Rule of Law Ideal Models: Centrality under Stress or ‘Peripheralization of the World’?

Event: International Conference

Location: NEC conference hall & CEREFREA (Villa Noël)

26-27 September 2024, 10.00, New Europe College (21 Plantelor Street) & CEREFREA (Villa Noël – 6 Émile Zola Street)

Mihai BĂDESCU (President, ARDC/ Professor, Academy of Economic Studies)
Ștefan DEACONU (Professor, University of Bucharest/ Director, Centre for the Study of Constitutional Law and Political Institutions/ ARDC)
Bogdan IANCU (Principal Investigator, ROLPERIHERAL-NEC/ Associate Professor, University of Bucharest/ ARDC)
Elena-Simina TĂNĂSESCU (Professor, University of Bucharest/ Judge, Constitutional Court of Romania/ ARDC)

The program of the event will be posted very soon.

The call for papers is available at Call for Papers: Annual Conference of the ROLPERIPHERAL Project.


This event is organized within the research project titled Rule of Law at the European Periphery: (Dis)incentive Structures and Conceptual Shifts (ROLPERIPHERAL) supported by UEFISCDI – Exploratory Research (PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-0319) and hosted by New Europe College.