Fellow Finder
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ANĂSTĂSOAIE, Marian Viorel | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Social Anthropology Research Project: The making of a world anthropologist: biographical and anthropological explorations of the Romanian-Jewish upbringing of John V. Murra (Isak Lipschitz) |
France |
ANDERSSON, Daniel | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: The Last Humanist? David Ruhnken and the Beginnings of 'Classical Scholarship' |
UK |
BENARROSH-ORSONI, Norah | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Ethnology Research Project: Eriger sa maison, bâtir sa réputation? Ethnologie des investissements immobiliers des migrants roumains dans leurs villages d'orgine [Erecting his house, building his reputation? Ethnology of the real estate investments of Romanian migrants in their villages of origin] |
France |
BIAGIOLI, Francesca | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy of Science Research Project: Mathematical and Transcendental Method in Cassirer's Philosophy of Science |
Italy |
CAMPBELL, Treasa | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: Naturalising Normative Judgements through Epistemic Standards of Taste: A Model for Epistemic Expressivism |
Ireland |
GUESNIER, Lucie | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Social History Research Project: Réflexions sur l'écriture d'une histoire de la contestation en Roumanie |
France |
GUILLAUME, Damien | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Émanciper les juifs de Roumanie, 1866-1881. Une campagne internationale, ses moyens, ses enjeux, son échec |
France |
KISS, Tamás | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Medieval Studies Research Project: Cyprus in Ottoman and Venetian Political Imagination Before and After 1571 |
Hungary |
MURPHY, Jonathan | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Politics Research Project: Anglo–Romanian Relations 1944–45: The War Cabinet, the Foreign Office and Transylvania |
Ireland |
OSTOJIC, Mladen | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Politics International Relations Research Project: Donor Strategies in the Development of Civil Society in the Balkans |
France |
PULAY, Gergő | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Street Life, Value and Exchange in a Poor Neighborhood of Bucharest |
Hungary |
STEENBERGEN, Naomi van | 2013/2014 NEC International Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: The Limits of Direct Attention: A Phenomenological Account |
Netherlands |
Candidates are asked to fill in a detailed application form, that includes their professional CV and publications list, and a project on which they propose to work during their fellowship.