A Fragile Inheritance: Radical Practice in Contemporary Indian Art

Event: Public Talk within the International Seminar on Periodization

Location: NEC conference hall

08 May 2019, 17:00 – 08:00

Saloni MATHUR, Professor of Art History at the University of California, Los Angeles

This lecture will investigate the idea of ‘inheritance’ as a mechanism of transmission and reception across generations in relation to twentieth and twenty-first century histories of art. It will explore, in particular, how contemporary artists in India have challenged naturalistic frameworks for inheritance based in the ‘arboreal’ logic of roots and the family tree.  By adopting anachronistic timelines and strange temporalities, I show how specific art practices in the postcolonial context have framed the problems of reproduction, legacy, and the mechanisms of transference in a new light.

Event supported by the Getty Foundation as part of its Connecting Art Histories initiative

Event supported by the Getty Foundation as part of its Connecting Art Histories initiative.