Fighting Pandemics in Southeast Europe: Experts, Infrastructure, and Technologies in the Long 19th Century

Event: International Conference

Location: NEC conference hall & Zoom

17-18 October 2024, 9.45-18.15 (Bucharest time)

Convener: Constantin ARDELEANU

Participants: Constantin ARDELEANU, Anna BATZELI, Octavian BUDA, Simion CÂLȚIA, Andrei EMILCIUC, Yannis GONATIDIS, Abdulhamit KIRMIZI, Cosmin KOSZOR-CODREA, Silvia MARTON, Johann NIKOLAI, Ozan OZAVCI, Emilia PLOSCEANU, Christian PROMITZER, Lidia TRĂUȘAN-MATU, Maria ZARIFI

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Meeting ID: 856 1974 7326
Passcode: 699110



Thursday, 17 October 2024

Welcome remarks

Panel I
Epidemics and Their Management in Southeast Europe
Chair: Emilia PLOSCEANU

Octavian BUDA, ‘Carol Davila’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest
Witnessing the Plague Year in Bucharest, 1813. A Comparative View on Contexts and Narratives of Suffering

Maria ZARIFI, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens
The Air of Plague: The Topoi of the Disease on the Greek Island of Poros in 1837 and the Politicization of its Combating

Anna BATZELI, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
The 1854 Cholera Outbreak in Athens and Piraeus: Management and Impact of the First Long Scale Disease Outbreak in the Newly Established Kingdom of Greece

Coffee break

Keynote presentation by
Ozan OZAVCI, Utrecht University
The End of the Beginning: The Superior Council of Health and the Lausanne Moment in the Fight against Pandemics

Lunch break

Panel 2
Doctors and the Science of Bacteriology in Southeast Europe
Chair: Silvia MARTON

Abdulhamit KIRMIZI, Marmara University, Istanbul
Ottoman Municipal Doctors Fighting Pandemics in the Balkan Provinces

Cosmin KOSZOR-CODREA, New Europe College, Bucharest
The Politics of Bacteriology: Epidemics, Medicine and Scientific Racism in Romania, 1880–1914

Emilia PLOSCEANU, Nantes University
The ‘Pastorian Revolution’ in Central and South-East Europe: ‘Middlemen’ and the Decentering of a Scientific Myth

Coffee break

Panel 3
Epidemics and Their Management in Southeast and Eastern Europe
Chair: Constantin ARDELEANU

Yannis GONATIDIS, University of Crete, Rethymno
Measures against Epidemics in the Greek State during the Long Nineteenth Century (1821-1914)

Johann NIKOLAI, Prague branch of the German Historical Institute Warsaw
Responses to the Cholera Outbreak during the Second Balkan War 1913 in Romania and Bulgaria

Andrei EMILCIUC, Institute of History, Moldova State University, Chișinău & New Europe College, Bucharest
The Bessarabian Zemstvo Fight against the Cholera Outbreak in the 1870s–1890s: Prevention and Combating Efforts and Challenges

Friday, 18 October 2024

Keynote presentation by
Christian PROMITZER, Center for Southeast-European History, Institute of History, University of Graz
The History of the International Sanitary Council in Constantinople: A German Perspective

Coffee break

Panel 4
Experts, Technology and Infrastructure in the Fight against Diseases. Cases from Romania

Lidia TRĂUȘAN-MATU, ‘Carol Davila’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy & New Europe College, Bucharest
Cholera Epidemics, Medicine, and Technology. Iacob Felix and the Management of the 1866 and 1893 Cholera Epidemics in Romania

Simion CÂLȚIA, University of Bucharest
The Bucharest Communal Laboratory as a Tool against Waterborne Diseases

Constantin ARDELEANU, New Europe College & Institute for Southeast European Studies, Bucharest
Port Infrastructure and Modern Technology in Romania’s Fight against Epidemics in Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries



City tour


This workshop is organised in the framework of the project Entangled Histories of the Danubian Quarantine System (1774–1914), Code PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-1374, supported by UEFISCDI (2022–2024) and hosted by New Europe College.