Rule of Law Ideal Models: Centrality under Stress or ‘Peripheralization of the World’?
Event: International Conference
Location: CEREFREA (Villa Noël - 6 Émile Zola Street) & New Europe College (Plantelor 21)
26 September 2024, 9.30-19.00, at CEREFREA
27 September 2024, 9.30-18.00, at NEC
Mihai BĂDESCU (President, ARDC/ Professor, Academy of Economic Studies)
Ștefan DEACONU (Professor, University of Bucharest/ Director, Centre for the Study of Constitutional Law and Political Institutions/ ARDC)
Bogdan IANCU (Principal Investigator, ROLPERIHERAL-NEC/ Associate Professor, University of Bucharest/ ARDC)
Elena-Simina TĂNĂSESCU (Professor, University of Bucharest/ Judge, Constitutional Court of Romania/ ARDC)
Mihai BĂDESCU, Marius BALAN, Raluca BERCEA, Cosmin CERCEL, Adam CZARNOTA, Dan Claudiu DĂNIȘOR, Ștefan DEACONU, Ionuț-Bogdan DIMA, Iosif FRIEDMANN – NICOLESCU, Sarah GANTY, Barbara GRABOWSKA-MOROZ, Bianca GUȚAN, Andrei IACUBA, Bogdan IANCU, András JAKAB, Dimitry V. KOCHENOV, Martin LOUGHLIN, Andrei-Răzvan LUPU, Alexandra MERCESCU, Mariana MOTA PRADO, Michał PAŹDZIORA, Ramona Delia POPESCU, Marieta SAFTA, Maja SAHADŽIĆ, Julian SCHOLTES, Oana ȘTEFAN, Simina Elena TĂNĂSESCU, Attila VINCZE, Veaceslav ZAPOROJAN, Michael A WILKINSON
This year’s annual conference, organised jointly with the Romanian Association of Constitutional Law (ARDC), addresses the connection between central models of the rule of law and specific preconditions and contexts. In the EU, the topic is particularly apposite 20 years after the so-called ‘Big Bang Enlargement’. Andrei Pleșu, the honorary Rector of the project’s host institution (Minister of Foreign Affairs during the pre-accession, 1997-1999), beautifully proposed that “[v]iewed historically, Europe looks less like a schematic apricot and more like a pomegranate, with multiple cores.” Centrality is however important as the condition for the possibility of gauging conformity with, rapprochement towards, deviation from an ideal model. In nation-state constitutionalism, from the 19thcentury onwards, the road towards centrality has always implied a mise à niveau of the periphery by incorporation of a prestigious Western constitutional model. The latter was usually itself IKEA-patented on other, even more central practices: Romania (whose elites dubbed it “Belgium of the Orient” at the time) copied the Belgian model in 1866, whereas Belgium, in 1831, looked up to and emulated France, the Netherlands, and England.
Such hierarchies and orders have been anything but self-evident recently. Many core models receded in terms of their power to command peripheral/global respect. The United States, for example, undoubtedly a hugely influential central model in constitutional law, has seen its status downgraded to that of a flawed democracy. Its place was severely docked in various law and development rankings; in the EIU Democracy Index (2022), for example, the US fell to position 30 (below Portugal and Israel, slightly above Slovenia and Botswana). In Western Europe also, parties which used to be on the quarantined fringe are on the steady rise and question unabashedly institutions and norms, both national and international. What used to be peripheral is no longer quarantined at the periphery. Why this is so and what can the (rule of) law do about it (if anything) are central questions in this event.
Thursday, 26 September 2024, at CEREFREA , Villa Noël (Émile Zola 6, Bucharest)
9.30 Welcome note/ Opening remarks by the conveners
Panel I: Chair Martin LOUGHLIN
Raluca BERCEA (Professor, West University of Timișoara/Senior Researcher, ROLPERIPHERAL)
Oana ȘTEFAN (Chair of European Law, King’s College London)
On the Quest for a Paradigm Shift: The ‘Rule of Law’ Litigation at the ECJ
Dimitry V. KOCHENOV (Director, Rule of Law CEU Democracy Institute/Professor, CEU-Vienna)
Restoring Dialogical Rule of Law in the European Union: Janus in the Mirror
Marieta SAFTA (Professor, “Titu Maiorescu” University)
Andrei IACUBA (PhD student, ASE Bucharest)
Are there “non-judgable issues” in constitutional litigation? Some considerations on the role of judicial deference in the rule of law
11.30-12.00 Coffee break
Panel II: Chair Dimitry V. KOCHENOV
Mihai BĂDESCU (Professeur agrégé, Académie d’Études Économiques de Bucarest, Membre à part entière de l’Académie des Scientifiques Roumains, AOSR)
Des possibles « attaques » contre l’État de droit contemporain
Av. dr. Iosif FRIEDMANN – NICOLESCU (Dr. iur., Bucharest Bar)
L’état de droit et la Constitution
Veaceslav ZAPOROJAN (Associate Professor & Law Department Dean, Academy of Economic Studies from Moldova, Republic of Moldova)
Centralization of the Peripheral National Constitutional Rule of Law Within the European Union
14.00-15.00 Lunch Break
Panel III: Chair Raluca BERCEA
Bianca GUȚAN (Professor, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu/ROLPERIPHERAL)
Simina Elena TĂNĂSESCU (Professor, University of Bucharest/Judge, Constitutional Court of Romania)
Failed experiment or successful treatment? The Cooperation and Verification Mechanism through the Looking Glass
Andrei-Răzvan LUPU (Assistant Dr. iur., University of Bucharest)
Building the European Rechtsstaat
Ștefan DEACONU (Professor, University of Bucharest/Director, CDCIP)
Bogdan IANCU (Associate Professor, University of Bucharest/ROLPERIPHERAL)
False Analogies: Rule of Law Backsliding and Identitarian Claims in Hungary, Poland, and Romania
16.30-17.00 Coffee Break
Panel IV: Chair Mariana MOTA PRADO
Sarah GANTY (Postdoctoral Scholar, U. Ghent/JSD Candidate Yale Law School/Research Affiliate CEU Democracy Institute)
Democracy and Merit: A Toxic Relationship
András JAKAB (Professor, University of Salzburg; Judge, European Court of Human Rights, (from the 1st of Nov. 2024))
Rule of Law Culture: On why and how the quality of the rule of law depends on ordinary citizens
Dan Claudiu DĂNIȘOR (Professor, University of Craiova)
Democracy and the General Interest Against the Rule of Law and Human Rights?
Ionuț-Bogdan DIMA (Associate Professor, University of Bucharest)
Ramona Delia POPESCU (Associate Professor, University of Bucharest)
More with Less. The Impact of the Self-Inflated Competence of the Romanian Constitutional Court on the Rule of Law
Friday, 27 September 2024, at New Europe College (Plantelor 21, Bucharest)
9.30 Opening
Panel V: Chair Ștefan DEACONU
Martin LOUGHLIN (Professor of Public Law, London School of Economics)
The Construction of European Society by European Lawyers: A Methodological Critique
Barbara GRABOWSKA-MOROZ (Director, CEU Legal Clinic/Affiliate, CEU Democracy Institute)
Transition to the Rule of Law and Rebuilding Judicial Independence in post-2023 Poland
Adam CZARNOTA (Rector, Riga Graduate School of Law & Emeritus Associate, UNSW)
Michał PAŹDZIORA (Assistant Professor, U. Wrocław)
Legal Epistemic Authority in Poland 1986-2020 (both presenting)
11.30-12.00 Coffee break
Panel VI: Chair Maja SAHADŽIĆ
Michael A WILKINSON (Professor of Law, London School of Economics)
Some sceptical reflections on liberal anti-populism
Alexandra MERCESCU (Lecturer, West University of Timișoara
Legal and Constitutional Pluralism: A Rule of Law Matter?
Julian SCHOLTES (Lecturer, University of Glasgow)
The Venice Commission’s “New Democracies” and the Mental Map of European Constitutionalism
13.30-14.30 Lunch break
Panel VII: Chair Michael WILKINSON
Marius BALAN (Associate Professor, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iași)
Masks of Statehood: Rechtsstaat, Freedom State, Welfare State, Security State, Cultural State
Maja SAHADŽIĆ (Assistant Professor at the School of Law and Researcher at the Montaigne Centre for Rule of Law and Administration of Justice, Utrecht University)
Between centrality and peripherality: Technology and the rule of law
Cosmin CERCEL (Professor, Ghent Legal History Institute, University of Ghent)
On Lawyers, Guns and Money: Accommodating the Exception Between Centre and Periphery
16.00-16.30 Coffee break
Panel VIII: Chair Adam CZARNOTA
Mariana Mota PRADO (Corresponding Author; William C. Graham Chair in International Law and Development, University of Toronto)
Marjorie MARONA (UFMG, Brazil)
Fabio KERCHE (UniRio, Brazil)
Institutional Dimensions of Prosecutorial Independence: The Lack of a Rule of Law Model
Attila VINCZE (PD, Dr. iur. Assistant Professor, Masaryk University, Judicial Studies Institute)
Beyond Ticking Boxes – the particularities of a constitutional system and the RoL conditionality
Bogdan IANCU (University of Bucharest/NEC ROLPERIPHERAL)
Form and Context in Rule of Law Osmosis: the Paradox of ‘Reverse Conformities’
This event is organized within the research project titled Rule of Law at the European Periphery: (Dis)incentive Structures and Conceptual Shifts (ROLPERIPHERAL) supported by UEFISCDI – Exploratory Research (PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-0319) and hosted by New Europe College.
The event merges the ROLPERIPHERAL 2024 annual conference with the traditional annual roundtable of the Romanian Association of Constitutional Law. This year’s conference was organised with the support of the Romanian Association of Constitutional Law and the University of Bucharest (the Faculty of Political Science, the Centre for the Study of Constitutional Law and Political Institutions (CDCIP) in the Law Faculty, and CEREFREA).