Conceptualizing Corruption: The “Old Regime” and the New Order in East-Central-South Europe (1750s-1850s)

Event: International Conference

Location: NEC conference hall & Zoom

17 June 2024, 10.00-18.00
18 June 2024, 10.00-15.30

Participants: Constantin ARDELEANU, Elena DENISOVA-SCHMIDT, Augusta DIMOU, Gábor EGRY, Boğaç ERGENE, Lucien FRARY, Niels GRÜNE, Eda GÜÇLÜ, Myrto LAMPROU, Silvia MARTON, Damjan MATKOVIC, Mihai OLARU, Mária PAKUCS, Konrad PETROVSZKY, Andrei-Dan SORESCU, Simeon SYMEONOV, Alex R. TIPEI, Constanța VINTILĂ

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Monday, June 17, 2024

Welcome remarks:
Valentina SANDU-DEDIU, Rector, New Europe College
Silvia MARTON, Principal investigator, New Europe College

Conceptualizing and (Re)defining ‘Corruption’

Chair and discussant: Silvia MARTON, New Europe College / University of Bucharest

Niels GRÜNE, Universität Innsbruck
Early Modern Corruption Contextualized: Changing Notions of Misconduct in Office in Central and Western Europe

Alex R. TIPEI, Université de Montréal / New Europe College
From Tyranny to Corruption: Shifting Cross-Continental Discourses in the Age of Greek Independence

Boğaç ERGENE, University of Vermont
Conceptualizing Corruption in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire: A Historiographic Reflection

12h30-14h00 Lunch at the NEC

(Discursive) Conflicts of ‘Corruption’

Chair and discussant: Constantin ARDELEANU, New Europe College / Institute for South-East European Studies, Bucharest

Constanța VINTILĂ, ‘Nicolae Iorga’ Institute of History, Romanian Academy, Bucharest / New Europe College
Questioning Excessive Wealth: On Abuse and Corruption in Moldavia (1800-1850)

Myrto LAMPROU, Hellenic Open University
Corruption and the Question of Non-Natives in the Greek Kingdom (1833-1862)

Augusta DIMOU, University of Leipzig / New Europe College
Legality and Legitimacy. Conceptions of Legal Order in Post-Ottoman Bosnia

16h00-16h30 Coffee break

Publicity, Morality, and ‘Corruption’

Chair and discussant: Elena DENISOVA-SCHMIDT, University of St. Gallen / Center for International Higher Education at Boston College

Konrad PETROVSZKY, Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
Scandalizing Corruption in the 18th Century Ottoman Empire – the Case of the “Famous Greek Stavrakis”

Eda GÜÇLÜ, Central European University, Vienna
Corruption and the Liberal Sentiments of Morality: Taxation and Property in Nineteenth-Century Istanbul

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Othering ‘Corruption’

Chair and discussant: Alex R. TIPEI, Université de Montréal / New Europe College

Lucien FRARY, Rider University / New Europe College
Corruption in the Ottoman Balkans: Travel Accounts during the Age of Revolutions (1770-1848)

Simeon SYMEONOV, Institute for Balkan Studies and Center of Thracology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences & American University in Bulgaria
Corruption at the Consulate: Entangled Microhistories of the Lower Danube

Andrei-Dan SORESCU, New Europe College
“A Romanian Siberia”: Emigration, Corruption, and Ethnicity in an Internal Periphery

12h00-13h30 Lunch at the NEC

Public Offices and Changing Regulatory Practices

Chair and discussant: Gábor EGRY, Institute of Political History, Budapest

Mária PAKUCS, ‘Nicolae Iorga’ Institute of History, Romanian Academy, Bucharest / New Europe College
Policeywissenschaft in the Provinces: from Local Gute Policey to Central Policeyordnungen in Habsburg Transylvania

Mihai OLARU, ‘G. Barițiu Institute of History’, Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca
Anticorruption from Above. Malfeasance, Reformism and Common Good in Late Eighteenth Century Wallachia

Damjan MATKOVIC, University of Regensburg
Formalization, Misuse and Corruption in Serbia (1838-1858)


This conference is organized within the framework of the research program Transnational histories of ‘corruption’ in Central-South-East Europe (1750-1850), funded by the European Union (ERC, TransCorr, ERC-2022-ADG no. 101098095) and hosted by the New Europe College.