Histoire de la corruption politique: enjeux, méthodes, questions [History of Political Corruption: Scope, Methods and Questions]

Event: Research group (in French)

Location: NEC conference hall

17.00 – 19.00

Speakers: Benjamin LANDAIS, Silvia MARTON, Frédéric MONIER, Constanța VINTILĂ-GHIȚULESCU

Meeting of the Research Group Reflections on the Political and Social History of the 18th and 19th Centuries in Romania


This seminar is part of Comparer la „corruption” politique aujourd’hui dans les nouvelles démocraties (CCPND) project financed through the cooperation between Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) and the Romanian National Authority for the Scientific Research and Innovation (ANCSI) through the Romanian Institute of Atomic Physics (IFA). This project is implemented by the University of Bucharest, in partnership with the University of Avignon and the New Bulgarian University