Academic Years:

Field of Study:
Human Geography

Research Programs:
PoM Returning
PoM Pontica Magna

University of Warsaw, Poland

Independent Researcher


Research project: Distance and Knowledge Production: the Challenges of Researching Ukraine-Related Topics during Armed Conflict (2017-2018)
Research project: Researching Euromaidan and Ukraine-Russia Conflict: Ethical Concerns

This work aims to explore the ethical challenges faced by researchers of the Euromaidan and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine as engaged/activist scholars.
Research on social movements and protests is fraught with tensions and ethical quandaries which affect not just the quality of analytical knowledge but also the socio-political processes beyond academia. The burgeoning research on the Euromaidan and the Ukraine-Russia conflict is connected with a multitude of ethical concerns of researchers based both in Ukraine and elsewhere. These tensions have so far received only occasional mention, despite representing a sensitive and potentially distressing issue that requires a systematic and detailed analysis. This will contribute to the body of topical research on the current conflict as well as to the broader work on protest movements, and will enhance the understanding of epistemological and methodological aspects of research ethics in practice.

A full-length study is available here.