Identities vs. Rights. Past, Present and Future of a Research Topic

Event: Roundtable

Location: NEC conference hall & Zoom

1 November 2024, 17.00-19.00 (Bucharest time)

Ovidiu CARAIANI, NEC Alumnus; Coordinator of the focus group Identity, Legitimacy and Civil Society

Online presentation:
Thomas POGGE

Ionuț BUTOI, Oana DERVIȘ, Nicolae DOBREI, Adelin Costin DUMITRU, Florin MITREA, Claudia POSTELNICESCU, Vlad TERTELEAC, Mircea TOBOȘARU, Paula TOMI, Alexandru VOLACU

Other guests (online or on-site): Catherine AUDARD, Judy BATT, Rex MARTIN, Onora O’NEILL, Peri ROBERTS


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Meeting ID: 847 4923 8635
Passcode: 051371


Focus group Identity, Legitimacy and Civil Society after 25 years
A presentation of the initiative is available here.

The essential problem of the Romanian society is the correct setting of the relationship between good and right: good represents particular identities, right represents universal claims and thus are operating in different spheres.


Public presentation by Lucian Pricop of the book:
Ovidiu Caraiani (coordonator), În confruntare cu colectivismul: identitate, legitimitate și societate civilă (București, CARTEX, 2024)



Ovidiu Caraiani (born 1955), Honorary Professor of political philosophy, National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest; Honorary Research Fellow (Cardiff University), member of Academics Stand Against Poverty (Yale University), Alumnus New Europe College (Bucharest), lifetime member of Collingwood Society (Cardiff University). Member of advisory and editorial board and anonymous reviewer for Academia Letters, Public Reason (University of Bucharest), Perspectives in European Society and Politics (University of Dundee).

His major research interest in the last 25 years was the analysis of the distinction between identities and rights. He coordinated 5 international projects (New Europe College, Swansea and Cardiff Universities) and 2 research groups on Identity, Legitimacy and Civil Society, and the Reconfiguration of Modern Romanian Political Culture.

He created an international “team” of major philosophers (Alan Montefiore, Onora O’Neill, Thomas Pogge, Rex Martin, Catherine Audard and Bruce Haddock) which have published and will publish collaborative volumes in Romania, UK and US.

Publications include:

-Ovidiu Caraiani (editor), Justice or morality? A reader to John Rawls theory of justice, Springer, New York forth coming;
-Ovidiu Caraiani, Individ sau Colectivitate? Despre o dilemă istorică românească, ediția a doua revizuită, CARTEX, mai 2024, prima editie Bucureşti, Printech, 2000;
-Ovidiu Caraiani (coordonator), În confruntare cu Colectivismul: Identitate, Legitimitate și Societate Civilă, CARTEX , 2024;
-Ovidiu Caraiani (coordonator), Identități vs. Drepturi. Antologie comentată de teorie și filozofie politică contemporană, CARTEX, 2024;
-Ovidiu Caraiani, Dreptate sau moralitate? O introducere în filozofia politică a lui John Rawls, ediția a doua revizuită și adăugită, Cartex, 2023, prima ediție Bucureşti,, 2008;
-Ovidiu Caraiani (editor), Liberalismul politic al lui John Rawls, Polis, vol. 6, nr. 1, ISSN, 1999.

More information at:


Short bios:

Thomas Pogge (born 1953). He received his PhD in philosophy from Harvard University and is Leitner Professor of Philosophy and International Relations and founding director of the Global Justice Program, Yale University. He is a member of the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters, as well as a co-founder of Academics Stand Against Poverty (ASAP), an international network that aims to increase the impact that academics, professors and students have on global poverty and the incentives for global health, a team effort to develop an alternative solution to the current regime that will improve access to drug resources for the world’s poor.

His publications include:
Designing in Ethics, co-editor, Cambridge, 2017;
Global Tax Fairness, co-editor, Oxford, 2016;
Politics as usual, Polity, 2010;
World Poverty and Human Rights, Second Edition, Polity 2008;
Global Justice and Global Ethics, co-editor, Paragon House, 2008;
John Rawls: His Life and Theory of Justice, Oxford, 2007;
Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right, Oxford and UNESCO, 2007.

More information at