Fellow Finder
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AVRAMESCU, Cătălin | 2007 2004/2005 NEC – LINK Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: Symbolic Histories and Geographies (M.A. curricular course) and Geography and Political Imagination (M.A. curricular course) (2007)Peace and the Theory of Natural Law (2004/2005) |
Romania |
GHEAUȘ, Anca | 2004/2005 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: Negotiating Values: The Place of Justice and Care in the Public Sphere ORCID: 0000-0002-5364-1026 |
Romania |
GHENCIULESCU, Ștefan | 2004/2005 1999/2000 GE – NEC Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Architecture Research Project: La ville transparente. Une discussion sur les limites et l'habitationFormes et cultures urbaines dans le sud-est de l'Europe. Bucarest comme étude de cas [Urban forms and cultures in South-East Europe. Bucharest as a case study] (1999/2000) |
Romania |
HATOS, Adrian | 2004/2005 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Biographies of Active Citizens: Identities and Strategies in Social Participation |
Romania |
IANCU, Andreea Roxana | 2004/2005 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Social Science History Research Project: Se préparer à la mort: un devoir de chaque chrétien. Le testament entre la pratique et la théologie du salut (Bucarest, fin du XVIII-e - début du XIX-e siècles) |
Romania |
IONESCU, Alexandra Gabriela | 2007 2006/2007 2004/2005 NEC – LINK Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Fellow Position: Research Project: Political Pluralism and Political Representation after the Downfall of Communism in the Central and East European Countries (optional course) (2007)European Political Typologies: The Political Duality of the Unified Europe (M.A. curricular course) (2006-2007) Pensée et pratique d’une autorité révolutionnaire. L’effondrement du communisme en Roumanie (2004-2005) |
Romania |
MIHAI, Nicolae | 2004/2005 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Société, mémoire et mort chez les Roumains (XVIIIe - XIXe siècles): l'usage du testament en Olténie |
Romania |
MINCĂ, Bogdan | 2004/2005 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Philosophy Research Project: Eine phänomenologische Lektüre der aristotelischen Rhetorik, mit Blick auf die fundamentale Struktur des In-der-Welt-seins in Martin Heideggers 'Sein und Zeit' |
Romania |
MUNTEANU, Mihaela | 2004/2005 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Economics Research Project: Towards A Postmodern Accounting Theory: A Semiotic Perspective on Financial Accounting Reporting |
Romania |
PĂUN, Radu-Gabriel | 2004/2005 1998/1999 GE – NEC Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Fêtes et cérémonies publiques dans les pays roumains (XVIe-XIX-e siècles). L'horizon des images vécues (2004-2005)Pouvoirs et patronage dans les pays roumains et l'Europe centrale et orientale. Recherche comparative sur la modernité politique au XVII-e siècle [Powers and patronage in Romanian principalities and Central and Eastern Europe. Comparative research on political modernity in the seventeenth century] (1998-1999) |
Romania |
POPESCU, Ioana | 2004/2005 1998/1999 Guest of the Rector Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Reflexion anthropologique sur la photographie ethnographique (avec une étude de cas sur le photographe Iosif Berman) (1998/1999) |
Romania |
TAT, Alin-Sebastian | 2006/2007 2004/2005 NEC Țuțea Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Philosophy Research Project: Identité et altérité confessionnelle dans la revue « Perspective » (Munich, 1978-2005) (2006-2007)La théologie vue d'ailleurs: quelques cas philosophiques (2004-2005) |
Romania |
ȚURCANU, Florin | 2004/2005 1996/1999 NEC Fellow RELINK Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: History Research Project: Représentations de la France politique dans la vie publique roumaine pendent l'entre-deux-guerres ORCID: 0009-0005-3504-4833 |
Romania |
Candidates are asked to fill in a detailed application form, that includes their professional CV and publications list, and a project on which they propose to work during their fellowship.