Figurer/penser le XIXe siècle. Savoirs, actualité, controverses
Event: Panel discussion (in French)
Location: Department of Political Sciences, (Negulescu hall) Str. Spiru Haret nr. 8, Tel: 021 314 12 68
o3 December 2011, 10.30
Round table moderated by Jordi CANAL, EHESS Paris
Participants: Vincent DUCLERT, EHESS Paris; Cristina VINTILĂ-GHIȚULESCU, „Nicolae Iorga” Institute of History of the Romanian Academy; Raluca ALEXANDRESCU, Silvia MARTON, and Florin ȚURCANU, Department of Political Sciences, University of Bucharest;
Event organized within the series of meetings of the Research Group Reflections on the Political History of the 19th Century in Romania