Research ProgramsReflections on the Political and Social History of the 18th and 19th Centuries in Romania (GRiPs)
Reflections on the Political and Social History of the 18th and 19th Centuries in Romania (GRiPs)

2009 – present
Academic coordinators:
Constanța VINTILĂ, PhD, Senior Researcher, „Nicolae Iorga” Institute of History, Romanian Academy, Bucharest
Silvia MARTON, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Bucharest
Administrative support:
Constantin ARDELEANU, PhD, Senior Researcher, New Europe College/ Institute for South-East European Studies, Bucharest
GRiPs promotes current historical research on the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries by signaling new publications, doctoral theses and scientific events from a wide range of complementary academic disciplines and subfields. Since 2009, GRiPs has fostered and continues to mentor an interdisciplinary community of advanced doctoral and postdoctoral scholars. It has led to invitations allowing emerging scholars to present their work and receive feedback. GRiPs’ ambition is also to encourage a wider European and regional scientific network.