Transportation Infrastructure, (Anti)Corruption, and Power Relations in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (Day 1)

Event: International Conference

Location: NEC conference hall & Zoom

13 May 2024, 9.50-17.30 (Bucharest time)
14 May 2024, 10.00-13.00 (Bucharest time)

Convener: Silvia MARTON

Participants: Constantin ARDELEANU, Joan Pubill BRUGUES, Raul CÂRSTOCEA, Malte FUHRMANN, Luminița GĂTEJEL, Bogdan Cristian IACOB, Ferdinand de JONG, Volker KÖHLER, Cosmin KOSZOR-CODREA, Silvia MARTON, Frédéric MONIER, Bogdan POPA, Toader POPESCU, Oliver SCHULZ, Andrei-Dan SORESCU

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Monday, 13 May 2024

Welcome remarks:
Valentina SANDU-DEDIU, Rector, New Europe College

Opening remarks

Politics, Publicity, and Corruption Accusations

Chair and discussant: Ferdinand de JONG, New Europe College

Frédéric MONIER, Université d’Avignon
“A Huge Blur”: Agiotage, Corruption and the Railways in France (c. 1838- c. 1848)

11.00-11.15 Coffee break

Malte FUHRMANN, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient / New Europe College
Infrastructural Shaming, Boasting, and Silencing. Challenging Officeholders over Infrastructure in late 19th C. Southeast Europe

Silvia MARTON, New Europe College / Universitatea din București
The Vitality of ‘Corruption’. Public Office, Conflict of Interest and Railways in Romania

Joan Pubill BRUGUES, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona / Université de Perpignan
Lighting Barcelona with Shadows. Corruption, Lobbying and Transparency in the City Council, 1900

Volker KÖHLER, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Parks and Recreation. Municipal Infrastructure and Micropolitics in Cologne after the First World War

13.30-15.00 Lunch at the NEC

Corruption Narratives, (Post)Colonialism, Race
Chair and discussant: Cosmin KOSZOR-CODREA, New Europe College


Andrei-Dan SORESCU, New Europe College
The Infrastructures of Anxiety: Reflections on Anti-Colonial Nationalism and Xenophobia in Nineteenth Century Romania

Oliver SCHULZ, Université Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand
A Colonial Project? Railway Planning and Construction in Bosnia-Herzegovina under Austro-Hungarian Rule (1878-1918)

Raul CÂRSTOCEA, Maynooth University / New Europe College
Conduits of Violence: Railway Infrastructure and Student Antisemitism in Interwar Romania

Bogdan Cristian IACOB, “Nicolae Iorga” Institute of History, Romanian Academy
Socialist Degeneration: Romanian Medicine in Post-colonial Locales


Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Local, National, Imperial Interests, and International Decision-Making

Chair and discussant: Bogdan POPA, ‘Nicolae Iorga’ Institute of History, Romanian Academy, Bucharest


Constantin ARDELEANU, New Europe College / Institute for South-East European Studies, Bucharest
Building and Operating Transportation Infrastructure in an Ottoman Periphery: the Port of Kustendjie/Constanța in the 1850s–1880s

Luminița GĂTEJEL, Leibniz-Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, Regensburg
Overlapping Imperial and National Interests at the Iron Gates, Late 19th Century

Toader POPESCU, Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest / New Europe College
Hoping and Coping. Local Anxieties and Railway Development in Romania before World War I

Conclusions and Final Discussions

13.00 Lunch at the NEC


This conference is organized within the research project Colonial Anxieties, Corruption Scandals and Xenophobia in Nineteenth-Century Infrastructure Development in Romania (CanCor), funded by UEFISCDI, ‘Basic and frontier research’ scheme, PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-0399 (2022-2024).