Fellow Finder
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BALUȚĂ, Ionela | 2000/2001 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: « L’Hygiène science d'état ». Les hygiénistes comme « experts » dans le processus de construction étatique roumain (seconde moitié du XIXe siècle)Les enjeux sociaux de la construction d'une nouvelle identité féminine - la seconde moitié du XIX-e siècle roumain |
Romania |
BAUMGARTEN, Alexander | 2000/2001 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Le problème de l'unité de l'intellect dans la controverse parisienne des années 1270-1277 et la naissance de l'intellectuel universitaire dans l'averroïsme latin [The problem of the unity of the intellect in the Parisian controversy of 1270-1277 and the birth of the academic intellectual in Latin averroism] |
Romania |
BLEBEA-NICOLAE, Gabriela | 2000/2001 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: De la casuistique à l'étique appliquée [From casuistry to applied ethics] |
Romania |
CIOROIANU, Adrian-Mihai | 2000/2001 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Art, propagande et politique: le cas de Nicolae Ceaușescu [Art, propaganda and politics: the case of Nicolae Ceaușescu] |
Romania |
GROZA, Octavian | 2000/2001 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Les echelles spatiales de la territorialité roumaine |
Romania |
HORVATH, István | 2000/2001 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Shifting Identity of Hungarians from Romania. From Dual Identity to Diaspora Identity |
Romania |
IOAN-CORLAN, Simona | 2000/2001 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: L'Imaginaire dans la construction de l'identité collective. Questions de méthode et essai d'application [Imagination in the construction of collective identity. Questions of method and test of application] |
Romania |
MANOLESCU, Anca | 2000/2001 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: L'Europe et la recontre des religions: un défi bénéfique pour l'orthodoxie |
Romania |
PALINCAȘ, Nona-Daniela | 2000/2001 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Zur Klassifikation in der Archäologie [On classification in archaeology] |
Romania |
RĂDULESCU, Raluca Luria | 2000/2001 NEC Fellow |
Field of Study: Research Project: The Political Mentality of the English Gentry at the End of the Fifteenth Century |
Romania |
VIERU, Sorin | 2000/2001 1999/2000 1994 Guest of the Rector Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Histoire et faits historiques: une perspective logique [History and historical facts: a logical perspective] (1994) |
Romania |
Candidates are asked to fill in a detailed application form, that includes their professional CV and publications list, and a project on which they propose to work during their fellowship.