Visual Emotions
Event: Research group
Location: NEC (#403 ground floor) & Zoom
19 June 2023, 18.15-20.00 (Bucharest time)
Cătălin ȚĂRANU, Director of the research project Grammars of Emotion: Shame and the Social Economy of Honour in Medieval Heroic Literatures (GRAMMOTION)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 839 3181 8191
Passcode: 000982
Hand gestures, blushing, blood rushing out of the hero’s ears out of anger. Emotions are not just felt or practiced, but seen. There is a visual grammar of emotions peculiar to each society and cultural community that, for past eras, we glimpse in iconography whose relationship to lived reality is much debated. How are emotions codified visually and what is the connection between visual representations of emotion and social reality?
Reading: Giuseppina Brunetti, ‘Pathosformeln. Iconographie et représentation verbale des émotions dans les Romans de Tristan (XIIe -XIII e siècles)’ [en ligne], conférence tenue dans le cadre du séminaire Le Corps régulé. Du biologique au culturel, ed. by A. Carol and I. Renaudet (Maison Méditerranée des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aix-en-Provence)
This event is organized within the framework of the project Grammars of Emotion: Shame and the Social Economy of Honour in Medieval Heroic Literatures, supported by a grant of the Ministry of European Investment and Projects, project number PNRR-III-C9-2022 – I9, financed by Romania’s Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) | European Union.