Migrants: Experiences, Theories, Representations
Event: Roundtable (in English)
Location: ARCUB, Lipscani Street, 84-90
ora test
A roundtable following and taking as a starting point the movie Mallé en son exil (2017, Denis Gheerbrant), screened at 15.00 on Saturday, March 23, within One World Romania Film Festival.
Ioana BUNESCU, Researcher, Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration Diversity and Welfare & NEC Fellow
Olga COJOCARU, Research Assistant, Centre of Migration Research, Warsaw & NEC Fellow
Damiana OŢOIU, Lecturer in Political Anthropology, Department of Political Science of the University of Bucharest & NEC Fellow
The event is part of the One World Romania film festival and it is co-organised within the “Spiru Haret” Fellowship Program, financed by UEFISCDI.