Fellow Finder
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ALEXANDRESCU, Vlad | 1998/1999 1995/1996 RELINK Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Eléments pour une problèmatique du commencement (1998/1999)Paradoxe sceptique et construction dogmatique dans l'oeuvre de Blaise Pascal (1995/1996) |
Romania |
BERCEA, Radu | 1998/1999 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Essai sur l'herméneutique « en acte » d'André Scrima |
Romania |
JALOBEANU, Daniela-Rodica | 1998/1999 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Place of the Laws of Nature in the Conceptual Structure of the Scientific Revolution |
Romania |
KOVÁCS, Kázmer Tamás | 1998/1999 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Thresholds. A Look at a Few Stages of Architecture |
Romania |
MICLEA, Mircea | 1998/1999 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Psychology of Counterintentional Effect |
Romania |
MIROIU, Mihaela | 1998/1999 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Sources of Romanian Conservatism (An Applied Philosophical Analysis) |
Romania |
MUSTAȚĂ, Georgian-Tiberiu | 1998/1999 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The World as Semiosis |
Romania |
NICULESCU, Mihai-Vlad | 1998/1999 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Preliminary Clarifications for a Full Phenomenological Harmonization of the Egological Intentionality with the Spontaneity of the Other |
Romania |
PĂUN, Radu-Gabriel | 2004/2005 1998/1999 GE – NEC Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Fêtes et cérémonies publiques dans les pays roumains (XVIe-XIX-e siècles). L'horizon des images vécues (2004-2005)Pouvoirs et patronage dans les pays roumains et l'Europe centrale et orientale. Recherche comparative sur la modernité politique au XVII-e siècle [Powers and patronage in Romanian principalities and Central and Eastern Europe. Comparative research on political modernity in the seventeenth century] (1998-1999) |
Romania |
POPESCU, Ioana | 2004/2005 1998/1999 Guest of the Rector Fellow NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: Reflexion anthropologique sur la photographie ethnographique (avec une étude de cas sur le photographe Iosif Berman) (1998/1999) |
Romania |
SPIRIDON, Monica | 1998/1999 NEC Fellow |
Affiliation: Position: Research Project: The Hermeneutics of Occidentalism and Orientalism in the Romanian Culture of the XXth Century |
Romania |
Candidates are asked to fill in a detailed application form, that includes their professional CV and publications list, and a project on which they propose to work during their fellowship.