Maria Alexandra VOIVOZEANU
Academic Year:
Field of Study:
Research Program:
NEC Haret
Independent Researcher
Through a comparative approach, I aim to explore the interplay between formal and informal actors within transnational recruitment of Romanian circular migrants. The hypothesis is that, in more and more cases, migration trajectories include a combination between departures mediated by informal actors (e.g. migration networks) and departures mediated by formal actors (e.g. specialized companies posting workers and recruitment agencies). The project will compare (Romanian) migration in the construction sector in Germany with (Romanian) migration in the agricultural sector in Italy.
However, if the hypothesis will be disproved, and Romanian migrants depart for work abroad either turning to their social networks or to companies, I will explore the following questions: Are there differences in terms of social and human capital between migrants who turn to one of the two types of departures? Is the recruitment type influenced by the structure of the economic sector?