Historical Anthropology of Industrial Socialism in Romania

Event: Research group (in English)
Location: NEC conference hall
09 March 2020, 15:00 – 17:00
A Seminar on two recently published books: Alina-Sandra CUCU Planning Labour: Time and the Foundations of Industrial Socialism in Romania (Berghahn Books, 2019) and Adrian Grama Laboring Along: Industrial Workers and the Making of Postwar Romania (De Gruyter 2019)
Speakers: Alina CUCU, Adrian GRAMA, Ștefan GUGA
Event of The Group for Anthropological Research and Debates (GARD), supported by a grant of the Executive Unit for Financing Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation – UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P3-3.6-H2020-2016-0018, within PNCDI III.