international level. However, the mechanics of its unfolding, the determinations contributing to it, and the complexity of the conceptual and contextual strands intertwined in legal practices are largely ignored and understudied.
The project focuses on systemic interactions at (related to) the “periphery”, since the growth of rule of law instruments at the level of the European Union and its sister organization, the Council of Europe, is directly correlated with developments related to the liminal, Central and Eastern European, jurisdictions, i.e., the new member states and the current candidates in the so-called Western Balkans (as well as, more recently, Ukraine and Moldova).
– Call for hiring a postdoctoral researcher (Deadline: 15 November 2022)
Events within the project:
Rule of Law Ideal Models: Centrality under Stress or ‘Peripheralization of the World’?
International Conference
26-27 September 2024, at NEC & CEREFREA
Core, Peripheral, and Supranational Correlates of the Rule of Law: Emerging Synergies and Tensions
International Conference
29-30 September 2023, at West University of Timișoara
Transatlantic Functionalism: New Deal Models and European Integration
Lecture given by Professor Peter Lindseth, University of Connecticut School of Law followed by the roundtable discussion titled The Future of European Integration: Between Technocracy and Politics
27 September 2023, at New Europe College
Center/Periphery and the Rule of Law in Europe: Overlaps, Convergence, Tension
Workshop with and lecture by Professor Dr. Armin von Bogdandy
10 October 2022, at New Europe College
Kickoff Meeting with the Team
1 October 2022, at New Europe College
The Rule of Law – Contemporary Challenges
Annual round table of the Romanian Association of Constitutional Law, 23nd Edition
30 September 2022, at CEREFREA Villa Noël – Centre Régional Francophone D’Études Avancées En Sciences Sociales (Bucarest)