Urban Communities and Urban Transformation in the Romanian Principalities/Old Kingdom Romania (1831–1914)

Event: International Workshop
Location: NEC conference hall
16 April 2019, 10:00 – 18:00
Raluca ALEXANDRESCU, Constantin ARDELEANU, Simion CÂLȚIA, Camelia CRĂCIUN, Alex DRACE-FRANCIS, Ger DUIJZINGS, Silvia MARTON, Nicolae MIHAI, Bogdan POPA, Toader POPESCU, Laurențiu RĂDVAN, Gheorghe–Marian ZĂLOAGĂ
09.30–10.00: Coffee/Welcome
10.00–10.30: Introduction
Alex Drace-Francis (Amsterdam/Bucharest): ‘A city we don’t understand’? Reflections on the historiography of Bucharest
10.45–12.15: Infrastructures
Chair and discussant: Ger Duijzings (Regensburg)
Constantin Ardeleanu (Galaţi/Utrecht/Bucharest): Steaming towards modernity: From Küstenge to Constanţa
Toader Popescu (Bucharest): On the fast track: Social and urban patterns in the evolution of the railway district in Romanian cities
Simion Câlţia (Bucharest): The changing face of modernity. The Bucharest City Hall and the quest for the ultimate modern abattoir
12.30–13.30 Communities and ethnic groups
Chair and discussant: Gheorghe–Marian Zăloagă (Târgu Mureș)
Laurenţiu Rădvan (Iaşi): Enslaved Gypsies and free Gypsies: the case of Barbu Lăutarul
Camelia Crăciun (Bucharest): Modernity and tradition in conflict at the turn of century reflected in the works of Jewish Romanian writers: Ronetti Roman’s Manasse
15.00–16.30 Political ideas and urban spaces
Chair and discussant: Raluca Alexandrescu (Bucharest)
Nicolae Mihai (Craiova): Urban spaces and “emotional communities” in Wallachia during 1848 Revolution
Silvia Marton (Bucharest): Elections in the Old Kingdom: Fraud and socio-political influence in urban politics (1866–1914)
Bogdan Popa (Bucharest): Reading social change: Booksellers and publishers as a category of the urban Middle Class in Old Kingdom Romania
16.45–17.15 Conclusions
This workshop is organized in connection with the Lapedatu Fellowships at NEC, sponsored by the Lapedatu Foundation (www.lapedatu.com)