Dacian Sanctuaries, Gods and Heroes in the Romanian Music of the 1960s and 1980s

Event: Conference & piano concert
Location: NEC conference hall & Zoom
22 June 2023, 18.00-20.00 (Bucharest time)
Professor of Musicology, National University of Music Bucharest
Rector of New Europe College
The conference will be followed by a short piano concert for four hands (Valentina Sandu-Dediu & Dan Dediu), in honour of His Excellency, the Swiss Ambassador to Bucharest, Arthur Mattli.
We offer the possibility to participate online to those who, due to exceptional circumstances, cannot be present at the NEC. However, we strongly encourage you to attend the event in person and enjoy the live performance at the Institute.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 841 7194 2915
Passcode: 061894
Short abstract:
Lately, I have been preoccupied with tracing certain paths of post-war Romanian composition and musicology, in order to observe the effects of nationalism and of the ideological censorship exercised by the communist power. I am currently studying the impact of an idea promoted during Ceaușescu’s regime, namely thracology, which underpins the millennia-old antiquity of Romanians. I will look at musical works from the 1960s and 1980s that announce Dacian themes in their titles in order to examine the composers’ choices and their very different attitudes to these themes. For instance, Ștefan Niculescu’s Symphony II, Opus dacicum is a case study for further examination to see how the composer starts from the numerical proportions of the Sarmizegetusa shrine to shape his own modal system.
Short bio:
Dr. Valentina Sandu-Dediu graduated in musicology from the National University of Music Bucharest in 1990. She has been teaching at the same institution since 1993 (professor of musicology and stylistics). She wrote and edited 12 books, over 40 studies and 300 articles, see Ipostaze stilistice și simbolice ale manierismului în muzică (Stylistic and Symbolic Hypostases of Mannerism in Music, Bucharest 1995), Rumänische Musik nach 1944 (Saarbrücken, 2006); Despre stil și retorică în muzică (About Stye and Rhetoric in Music, Bucharest 2010); editor of Noi istorii ale muzicilor românești (New Histories of Romanian Musics, Bucharest, 2020). Valentina Sandu-Dediu was a fellow of Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, she is rector of New Europe College, Bucharest (since 2014), and received the Peregrinus-Stiftung Prize of Berlin-Brandenburg Akademie der Wissenschaften in 2008.