What Does “Presentism” Stand For? Towards a Critical Appraisal of the Presentist “Turn”

Event: Conference

Location: Zoom

26 October 2023, 10.00-19.00 (Bucharest time)

Conveners: Veronica LAZĂR and Andrei-Dan SORESCU

Participants: François HARTOG (keynote speaker), Hakob BARSEGHYAN, Holly CASE, Raul CÂRSTOCEA, Adrian GRAMA, Gregory JONES-KATZ, Veronica LAZĂR, Ondřej SLAČÁLEK, Andrei-Dan SORESCU, Irina TROCAN

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Introductory remarks by Veronica LAZĂR (University of Bucharest) and Andrei SORESCU (New Europe College / University College London)

10.30-11.30 Keynote address
Prof. François HARTOG
Le présentisme et après

11.30-12.20  Q&A

12.20-13.00  Coffee Break

13.00-15.15  Session One

Adrian GRAMA, IOS Regensburg
Presentism and the Family Novel

Ondřej SLAČÁLEK, Charles University, Prague
Three Versions of Appropriating History

Raul CÂRSTOCEA, Maynooth University
Fascist Presentism, Or: On the Impossibility of Redemption

14.15-14.30  Coffee break

14.30-15.15  Q&A

15.15-16.00  Coffee Break

16.00-19.00  Session Two

Holly CASE, Brown University
Taint Tracing as Presentism

Irina TROCAN, National University of Theatre and Cinema, Bucharest
Romanian Revolution in the Film Festival: ‘Between Revolutions’, a Transnational Found Footage Fiction

Hakob BARSEGHYAN, Victoria College, University of Toronto
A Typology of Presentist Practices in Academic History

Gregory JONES-KATZ, Independent Researcher
Koselleck and Gumbrecht on the Task of the Historian; Or, the End of Sattelzeit and the Beginning of Re-Enactment

17.40-18.00  Coffee break

18.00-19.00  Q&A

Program and Abstracts in PDF