Luxury, Fashion and Social Status in Early Modern South Eastern Europe

Event: ERC International Workshop

Location: NEC conference hall


Participants: Constantin ARDELEANU, Wendy BRACEWELL, Giulia CALVI, David CELETTI, Ovidiu CRISTEA, Anastasia FALIEROU, Sorin GRIGORUȚĂ, Dan Dumitru IACOB, John JORDAN, Olga KASIARDI-HERING, Luca MOLÀ, Maria PAKUCS, Liviu PILAT, Nicoleta ROMAN, Robert SHOEMAKER, Mihai-Răzvan UNGUREANU, Constanța VINTILĂ-GHIȚULESCU, Michał WASIUCIONEK, Artemis YAGOU

This event is organized within the project Luxury, Fashion and Social Status in Early Modern South-eastern Europe (LuxFaSS), project no. 638436, financed by European Research Council