The Jews of the Mediterranean

Event: International Conference

Location: NEC conference hall

24 May 2012, 10.00 – 12.30 and 15.00 – 18.00
25 May 2012, 10.00 – 12.45 and 15.00 – 17.00

Participants: Delia Balaican, Ivan Biliarsky, Cristina Ciucu, Andrei Cornea, Yolanda Constantinescu, Karen Gerson Sarhon, Carol Iancu, Anca Manolescu, Victor Neumann, Andrei Oișteanu, Silvia Planas Marce, Alina Popescu, Liviu Rotman, Minna Rozen, Mariuca Stanciu, Cristina Toma

International Annual Conference organized by The “Goldstein-Goren” Center of Jewish Studies, Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest