On Translations in Ethnology and Anthropology

Event: Workshop

Location: NEC

02 April 2004, 09.30-13.00ș 15.00-18.30
03 April 2004, 09.30-12.00

Coordinator: Corina SÎRBU IOSIF, NEC Fellow, Researcher, Archives of Folklore Institute, Cluj-Napoca

Participants: Șerban ANGHELESCU, Irina CULIC, Bpgdan GHIU, Otilia HEDEȘAN, Corina SÎRBU IOSIF, Marius LAZĂR,  Vintilă MIHĂILESCU, Bogdan NICOLAU, Alexandru NICULESCU, Ioan PÂNZARU, Rudolf POLEDNA, Ioana POPESCU, Radu RĂUTU, Biljana SIKIMIC, Elisabeta STĂNCIULESCU, Adrian T. SÎRBU, Smaranda VULTUR