Critical Foundations of Contemporary Cosmopolitanism
Research ProgramsCritical Foundations of Contemporary Cosmopolitanism
Critical Foundations of Contemporary Cosmopolitanism

Grantee of the Young Research Teams Program launched by UEFISCDI, the project aimed at supporting early scholars in the field of the humanities who were consolidating their own research teams.
Grant: PN-II-RU-TE-2011-3-0218
Contract: 98/05.10.2011
5 October 2011 – 5 October 2014
Project Leader:
Tamara CĂRĂUȘ, PhD, Researcher (Republic of Moldova)
Áron Zsolt TELEGDI-CSETRI, PhD Candidate, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
Dan Dorin LAZEA, PhD, Lecturer, West University of Timișoara
Camil PÂRVU, PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest
The starting premise of the project is that in contemporary world of differences and points of view a global, overarching cosmopolitan vision and a global consensus should be avoided. The main research questions of our project concern the foundations of a cosmopolitan theory and a cosmopolitan project in the alleged post-metaphysical and post-universalist theoretical framework: Is cosmopolitanism possible without universalism? How should we conceive cosmopolitanism after the skepticism towards the grand narratives of modern ideologies? How can one justify cosmopolitan values without falling back on some conceptions of a fixed human nature or a shared system of belief? How is the authority of the cosmopolitan norms created and maintained? How could be cosmopolitan norms justified? How do persons identify with cosmopolitan institutions? What does it mean to be cosmopolitan today, given the plurality of the interpretative standpoints in the contemporary world? To answer these questions the project will explore the cosmopolitan potential and limits of the most influential political theories based on consensus: (Rawlsian) theories of justice and (Habermasian) theories of deliberative democracy. Examining the implausibility of a global consensus, our project will propose a concept of critical cosmopolitanism that will explore the dynamic of disagreement and contestation that are the irreducible aspects of pluralism.
The research team aims to advance a new perspective of conceiving and understanding cosmopolitanism in post-metaphysical, post-universalist and non-totalizing terms and to gain strength as an independent research group, competitive in the international academic circuit.
Estimated results:
The research project/team aims at the following indicators of impact:
-There books (one per year) edited by the research team with contribution of scholars worldwide published in English language at prestigious international houses;
-Articles in international academic journals: we estimate a total of 4 articles per year, 12 articles in 3 years;
-Dissemination of the findings through participation of team members at international conferences, and symposia.
-Dissemination of the published materials and of the theoretical and practical results of the research on a national and international level by the specific means of the academic community; creation of a national and international scientific community involved in the debate concerning cosmopolitanism.
Events within the Project:
Cosmopolitanism and Global Protests
Call for Papers (Deadline 15 June 2014)
Critical Foundations of Contemporary Cosmopolitanism
1-2 November 2013, New Europe College, Bucharest
Call for Papers
Cosmopolitanism and the Legacies of Dissent
Call for Papers (Deadline 30 April 2012)
Cosmopolitanism and Deliberative Democracy: Norms and Justifications
7-8 December 2012, New Europe College, Bucharest
Call for Papers
Cosmopolitanism and Global Justice
5 March 2012, New Europe College, Bucharest